AI Writing AI Detector Review - Does it Work?

We reviewed Plagiarismcheck's AI Detector to find out if it was effective at identifying AI-generated text. These are our findings.

With the usage of AI content continuing to rise, it’s never been more important to have an AI content detector that you can rely on.

However, not every AI content detector is the same. While some offer excellent AI content detection capabilities, others are less effective. Review a comparison of AI detection tools in our AI detector review series.

As part of this series, we’re reviewing the AI detector offered by

In This Article

  • Learn what is
  • Discover why there is interest in tools like
  • Review our AI content detection tests with the tool and the Originality AI Checker
  • Get a final verdict on whether is a tool you can trust

What Is is a plagiarism checker that also offers users access to an AI detector. The tool is aimed at researchers seeking content originality or anyone who wants to ensure they can identify AI-generated content.

Why are people interested in

In many instances, AI content can help speed up productivity (such as by creating content briefs or helping with content marketing strategy).

However, using AI isn’t always permitted, depending on the writing contract, education guidelines, or company policies.

AI checking tools are then called upon to identify any content generated by AI to maintain integrity and content transparency.

How We Tested

We created a test incorporating multiple forms of content to see how the tool performs for specific tasks.

Step 1: For the test, we generated content using ChatGPT 3.5, a popular AI writer tool.

Step 2: For each form of content produced, we copied and pasted the exact generated result into's AI content detector and then did the same for Standard 2.0.1 AI detection model for comparison.

The three forms of content we tested were:

  • Blog Post
  • Promotional Email
  • Ebook

AI Content Sample 1: Blog Post

Prompt: "Create a blog post focused on the subject of gym training. Discuss the importance of a well-rounded training regimen and its impact on achieving fitness goals. Include a concise introduction highlighting the significance of effective gym training, followed by a bullet list of key takeaways. Then, craft a detailed article outlining the benefits of incorporating different aspects of gym training, such as strength training, cardio, flexibility, nutrition, and recovery. Use headers, numbered lists, bullet points, and concise sentences to engage readers and convey the importance of each element in a comprehensive gym routine." AI Detector — 2.0.1 Standard Score: 100% AI & 0% Human-written AI Score: 99.85% AI & 0.15% Human-written

AI Content Sample 2: Promotional Email

Prompt: "Craft an engaging promotional email highlighting our latest blog post on effective gym training. The email should spark curiosity about the content of the article and encourage readers to click through to our website. Mention key topics covered in the blog post, such as proper technique, strength training, cardio tips, and more, to pique interest and drive engagement." AI Detector — 2.0.1 Standard Score: 100% AI & 0% Human-written AI Score: 73.10% AI & 26.90% Human-written

AI Content Sample 3: Ebook

Prompt: "Create a comprehensive ebook focusing on holistic fitness and well-being, incorporating gym training essentials along with additional topics like sleep, hydration, and overall health. The ebook should be detailed, engaging, and no fewer than 2,500 words in length. Maintain a reader-friendly writing style, similar to the blog post, to provide valuable insights and actionable tips for achieving optimal fitness and wellness. This ebook will serve as a valuable lead magnet to attract and educate our audience on the importance of a balanced approach to health and fitness." AI Detector — 2.0.1 Standard Score: 100% AI & 0% Human-written AI Score: 88.01% AI & 21.99% Human-written

Findings Explained

From the results of this test,'s AI content detector did a good job of presuming the content was likely AI-generated, although it had differing levels of confidence.

With the blog post, for example, was very confident that content was AI-generated, scoring it with a 99.85% chance. However, it struggled more with the generated email.

In contrast,’s AI Checker accurately identified the AI content with each type of content tested.

Interested in learning more about the accuracy of AI detection? Read our AI detector accuracy guide, then check out a meta-analysis of third-party studies that review AI detector efficacy.

FAQs About AI Detection Tools and AI-Generated Content

Is AI free?

You can use for free for your first page of AI detection. Then, for additional detection, there are paid pricing subscription plans.

What is AI? is an AI-generated content detection software that aims to identify AI-generated text and ensure academic integrity.

How do I make AI non-detectable?

The only way to ensure your content does not identify as AI-generated text is to spend time adding your own edits and written elements to whatever you produce. By using AI sparingly and adopting a 'hybrid' approach (such as using AI for research), your content is much less likely to get flagged as AI-generated, and the output will remain high-quality and unique.

Are AI-powered writing tools ethically okay to use?

Generative AI can be beneficial in improving productivity and overcoming writer's block. However, it’s important to use AI with transparency whether you’re writing for academia, blogging, or writing copy for a brand.


My name is Graeme, a passionate writer with a strong Content Marketing background. Over the last seven years, I have developed an extensive portfolio of SEO Content writing, helping various brands improve their organic traffic, customer experience, and, ultimately, profits!

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