What does the Originality.ai’s AI detector score mean? Learn what the score means and how to use the results.
These are the questions we’ll answer:
Our AI detector provides a probability that a piece of content was AI or Original (human-generated). It returns a confidence score.
60% Original and 40% AI means the model thinks the content is Original (human-written) and is 60% confident in its prediction.
This score DOES NOT mean that 60% of it was Original and 40% was AI-generated.
If you wrote 100% of the copy yourself and you receive a 60% Original score that is not a false positive. Originality.ai’s AI detector has correctly predicted the content was human-generated with 60% confidence.
Yes, the detector has demonstrated accuracy in both internal tests and multiple 3rd party studies.
No, the tool does produce incorrect predictions. Incorrectly predicting content that was human generated as AI generated happens approximately 1% of the time.
False positives are painful when they occur, and we are working hard to continually improve and release even better models that drive down our false positive rate further.
A false positive occurs when an AI detector thinks something was AI-generated when in fact it was written by a human.
We have a free Chrome extension to assist in transparently showing you the writing process that truly created it (whether human-written or AI-generated).
We also have guidance on how to prevent and deal with false positives.
Originality.ai provides distinct models that are tuned to meet the needs of specific use cases.
The AI detection models that are currently available include:
Read more about each model here
The answer is no. A Plagiarism Checker provides hard proof that plagiarism occurred, while an AI Detector provides the probability that a piece of content was AI or human-generated. The same approach should not be taken with Plagiarism and AI detection.
Our AI takes a more holistic and far more intensive approach to analyze an article to determine if it was AI-generated than anything else we have seen.
Read our in-depth article, How Does AI Content Detection Work?, to learn more about our AI detection tool. Our AI was trained on an incredible number of the most popular LLMs including ChatGPT, Claude, and Llama, and is able to accurately identify patterns in AI content across an entire article.
Our approach is a far more intensive/accurate way to look at an article than the free AI detection tools that rely on either…
We appreciate the valid question, “Why was my article identified as AI?”
In order to help answer that question, we provide sentence-level highlighting showing what parts the Originality AI Detector believes are more likely to be AI-generated.
Note: The patterns that our AI picks up on cannot be translated into a simple list of ‘here are x reasons why your content is identified as AI-generated’.
Back in February a publisher very publicly bragged about mass publishing AI clickbait content in this Wired article. His sites have since been crushed by Google and most recently an account on Reddit that appears to be him complained about getting kicked off of his digital advertising providers platform MediaVine.