AI Writing

Scalenut Review - AI-Powered SEO

While Scalenut certainly isn’t blowing the competition out of the water with groundbreaking technology, it is definitely one of the most well-rounded tools on the market today, offering users a wide variety of options, each of which is well thought out and highly effective.

We’re back with another AI content creation tool review, this time focusing on the highly popular tool, Scalenut.

Since the popularity of AI content creation began to rise, Scalenut has been at the forefront of most conversations, and for a good reason.

The tool is simple to use and offers a wide variety of options for users, regardless of their requirements.

Here, we will look at the following:

  • What Scalenut is best for
  • How to use it effectively
  • What types of content you can generate
  • How much this tool costs
  • Key features
  • The pros and cons
  • Alternatives to Scalenut
  • Whether the content produced gets detected by
  • The final verdict on Scalenut

Scalenut Quick Review

  • Ease of use - 8/10
  • Features - 7/10
  • Customer Support - 8/10
  • Price - 9/10
  • Speed - 8/10
  • - detectable

Who is Scalenut Best For?

Content marketers

As Scalenut advertises on its home page, the AI content creation tool is designed to be “Your all-in-one content marketing app.”

And it makes sense why they have approached the market with this slogan.

Not only can you create and optimize articles, but you can also create other content, such as product descriptions, video titles, and landing page text.

SEO experts

Another attractive component of the Scalenut tool is the SEO aspect of their platform. Not only can you generate SEO-friendly content, but you can also create “keyword clusters” which is a huge part of ranking highly on Google.

Keyword clustering is where you input a keyword phrase you know is relevant to your website, and the tool will provide you with other keyword phrases that Google believe you should also be writing content for to gain topical authority.

However, it is important to note that this feature is only available on the more advanced subscriptions.

Small businesses

Finally, Scalenut is a fantastic option for anyone running a small or solo business. It ensures that content creation is much quicker, and while it won’t resonate in the same manner that a top-quality copywriter’s words would, it’s an excellent option for those short on time and who need to allocate budget to other aspects of their business.

How to Use Scalenut Effectively

One of the great features of Scalenut is that it has one of the more robust onboarding processes, one that outperforms many of it’s competitors.

Before you even make it to the home screen, you are hit with a series of questions, which Scalenut uses to understand your requirements in more detail.

These steps are a great way for the tool to get a better grasp of your specific needs and ensure the content it creates for you is more relevant to your brand.

From there, to get the best results from your efforts in Scalenut, the more detail and information you can provide, the more likely the content will suit your needs.

What Types of Content Can You Create With Scalenut?

When scrolling through the Scalenut platform, you will quickly realize that you can create several different forms of content. 

Whether you are looking to create long-form SEO-friendly articles or searching for inspiration for product descriptions, Scalenut has a wide variety of tools for you to use to generate the content you are searching for.

How Much Does It Cost?

Free - $0 Per Month

  • 2000 words
  • 2 SEO articles
  • Access to 40+ AI tools
  • Free Chrome extension

Essential - $23 Per Month

  • Everything in the Free Plan
  • 100,000 words
  • 5 SEO articles
  • SEO editor

Growth - $47 Per Month

  • Everything in the Essential Plan
  • Unlimited words
  • 30 SEO articles
  • 30 Keyword Clusters
  • 30 Audits

Pro - $89 Per Month

  • Everything in the Growth Plan
  • 75 SEO articles
  • 75 Keyword Clusters
  • 75 Audits
  • A dedicated client manager

Key Features

Article Creation 

Firstly, as you would expect from any AI content creation tool, the main feature on offer at Scalenut is article creation.

Where Scalenut differs slightly from other AI content generators is that it focuses on creating content that is SEO-friendly and focused around a specific key term.

As you can see from my fantastic highlighting skills (my artistic skills are wasted here), Scalenut writes with SEO in mind, noting that we are slightly over Google’s perfect word count for an article trying to rank for “Hoody” in Australia and that we should add five more references to the keyword term, to get it up to 25.

For SEO content, SurferSEO has long been regarded as the most accurate and reliable tool for this type of stuff, so let’s see if they also suggest similar word count and keyword frequency.

Yet more beautiful highlighting for you to behold.

Interestingly, for “hoody” content to rank in Australia, SurferSEO suggests creating content closer to 2,500 words than 1,000 words and using the keyword no less than 45 times.

Therefore, I would take Scalenut’s suggestions with a grain of sale.

Content Marketing Tools

If you work for a small company as a content marketing specialist, then you will know just how many hats you must wear daily!

Fortunately, Scalenut is here to help you.

It offers you a range of tools, that help you execute plans quickly and allow you to keep motoring your way through the rest of the jobs on your task list.

Keyword Clusters

One of the biggest selling points on offer at Scalenut is the Keyword Cluster feature.

Let’s imagine we have opened a new eCommerce brand in Australia. We want to promote our range of hoodies, and we need to try to get more organic traffic to our website to generate leads and bring in more customers.

Let’s hit start and see what it gives us.

From the report Scalenut provides, we can see some clear article opportunities, such as “Hoodie vs Sweatshirt: Which Should I Pick and Why?”

This tool is fantastic for helping you develop topical authority on a subject and ensure you have the best chance of ranking well for relevant keywords to your brand.


Another handy feature on offer at Scalenut is the Template section. Here, you can pick from various templates across multiple channels and platforms.

Let’s test out the product description feature for our made-up Hoody brand, “GoodyHoodies.” Let’s ask the tool to create us a new hoody, inputting the relevant information.

As you can see, we’ve put the brand in and offered some information on what we are trying to achieve.

This is what Scalenut sent back. It still needs quite a bit of work, but it’s a strong starting point.

Alternatives to Scalenut

When it comes to alternatives for Scalenut, there are several options available to you. For a similar product, you can try either or Anyword.

If you are searching for a different option that focuses primarily on AI SEO content and you have a slightly bigger budget, you might want to try Frase AI or SurferSEO AI.

Can Scalenut Get Detected by

Finally, let’s have a look at whether or not the content we generate in Scalenut is detectable by

Here’s our article on hoodies from earlier, ready to get tweaked and posted. Let’s see whether it’s obviously AI written.

As you can see, quickly detects this is 100% AI-generated, which means Google will do the same. It’s important to add your own spin to your content to ensure Google deems it valuable and worth ranking higher on the search engine.

Scalenut: The Final Verdict

In summary, if you are looking for a highly proficient tool that offers a wide variety of creation options, and plenty of consistent results, Scalenut is a very good option.

With the price tag matching many of its competitors, you can spend time testing out this platform to see if it suits your needs without breaking the bank.

Frequently Asked Questions About Scalenut

What does Scalenut do?

Scalenut is an AI content creation tool that focuses heavily on providing SEO support as their unique selling point.

Is Scalenut free?

Scalenut offers a free membership type that doesn’t expire. However, the volume of content you can generate is just 2,000 words per month, so you will likely need to move up to an Essential membership early on.

Why use AI for copywriting?

AI content creation can help make brainstorming much quicker and easier, and it can help provide your articles with the basic framework required before adding your own personal touch to the content.


My name is Graeme, a passionate writer with a strong Content Marketing background. Over the last seven years, I have developed an extensive portfolio of SEO Content writing, helping various brands improve their organic traffic, customer experience, and, ultimately, profits!

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