AI Writing

Originality.AI Plan Types

The world of AI Content Detection has experienced an exciting journey over the past year, and at, we've been lucky enough to be at the forefront of these groundbreaking advancements!

The world of AI Content Detection has experienced an exciting journey over the past year, and at, we've been lucky enough to be at the forefront of these groundbreaking advancements! We’re proud of the adaptations we’ve been able to make to improve our AI detection in light of these constantly changing environments. 

Key Takeaways:

  • New Features are Coming! We will continue to work to be the go-to content QA/QC tool!
  • Existing Customers will be upgraded to a Grandfathered Lifetime Plan - NOTHING changes for you and you will have access to New Features at no additional costs. 
  • Originality.AI will be adding more features and for subscribers these features will be Free
  • New customers will have the option of using either…
  1. Pay-As-You-Go
  2. Monthly Subscription

Since our launch we’ve made HUGE progress and have deployed several major releases. From enhancing detection accuracy and overcoming challenges associated with paraphrased content, adding readability, to reducing false positives and offering solutions to wrongly accused writers, we aim to provide a reliable and supportive environment for both Content Creators and Publishers. 

Because we are a platform that now caters to a huge number of individuals with different use cases, we’ve made some significant user experience changes to our platform that we are eager to share with you!

At Originality.AI, we’ve introduced three (3) distinct Plans: Grandfathered Lifetime Deal Plan (if you are a paying customer you have been upgraded to this plan!), Subscription Plans and Pay-As-You-Go Plans. We wanted to share a post about this to go over the details of each Plan type and briefly touch on why we created them with your use cases in mind. 

Grandfathered Lifetime Plans:

This Plan type is reserved for the early adopters and longtime supporters of Originality.AI. These Plan holders will continue to have access to all features available at Originality.AI. They will also have access to all new Features and Tools that get developed and deployed along the way. 

As a token of our gratitude for the ongoing support and feedback that has been provided to us along the way, we want to ensure that our early users can enjoy the full range of functionality without any limitations. If you already have a Grandfathered Lifetime Plan, you can continue using our Tool as usual with all Features intact. 

Of course, if you find yourself spending more than $14.95/month on credits, you can switch to the subscription based plan for some additional savings. If you choose to do this and then cancel your subscription at a later date, you will revert back as a Grandfathered Lifetime Plan holder. Basically- once you have this Plan type, you have it for life! 

Monthly Subscription Plans:

For consistent users who need access to Premium Features such as our API, Team Management, Full Site Scans and other more robust features, we’ve introduced our Subscription Plan. 

These Plans offer 2000 credits per month ( that reset every month on your billing date) and access to all functionality offered at Originality.AI. By subscribing to this Plan, you'll enjoy discounted credits and access to our comprehensive suite of Tools as well as access to all New Features we roll out. 

Subscription Plans are ideal for users who rely heavily and consistently on Originality.AI and want to maximize their use in a cost effective way. Here is a snapshot as to what you will have access to as a Subscription Plan Holder. 

Pay as You Go Plans:

To cater to users who use Originality.AI either occasionally or inconsistently, we have introduced the Pay-as-You-Go Plan type.

With this Plan, you will have access to a limited set of features, allowing you to utilise Originality.AI for its basic function on an adhoc basis. This Plan type is ideal for users who prefer flexibility and may not require constant access to our platform. You can pay for credits as you go, making it a cost-effective solution for occasional/inconsistent usage.

Here is a snapshot as to what you will have access to, as well as what you won’t have access to as a  Pay-as-You-Go Plan Holder. 

The decision to introduce a subscription based model with access to Premium Features was to ensure that we are able to continue building Premium Tools ( and including them for free when possible!) that aim to make publishers and writers' lives easier.

Whether you are a loyal early adopter, a sporadic user, or a consistent power user, we now have a Plan type to suit your needs. With Grandfathered Lifetime Plan, Subscription Plans and Pay-as-You Go-Plans, you can choose the level of access that aligns with your usage patterns and preferences.

We believe this change will further enhance the experience, ensuring If you have any questions or need assistance in understanding these new Plan types, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at

Stay tuned for some more VERY exciting updates as we continue to evolve Originality.AI!

Jonathan Gillham

Founder / CEO of I have been involved in the SEO and Content Marketing world for over a decade. My career started with a portfolio of content sites, recently I sold 2 content marketing agencies and I am the Co-Founder of, the leading place to buy and sell content websites. Through these experiences I understand what web publishers need when it comes to verifying content is original. I am not For or Against AI content, I think it has a place in everyones content strategy. However, I believe you as the publisher should be the one making the decision on when to use AI content. Our Originality checking tool has been built with serious web publishers in mind!

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