The Most Accurate AI Content Detector
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AI Writing Review — Does it Beat the Detectors?

We put to the test against leading AI detectors. See the results and decide if it’s a tool you need or one to avoid.

Bypass GPTZero,, or Turnitin effortlessly with truly humanized, compelling & authentic text.

We noticed that claimed to create content that bypassed the AI Detector. So, we decided to conduct a deep dive!

After all, if is going to claim that it is “the sure-fire way to humanize AI text and bypass AI detectors,” then we felt it was only right to put those bold claims to the test!

In This Article

  • A greater look at
  • How works.
  • Why there’s interest in tools like
  • Testing the tool on samples of generated text.
  • A final verdict on whether content passes AI detection.

What Is

As with other similar tools, is an AI humanizer that claims to bypass AI content detection by making your generated content sound more ‘human’.

While the tool claims to generate high-quality content that bypasses detection, we’ve found that content from AI humanizers is still detectable by the best-in-class AI Checker, such as in reviews of ShadowGPT, Rewritify, and

Why are people interested in

Due to Google's recent penalties on websites with high volumes of AI-generated content that doesn’t comply with spam policies, publishers and content marketers are now deciding whether to invest in high-quality, human-written content or take a quick shortcut like

Does It Work? The Results

To see if the tool really can generate high-quality content, we decided to review it using our own test.

The Test

Step 1: To begin, we generated AI text with ChatGPT 4o.

Step 2: We pasted that text into GPTZero, Writer, and to get our baseline scores.

Step 3: Next, we put that same content into, and got our rewritten content in return.

Step 4: Lastly, we pasted that content into the same tools, to see if there were any differences in the results.

The Results

First, we generated text with GPT-4o using this sample prompt:

"Compose an email providing clear and actionable advice on rehabilitating a neck injury. The email should briefly introduce common causes and symptoms of neck injuries, then outline practical steps for recovery, including stretches, strengthening exercises, and posture tips. Mention when to seek medical help and the benefits of physical therapy. Conclude with tips for preventing future injuries and safely returning to normal activities. Keep the tone supportive, informative, and engaging.” Score

Original content (ChatGPT-4o generated): 100% Confidence the text is Likely AI

Learn more about AI detection and its accuracy in our AI detector accuracy review. version: 98% Confidence the text is Likely AI

Try the AI Checker today!

GPTZero Score

Original content (ChatGPT-4o generated): 100% Probability the text is AI version: 10% Probability the text is AI

Writer Score

Original content (ChatGPT-4o generated): 18% AI & 82% Human-written version: 4% AI & 96% Human-written

Findings Explained

The theory that can generate human-like copy that bypasses is easily dismissed as soon as you look at the detection scores.

The AI Detector confidently detects that the ‘humanized’ content is AI-generated.

Check out our top guides to learn more about AI detection:

FAQs About AI Detection Tools and AI-Generated Content

Is the tool free?

Similar to other AI humanizers, offers users a free trial. Specifically, they offer a free 200-word trial before requiring a paid subscription for further use.

Is an effective tool that bypasses AI detection?

From our research, is not effective at bypassing the AI Detector. The AI checker was able to confidently identify both the GPT-4o generated text and the humanized version as AI.

Are AI-powered writing tools ethically okay to use?

The use of generative AI is a hotly contested subject, with some believing it should be allowed in all instances, while others claim it is not ethical at all. 

The best practice is to maintain transparency and check whether AI use is allowed at the start of a project. Additionally, publishers could include guidelines on AI use in freelance writing contracts or note how they prefer AI use to be cited.

Read more about the ethics of AI-generated content.


My name is Graeme, a passionate writer with a strong Content Marketing background. Over the last seven years, I have developed an extensive portfolio of SEO Content writing, helping various brands improve their organic traffic, customer experience, and, ultimately, profits!

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