Case Studies

How Velvet Cloud Enhances Content Quality with Originality.AI

Explore the case study of Velvet Cloud, uncovering how Originality.AI addressed challenges in content quality and originality. Discover insights for enhancing your SEO and content strategies.

Mark Valderrama is the owner of Velvet Cloud, a company operating in the SEO and content industry. While assessing the content on his websites, he and his team encountered challenges related to content quality and originality. This case study explores how Velvet Cloud addressed these issues using Originality.AI.

Client Background

Mark Valderrama, the founder of Velvet Cloud, manages content sites and YouTube channels, and is on a journey to become a prominent online influencer. His main website, Aquarium Store Depot, is currently one of the largest aquarium-based content websites on the internet. But he doesn’t just share his experience in the aquatics industry online - he is also the technical editor of both the Freshwater Aquarium for Dummies and Saltwater Aquarium for Dummies books by Wiley Publications.

The Problem

The primary challenge that Mark and Velvet Cloud faced was a decline in content quality as they hired writers, especially for their Aquarium Store Depot website. Suspecting the use of AI-generated content, they sought a solution to ensure original and engaging content.

The Solution

Mark discovered Originality.AI while searching for potential weaknesses in the quality of his content after a core update. He decided to leverage this tool to assess content originality and enhance quality, especially when vetting new writers.


Mark found that integrating Originality.AI into Velvet Cloud’s workflow was a simple process. They first used it to audit their site, and identified several pages that were failing the Originality.AI tests. So, they rewrote them until they passed, and noticed that the readability was a lot better in the process.


Originality.AI had a direct impact on Velvet Cloud's main website, Aquarium Store Depot. Mark believes that the tool contributed significantly to ensuring compliance with content quality standards and core updates, resulting in improved content and SEO performance.

Velvet Cloud now routinely uses the tool to assess submitted articles, and, when needed, asks writers to make revisions to correct any sections that may sound like AI.


Mark found Originality.AI to be a valuable resource in Velvet Cloud’s content creation process. He finds that it's an especially helpful tool for vetting new writers and maintaining content quality across their various platforms, including their YouTube channel - he doesn’t want his screenwriters to cut corners with AI, either. He highly recommends Originality.AI for ensuring authentic and high-quality content.

Mark Valderrama, Owner of Velvet Cloud and Aquarium Store Depot

“It has been a great tool for me. I even give access to my team of writers so they can check on their work. The price is very reasonable for the peace of mind”

- Mark Valderrama, Owner of Velvet Cloud and Aquarium Store Depot

Velvet Cloud Logo

Image from:

Jess Sawyer

Jess Sawyer is a seasoned writer and content marketing expert with a passion for crafting engaging and SEO-optimized content. With several years of experience in the digital marketing, Jess has honed her skills in creating content that not only captivates audiences but also ranks high on search engine results.

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