AI Writing

AISEO Review - AI Content Marketing With SEO Integration

The AISEO tool aims to distinguish itself from its competitors by focusing primarily on SEO AI content generation rather than the content marketing and different channels that other tools promote. However, while some of the tools within the platform are very insightful, and the SEO aspect is extremely interesting, the company also make some pretty bold claims, which they don’t always back up.

Things are heating up in the AI content wars, with many companies vying for the top spot as the go-to content creation platform for marketing teams.

Here, we will delve deep into the AI content tool that claims to be a “one-of-a-kind AI writing assistant that delivers undetectable, human-like content in just a few clicks.”

We’ll be the judge of that.

Here, we will look at the following:

  • What AISEO is best for
  • How to use it effectively
  • What types of content you can generate
  • How much this tool costs
  • Key features
  • The pros and cons
  • Alternatives to AISEO
  • Whether the content produced gets detected by
  • The final verdict on AISEO

AISEO Quick Review

  • Ease of use - 8/10
  • Features - 6/10
  • Customer Support - 7/10
  • Price - 9/10
  • Speed - 8/10
  • - detectable

Who is AISEO Best For?

Content marketers

AISEO can be a useful tool for content marketers, thanks to the speed that it generates content. It also allows you to generate imagery, which you can use to accompany your marketing content and share across several platforms.

Unlike other AI content creation tools such as, AISEO doesn’t provide ways to create specific content for social media or email, but the blog content you create can be easily tweaked where required.

Social media marketers

While there isn’t a specific way to create content for social media channels, you can use the article generator or instant blog generator to create content that can get adapted and use the image generation tool to create accompanying graphics for any channel.

SEO experts

Finally, the main group that AISEO is targeting are SEO experts. Where AISEO is lacking in other content generation channels, it does excel with SEO-based tools, such as the Topical Authority, Outrank Article, and Article Generator.

How to Use AISEO Effectively

If you have read any of our other AI content creation reviews, you will know just how much importance we put on the prompt detail you provide your chosen AI tool.

The less information you offer to AISEO, the more vague the content it will create. Whether it is AI-generated writing or imagery, the results will be underwhelming if you don’t spend time crafting fantastic and detailed prompts.

What Types of Content Can You Create With AISEO?

SEO-Friendly Content

First and foremost, the most attractive aspect of AISEO, and the one that helps it stand out from other AI generation tools, it the fact that it focuses primarily on generating SEO-friendly content.

For blog content generation, the tool asks for a primary keyword before offering you suggestions for the approach you should take, the ideal word count, and other secondary keywords to use, similar to tools like Frase and SurferSEO.

Long-form Content

While other AI content tools focus primarily on short-form content or even restrict how many words you can generate, AISEO takes a slightly different approach.

Instead, they champion long-form content, offering you opportunities to generate content much greater than 3,000 words with just a few clicks.


Finally, similar to some but not all AI content generation tools, AISEO offers image generation as part of each subscription package.

Pleasingly, AISEO offers three different forms of image generation, including a cover image generator, a blog image generator, and AISEO art.

How Much Does It Cost?

Grow - $15 per month*

  • 500 credits (≈ 50000 AI words)
  • 1 User
  • 30+ SEO documents
  • Paraphrase with one click, including all modes
  • Access to copywriting templates
  • Unlimited custom templates
  • 1-click blog generator
  • Automatic image generation for blogs
  • Bypass AI detection
  • Generation in 26 languages

*For art generation only; you pay $7 per month

Scale - $29 per month*

  • Everything available in Grow
  • Price lock forever
  • Unlimited credits

*For art generation only; you pay $15 per month

Team - $69 per month

  • Everything available in Grow
  • Price lock forever
  • 4 Users

Key Features

Long Form Assistant

Alongside promoting plenty of SEO options on the platform, AISEO is also a big fan of longer-form content.

Where other tools limit how many words you can produce per article or begin to repeat phrases they have already used as content pieces get longer, AISEO offers a very strong long form too.

With the long-form assistant, you can either create long pieces of content from scratch or elaborate further on content already created.

This tool is ideal if you need to make content longer to meet the suggested word count for SEO purposes.

Command Mode

Within command mode, users can explain what they are looking to create and provide further information about the main points that AISEO should cover.

If you work in content marketing, this is the tool you would use to try and generate email or social media content for your brand.

Let’s give it a try by promoting a new juice flavour for our fake juice brand.

Here’s our brief, and here’s what AISEO provided us with:

Not a bad template to work from! We still need to include a proper CTA button and links, but the email is well structured, the subject lines are varied, and there is plenty to work with.

Instant Blog Generator

Another key feature on offer within AISEO is the instant blog generator, which allows you to create content with SEO at the forefront of each topic.

Let’s test out an example. Imagine we are running a health and well-being company, and we want to produce an article that ranks highly in Google to bring more traffic to our website.

To start, AISEO asks us to input our header, keyword, and description. Once complete, AISEO generates an SEO checklist, which you can check before generating your content.

Once you are happy, you can hit generate, and AISEO will create an article for you that meets those criteria.

Sounds perfect, right?

Well, rather than simply taking it at face value, I wanted to delve a little deeper into the SEO aspect behind this blog. To do this, I decided to compare the outline to what SurferSEO tells us to include to rank on Google. 

SurferSEO is widely regarded as the market leader in SEO content, so if the numbers match up, we will know AISEO is the real deal.

I also wanted to check AISEO’s estimations surrounding keyword difficulty and search volume, which I did by using the industry leader in this area, AHREFS.

Here’s what we found:

As you can see, there are some significant differences in the data. While AHREFs estimates a similar search volume to AISEO, it does think that it is twice as difficult to rank for this keyword, giving you a 50% less chance of ranking on the first page.

But the real differences are when we look at the SurferSEO results. SurferSEO suggests the article should be 1,000 words less than AISEO estimates and offers plenty more secondary keyword suggestions, none of which match the one provided by AISEO.

This would suggest that while the AISEO tool certainly offers useful insight, it has someway to go to match the current industry leaders.

Content Paraphraser

Another feature on offer within AISEO is the content paraphraser. As the name suggests, this tool allows you to paraphrase existing content, change the fluency, shorten, expand, or even simplify content.

Not only that, but you can also paraphrase across different languages, turning other languages into English and vice versa.

Readability Improver

The AISEO tool also works directly with Hemmingway Editor, allowing you to make your content more readable.

Readability is a major factor in how Google ranks content, so this tool fits perfectly into AISEO’s positioning in the market.

As you can see, the tool uses Hemmingway Editor to identify complex sentences, and instead of making the changes yourself manually, which can take up lots of time, you can hit the “Improve” button, and AISEO will make the changes for you.

Bypass AI Detection

One of the biggest selling points of AISEO is the fact it offers you a tool to bypass AI detection. To do this, you input your content into the tool and then hit the “Humanize” button for it to be turned into content that is undetectable by AI.

But does the tool really work?

Keep reading, and you will find out before the end of this article…

Topical Authority

Over the last couple of years, topical authority has become one of the biggest factors that influence your ranking on Google.

By creating content across several keywords from the same topic, Google will determine your site as a reputable source of information and will therefore increase your ranking.

The AISEO topical authority tool aims to identify the keywords you should target to give yourself the best chance of gaining topical authority on a subject. 

However, when we went to test this tool, it didn’t seem to be working.

Outrank Article

One very interesting feature AISEO offers is its Outrank tool. Here, you can take the URL of the top-ranking article for your keyword, put that information into AISEO, and the tool claims it will write you content that will outrank your competition.

While this is a very clever idea, the wording around this tool is very misreading. While it might generate a more SEO-friendly article (it also might not), this factor alone is not what makes content rank.

You also have to factor in domain reputation, topical authority, backlinks, and other essential SEO aspects. This feature feels as though the terminology used is trying to tempt people to purchase the tool who don't have an in-depth understanding of SEO and everything that goes into it.

Generate Blog Images

No blog is complete without including relevant imagery. 

However, there are only so many stock images you can use before you’ve exhausted the content related to your brand, and often this imagery only loosely relates to your topic.

AISEO aims to rectify this by providing you with a tool where specific imagery is produced based on a blog’s URL.

Cover Image Generator

When creating content for social media channels or similar locations, finding inspiration for accompanying imagery can often be very tricky and time-consuming.

AISEO try to save you time and effort using the cover image generator. As with all AI image generation at the moment, it still leaves something to be desired, but with the right prompts, you can create some great content you can use across your channels.

Content Repurposer

Just as the Google algorithm is constantly changing and updating, so too should your content.

Content that may have ranked well 5 years ago, might now be suffering on the third or fourth page of Google.

AISEO clearly understand the inner workings of SEO, as they offer a tool that specifically allows you to repurpose content, making blogs you’ve already written more SEO friendly in 2023.

AI Art Generator

If blog imagery isn’t what you are after, but you are interested in AI’s capability to create imagery, AISEO has an AI art generator tool you can try.

It is unclear how this feature is related to the rest of the SEO offering, but it is always a bonus when AI content tools provide both text and imagery options to choose from.


Finally, AISEO provides 30+ templates for you to work from, giving you the starting platform you need to kickstart your content.

This section is a nice addition and goes someway to make up for the fact that there aren’t specific features for generating social media posts, product descriptions, and other channel content.

Alternatives to AISEO

When it comes to alternatives to AISEO, it depends entirely on your requirements. If you use AISEO for the blog and art generation tools, you should consider MidJourney an excellent alternative.

MidJourney is the current industry leader in AI image generation and will offer the best possible results for your money.

If you are searching for an SEO alternative, SurferSEO is the industry leader and has also recently released its own AI content creation tool that creates SEO-friendly content. However, there has been some backlash for this tool already, given the eye-watering high price tag.

Finally, if budget is an issue, you can use free SEO tools such as Google Keyword Finder, and then create content using tools like ChatGPT. While you may not get the same SEO results, you will save a significant amount of money.

Can AISEO Get Detected by

Now let’s move on to the moment you’re likely most interested in.

Can AISEO get detected by

After all, one of the main selling points they have across their marketing is that you can generate undetectable content in AI detectors.

Let’s refer back to our health and well-being example from earlier in this review:

Currently, that content gets flagged as 100% AI-generated in our tool.

But what about when we run it through the AISEO “Bypass AI” tool? If their claims are true, this percentage should change.

As you can see, even with the Bypass AI tool, it is no match for the detection tool. This should act as a reminder that for content that looks human-written, the best option is always to get a human to write it!

AISEO: The Final Verdict

As you can see, if AISEO is able to achieve everything it suggests, then it could be one of the top AI content-generation tools in the market. If you can use AISEO to generate SEO-friendly content quickly that isn’t detected by AI detection software.

However, as we have seen in this review, AISEO isn’t quite up to scratch with the current market-leading SEO tools, and it couldn’t make it past the detection tool.

While AISEO has plenty of excellent tools, it may be worth avoiding this tool until it either backs up its claims or makes them more fitting to the offering they provide.

Frequently Asked Questions About AISEO

What does AISEO do?

AISEO focuses on offering marketers the chance to generate content that is SEO-friendly while also providing accompanying image-generation options.

Is AISEO free?

AISEO does allow users to navigate the platform at no cost, but you cannot try out any of the features without purchasing a plan.

Why use AI for copywriting?

AI content creation can make creating outlines and executing research much quicker and offer a solid foundation for you to write, which can speed up content creation and make your article more accurate.


My name is Graeme, a passionate writer with a strong Content Marketing background. Over the last seven years, I have developed an extensive portfolio of SEO Content writing, helping various brands improve their organic traffic, customer experience, and, ultimately, profits!

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