AI Studies

A Comprehensive List of AI Tools

We curated a complete and dynamic List of AI Tools across 25 categories, such as AI Video Generators, AI Image Generators, and AI Audio Generators. View the list to conveniently explore a variety of innovative AI tools.

We researched the top AI tool directories and curated a complete and dynamic List of AI Tools. The list combines AI tools for various tasks across 25 categories, such as AI Video Generators, AI Image Generators, and AI Audio Generators. 

For each category in this Airtable, we curated a full, detailed list of tools with unique features

This list is a convenient reference point for users to filter by category to find the AI tools that best suit their needs. It will remain updated as new tools and categories are developed.  

View the list below for a one-stop destination to explore a variety of innovative AI tools.

Features Overview 

AI Tool Name

This column lists the name of the AI tool, such as its branding or title.

AI Tool Category

This column categorizes the AI tool based on its primary function or application area — the table has 25 categories. The categorization is intended to help readers quickly identify the tool's primary use case.

For insight into each of these categories, see the AI Tools Category Overview below.


This column provides the direct URL to the AI tool's website or main page.

Last Updated

This column shows the date when the information about the AI tool was last updated in the Airtable.

AI Tools Category Overview

  1. AI Search Engines: Tools that leverage AI to provide smarter and more efficient search results.
  2. AI Translators: Applications that use AI to translate text or speech from one language to another.
  3. AI Websites & Design Builders: AI tools that assist in building and designing websites.
  4. AI Video Generators: Tools that use AI to create and edit video content.
  5. AI Image Generators: AI applications for generating art and editing images.
  6. AI Audio Generators: AI Audio Generators include tools that generate synthetic speech and various types of audio content. These applications leverage AI to create realistic voiceovers, sound effects, and other audio elements,
  7. AI Logo Generators: AI tools designed to create logos and branding assets.
  8. AI Music Generators: Applications that generate music or assist in music production using AI.
  9. AI Social Media Content Generators: Tools that create content specifically for social media platforms.
  10. AI Code Assistants: AI applications that help write, debug, and optimize code.
  11. AI Chat & Assistant: AI chatbots and virtual assistants.
  12. AI Email Assistant: Tools that assist in managing and automating email tasks.
  13. AI Travel Assistant: AI applications that assist with travel planning and logistics.
  14. AI LLM Models: Large language models that are designed to understand and generate human-like text, used for a wide range of applications, including chatbots, content creation, and more.
  15. AI Spreadsheet & PDF Assistants: Applications that assist in managing and editing spreadsheets and PDFs using AI.
  16. AI Personal Assistant/Life Assistant: AI tools that help manage daily tasks and personal life.
  17. AI Legal assistant: Applications that assist with legal research, documentation, and other legal tasks using AI.
  18. AI Productivity tools: Tools designed to enhance productivity using AI.
  19. AI Presentation Makers: AI applications that help create and enhance presentations.
  20. AI Writing & Web SEO: AI writing tools that assist with writing content and optimizing it for search engines using AI.
  21. AI Data & Analytics Tools: Applications that use AI to analyze and visualize data.
  22. AI Transcribers: Tools that convert speech into text using AI.
  23. AI Summarizers: Applications that use AI to summarize lengthy texts or documents.
  24. AI Games: AI-powered games or tools for creating and enhancing games.
  25. AI Detectors: Tools that detect various elements, such as plagiarism or fake news using AI.

How to Filter the AI Tools List Table by Category

Example: filtering for AI Audio Generators

To filter and view only AI Audio Generators, follow these four steps:

  1. Click on the ‘Filter’ menu at the top left corner. 
  2. Then, click ‘Add condition
  3. Next to ‘Where,’ select the column you want to filter by — ‘Category,’ in this case.
  4. From the ‘select an option’ menu, select the category you want to filter either by typing or scrolling down to find it. 

That’s it; now you have all of the AI Audio Generators in a convenient list. You can download these as a CSV or check this table regularly for updates. 

Sources and Methodology


The data for our comprehensive list of AI tools was collected from several reputable AI tool directories. The primary sources used for data collection include:


Both automated data gathering and meticulous manual browsing and verification were used to curate our comprehensive list. Here are the steps we took to compile our AI tools list.

Data Collection: Data was collected from the above-mentioned directories, which are known for their comprehensive and up-to-date listings of AI tools. 

Manual Verification: After initial data collection, each entry was manually verified to ensure accuracy. This step included checking the tool's name, URL, and category. Any duplicates found during this process were removed, with preference given to keeping the older records.

Data Consolidation: The verified data was then consolidated into a single CSV file, ensuring that all entries were unique and correctly categorized. Each entry was appended with a "Last Updated" date in ISO format to keep track of when the data was last verified or updated.

Upload to Airtable: Finally, the consolidated data was uploaded to our Airtable database. This allows for easy access, management, and regular updates on our end to ensure our readers always have the most current information available with the ease of filtering.

Jonathan Gillham

Founder / CEO of I have been involved in the SEO and Content Marketing world for over a decade. My career started with a portfolio of content sites, recently I sold 2 content marketing agencies and I am the Co-Founder of, the leading place to buy and sell content websites. Through these experiences I understand what web publishers need when it comes to verifying content is original. I am not For or Against AI content, I think it has a place in everyones content strategy. However, I believe you as the publisher should be the one making the decision on when to use AI content. Our Originality checking tool has been built with serious web publishers in mind!

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