AI Studies

OpenAI Partnerships List

A comprehensive overview and reference of partnerships with OpenAI including cutting-edge tech companies, global news outlets, and universities.

We looked at all OpenAI partnerships and curated a list of them below. This list will remain updated as an easy-to-reference location for all upcoming OpenAI partnerships from newest to oldest.

Breaking News: OpenAI and Apple Announce Partnership

On June 10th, 2024, OpenAI and Apple announced their partnership and the upcoming release of Apple Intelligence at the Worldwide Developers Conference. 

Apple will leverage ChatGPT across iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Apple’s Writing Tools, and Siri to create a seamless AI integration for users. 

As Gizmodo anticipated when news of a potential partnership emerged last week, ChatGPT’s integration with Siri is a highlight of the collaboration. When you ask Siri a question, Siri will ask if you want to opt in to use ChatGPT to process an answer. Then, Siri will share the answer processed by ChatGPT with you.

Anticipated Features:

  • Content Production: ChatGPT will streamline text and image creation within Apple’s Writing Tools.
  • AI-Driven Virtual Assistance: ChatGPT is expected to enhance Siri, enabling users to get immediate answers to their questions from ChatGPT and take action with users’ content in more apps (with the option to selectively opt-in).
  • Data Privacy: Users can optionally link their ChatGPT accounts. OpenAI won’t store IP addresses or query information from Siri or Apple’s Writing Tools.

OpenAI notes that the integration of ChatGPT with iOS, iPadOS, and macOS is expected later in 2024.

As details on this and new partnerships are released, we’ll update this article with the latest news.

OpenAI List of Partnerships (Airtable)

TIME Partnership

Partnership Overview:

On June 27th, 2024, OpenAI announced a TIME partnership. According to TIME, the partnership will span multiple years. Through the partnership, OpenAI will receive access to TIME’s immense 101 years of archive content. 

Integration Details:

  • Deliver Trusted News: When users process an inquiry, ChatGPT will include a link that cites the article on TIME. The aim is to expand access to journalism while maintaining journalistic integrity with proper attribution.
  • Data Access: OpenAI will get access to 101 years of archival TIME content to “enhance its products and display in response to user inquiries.”

Announced on: June 27th, 2024

Link to Announcement: TIME and OpenAI

Vox Media Partnership

Partnership Overview:

Vox Media leverages OpenAI’s AI capabilities to enhance content creation and audience engagement. OpenAI benefits from Vox Media’s diverse and rich content to refine and improve its AI technology. 

Integration Details:

  • Content Creation Enhancement: Enhance journalism, storytelling, and commentary by integrating across Vox Media Platforms. 
  • Interactive Content Formats: Develop innovative interactive content that leverages AI to increase engagement.
  • Editorial Assistance: AI tools integrated into Vox Media's editorial workflows.
  • Product Innovation: AI-powered Personalized content recommendations. 

Announced on: May 29, 2024

Link to announcement: Vox Media and OpenAI

World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) Partnership

Partnership Overview

OpenAI and WAN-IFRA collaborate to launch the Newsroom AI catalyst, which is a global accelerator program. WAN-IFRA leverages OpenAI’s generative AI to enhance their newsroom operations and content quality. OpenAI gets access to diverse news publishers to improve its AI models and market reach. 

Integration Details:

  • Accelerator Program: The program will assist over 100 news publishers worldwide to explore and integrate AI into their newsrooms to enhance content creation, analysis, user experience, and engagement. Participants undergo a three-month program including learning modules, workshops, mini hackathons, and showcase events to equip them with knowledge and tools to derive AI innovation. 
  • Data Access: OpenAI gets access to a wide range of data from news publishers to train and improve its AI models. They also gain real-world experience and feedback for their application of AI in newsrooms. 

Announced on: May 29, 2024

Link to announcement: WAN-IFRA and OpenAI Launch Global AI Accelerator

The Atlantic Partnership

Partnership Overview: 

The Atlantic leverages OpenAI’s AI tools to enhance its content creation to be more engaging and personalized. OpenAI gets access to high-quality material to train its models. 

Integration Details:

  • Content and Product Enhancement: Enhance The Atlantic’s content creation, leveraging AI to create more engaging and personalized content.
  • AI-Driven Content Tools: Collaboratively develop new AI tools to enhance the overall reader experience and engagement. 
  • Enhanced Storytelling: OpenAI’s Models will be integrated in the editorial process to assist journalists and writers, and provide real-time feedback.
  • ChatGPT Results: Users will get accurate and reliable information (with links) from The Atlantic’s articles.

Announced on: May 29, 2024

Link to announcement: The Atlantic Press Release 

News Corp Partnership

Partnership Overview: 

News Corp leverages the partnership to display its premium content through OpenAI’s tools, thus expanding its reach. OpenAI gets access to premium content material to train its models.

Integration Details:

  • Content Access: OpenAI gains access to a large list of current and archived content (The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, MarketWatch, and Investor’s Business Daily).
  • Journalistic Expertise: Together, they ensure high-quality information and the highest standards of journalism. 
  • Enhancing AI Products: Models train on News Corps content and enhance OpenAI’s products. 

“Our partnership with News Corp is a proud moment for journalism and technology,” said Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI.

Announced on: May 22, 2024

Link to announcement:

Global partnership with News Corp, OpenAI and Wall Street Journal

Sanofi & Formation Bio Partnership

Partnership Overview: 

Sanofi & Formation Bio and OpenAI collaborate to develop AI software to accelerate drug development. OpenAI gets access to proprietary pharmaceutical data to train and improve its AI models. 

Integration Details:

  • Specialized data: OpenAI gets access to proprietary pharmaceutical data from Sanofi to train its AI models. 
  • Collaboration: With Sanofi’s pharmaceutical expertise, OpenAI’s advanced AI, and Formation Bio lending its engineering resources and tech-driven development platform, they develop cutting-edge AI agents and models tailored for various Pharma needs. 
  • Data, Resource Sharing, and Operations: OpenAI leverages its expertise in fine-tuning models. Operationalize LLM to streamline R&D processes, initial drug design to clinical trial optimization to reduce cost and timeframes. 

Announced on: May 21, 2024

Link to announcement: Sanofi-OpenAI-Formation Bio partnership, Sanofi, Formation Bio, and OpenAI

Reddit Partnership

Partnership Overview: 

Reddit leverages its OpenAI partnership to improve its platform moderation, user features, and experience. OpenAI gains access to Reddit’s comprehensive user-generated content to train and improve its AI technology. 

Integration Details:

  • Data Access: OpenAI gets access to real-time, structured, and unique content from Reddit's API to train and improve its AI models. 
  • Enhance Content Moderation: Reddit to leverage OpenAI tools to improve its moderation, platform, and user experience. 
  • Enhance User Experience: AI-driven features to drive personalized content recommendations and enhanced search capabilities.

“We are thrilled to partner with Reddit to enhance ChatGPT with uniquely timely and relevant information, and to explore the possibilities to enrich the Reddit experience with AI-powered features.”  -Brad Lightcap, OpenAI COO 

Announced on: May 16, 2024

Link to announcement: OpenAI and Reddit Partnership

Dotdash Meredith Partnership

Partnership Overview: 

Dotdash Meredith (DDM) integrates OpenAI technology to enhance its content accuracy, user engagement, and experience. OpenAI benefits from DDM’s wide range of digital content to train and improve its models. 

Integration Details:

  • Content Licensing: OpenAI gains access to an extensive content library from 40 iconic brands (eg. PEOPLE, Better Homes & Gardens, FOOD & WINE, and Verywell) to train its models.
  • Enhanced Ad Targeting: Direct integrated OpenAI models into DDM’s platform (D/Cipher) to improve targeted ads based on contextual knowledge, and not just cookies.
  • Enhanced AI Content: Improved ChatGPT responses to users from DDM’s extensive library content.

Announced on: May 7, 2024

Link to announcement: Dotdash Meredith Strategic Partnership with OpenAI 

Stack Overflow Partnership

Partnership Overview: 

Stackoverflow uses OpenAI to improve its developers’ and programming queries’ capabilities. OpenAI gains access to extensive programming data to train its models and refine their capabilities.

Integration Details:

  • Knowledge Integration: OpenAI gains access to 15 years of curated technical knowledge from OverflowAPI to train its AI models. 
  • Mutual Enhancement: Stackoverflow uses OpenAI models to create OverflowAI, and OpenAI provides more accurate responses.
  • End User Experience: Improve developer experience on both platforms, vetted coding solutions, and enhanced search. 

Announced on: May 6, 2024

Link to announcement: Stack Overflow and OpenAI Partner

Financial Times Partnership

Partnership Overview: 

Financial Times utilizes OpenAI’s tools to enhance productivity and creativity for its content creation. OpenAI benefits from FT’s high-quality content to train and improve its AI models. 

Integration Details:

  • Content Integration: OpenAI will integrate FT content like summaries, direct quotes, expert analytics to enhances GPT’s response accuracy and credibility.
  • AI Features Co-Development: Joint efforts to create new AI tools for digital news consumption.
  • Enhanced Content Quality: Award-winning FT journalism provides GPT users high-quality content, well-researched and up-to-date information.
  • Staff Empowerment: Enterprise access to FT staff to use OpenAI to improve on many tasks. Advanced data mining, trend analysis, and automated content summarization.

Announced on: April 29, 2024

Link to announcement: FT partnership with OpenAI

Le Monde Partnership

Partnership Overview: 

Le Monde uses OpenAI’s AI to improve its content creation quality and expand its reach. OpenAI gets access to French content to train its models. 

Integration Details:

  • Content Licensing: OpenAI gets access to Le Monde’s content to train its models. Improved high-quality verified news articles.
  • New Summaries: GPT users can now get summaries and links to original articles directly, allowing Le Monde to expand its user reach 

“In partnership with Le Monde and Prisa Media, our goal is to enable ChatGPT users around the world to connect with the news in new ways that are interactive and insightful.” - Brad Lightcap, COO of OpenAI

Announced on: March 13, 2024

Link to announcement: Global news partnerships

Prisa Media Partnership

Partnership Overview: 

Prisa Media leverages OpenAI’s AI to improve its content creation quality and expand its reach. OpenAI gets access to Spanish content to train its models. 

Integration Details:

  • Content Licensing: OpenAI gets access to Prisa Media’s publications, such as El País, Cinco Días, and AS, to train and improve its models.
  • News Summaries: GPT users now get summaries and links to original articles.

Announced on: March 13, 2024

Link to announcement: Global news partnerships

Figure Partnership

Partnership Overview: 

Figure, the humanoid robot building company, collaborates with OpenAI to create specialized AI models for humanoid robots and leverages OpenAI generative AI tools. OpenAI benefits from real-world testing and applications for its models. 

Integration Details:

  • Specialized AI Models: Directly integrate and leverage OpenAI technologies like GPT language models, DALL-E, and SORA for image and video to enhance robots’ abilities to process and reason. 
  • Commercial Deployment: Accelerate humanoid robot commercial deployment in practical applications. For example, BMW’s manufacturing plant is to assist with challenging/undesirable current human tasks. 
  • Funding: Figure raised $675 million in Series B funding with contributions from major investors (OpenAI Startup Fund, Microsoft, NVIDIA, and Jeff Bezos).

Announced on: February 29, 2024

Link to announcement: Figure partners with OpenAI

Arizona State University Partnership

Partnership Overview:

Arizona State University integrates OpenAI enterprise into various aspects of higher education to improve, streamline, and learn. OpenAI gains valuable educational data and academic partners. 

Integration Details:

  • Enterprise Access: ASU is the first higher education institution to gain full access to ChatGPT Enterprise. 
  • Areas of Focus: The three main areas of focus are enhancing student success, pioneering innovative research, and streamlining systems and processes.
  • Education Integration: Faculty and staff will use ChatGPT Enterprise to improve all aspects of education. 
  • Innovation Challenge: In February 2024, ASU launched the “AI Innovation Challenge” for faculty and staff to integrate and learn more about Chatgpt Enterprise. It was a success, and round two happened in March 2025.

Announced on: January 18, 2024

Link to announcement: ASU collaboration with OpenAI

Axel Springer Partnership

Partnership Overview:

Axel Springer leverages OpenAI for real-time news integration, authoritative content, and reach. OpenAI gets access to Springer's diverse media content to train its AI models.

Integration Details:

  • Content Integration: OpenAI gets access to Axel Springer’s diverse content sets (reports, news articles, magazines and multimedia) to train and improve its models to provide well-informed reliable content. 
  • AI Enhanced Journalism: Collaboration aims to enhance journalistic practices and editorial workflows. This includes and is not limited to improved data analysis for journalists, automating tasks to improve output, and personalized recommendations.
  • Platform Integration: OpenAI’s technology integrated directly into Axel Springer's digital platform, providing features such as AI-generated summaries, analysis, and easier access to relevant articles to improve user experience.
  • Enterprise Utility: Axel Springer utilizes ChatGPT Enterprise tools to enhance productivity and creativity in journalism.

Announced on: December 13, 2023

Link to announcement: Axel Springer & OpenAI partner 

G42 Partnership

Partnership Overview: 

G42 leverages the partnership with OpenAI to deploy specialized AI capabilities optimized for the UAE. OpenAI benefits from G42’s AI infrastructure and regional expertise. 

Integration Details:

  • Data Access: OpenAI gets access to diverse and specialized industry operations data in the UAE region (financial services, energy, healthcare, public services).
  • New Market Expansion: Increase OpenAI’s global reach into the Middle Eastern market. 
  • Regional AI solutions: G42 leverages openAI’s generative models in its own domain expertise areas like financial services, energy, healthcare, and public services to produce tailored solutions to meet the UAE and middle eastern region. 

Announced on: October 18, 2023

Link to announcement: G42 and OpenAI launch partnership

Upwork Partnership

Partnership Overview: 

Upwork launches the “OpenAI Experts on Upwork” program to connect businesses with skilled professionals in OpenAI technologies. OpenAI leverages access to a large platform to deploy, manage, and train its AI models. 

Integration Details:

  • Platform Access: OpenAI leverages platform access to connect its customers with highly skilled professionals who can effectively use and manage OpenAI technologies. 
  • Access to AI Experts: Upwork leverages the program to provide businesses direct access to independent professionals at OpenAI and in demand skills to grow its business. 

Announced on: July 31, 2023

Link to announcement: Upwork and OpenAI Partner

American Journalism Project Partnership

Partnership Overview: 

The partnership aims to support local news organizations in exploring and integrating AI. OpenAI benefits from real-world applications and feedback to improve its models and systems. AJP benefits from leveraging AI tools and funding to enhance journalism.

Integration Details:

  • Data Access: OpenAI gets and leverages access to various local news data to train and improve its AI models. 
  • AI-Powered Studio: AJP developed a studio to integrate and implement AI in the local news sector. The studio will document and share best practices across their portfolio. 
  • Pilot Investments: AJP provides grants to top organizations in its portfolio to explore and pilot AI applications. These examples are great for the local news sector as they aim to set practical examples of what worked and what didn’t.

Announced on: July 18, 2023

Link to announcement: American Journalism Project announces new partnership with OpenAI

AP (Associated Press) Partnership

Partnership Overview: 

AP uses OpenAI’s tools to enhance news products and services. OpenAI utilizes AP’s new archive to train and refine its AI models. 

Integration Details:

  • Content Access: OpenAI gets access to AP’s comprehensive archive, dating back to 1985, to train its models and produce high-quality responses for its users.
  • AI Technology Integration: AP integrates OpenAI tools to enhance its processes efficiency (writing corporate reports, sporting events recaps, and search and translations). 
  • AI Search Capabilities: AP has an AI-enabled tool on its platform for users to make precise linguistic queries. With OpenAI’s expertise in language model integrations this collaboration will improve the overall search performance and experience for AP’s Clients. 

Announced on: July 13, 2023

Link to announcement: OpenAI signs deal with AP 

Shutterstock Partnership

Partnership Overview: 

Shutterstock integrates its platform with OpenAI’s AI-generated images and videos. OpenAI gets access to Shutterstock’s large media collection to train and improve its AI models. 

Integration Details:

  • Content Access: OpenAI gets access to Shutterstock’s comprehensive media collection (images, videos, music, metadata) with high-quality data to train its generative models. 
  • AI technology Integration: Shutterstock gets priority access to the latest OpenAI tech. DALL·E (text to image generation) directly integrated into Shutterstock’s platforms, significantly enhancing user experience (desktop and mobile).

Announced on: July 11, 2023

Link to announcement: Shutterstock Expands Partnership with OpenAI

Consensus Partnership

Partnership Overview: 

Consensus integration with OpenAI’s GPT-4 enhances their data analytics and scientific research capabilities. OpenAI gets access to large scientific datasets to train and improve its models. 

Integration Details:

  • Data Access: OpenAI gets access to large datasets of academic research papers spanning various disciplines to improve and train its AI models (Over 200 million academic papers)
  • Enhance Research and Data Analytics: Consensus leverages GPT-4 to enhance its operations, summarize large volumes of scientific research, enhance search capabilities, advance filtering, research paper analysis, detailed concept extraction, and more. 

Announced on: April 21, 2023

Link to announcement: Consensus raises $3M, partners with OpenAI

Atlassian Partnership

Partnership Overview: 

Atlassian integrates OpenAI’s AI with its AI models to create the Atlassian Intelligence platform. OpenAI gets exposure to a large user base helping with increased reach, as well as model training and refining. 

Integration Details:

  • AI-Driven Integration: Atlassian integrates OpenAI’s generative models into a suite of tools (Atlassian Intelligence) to enhance and automate various aspects of its workflows. 
  • AI-Powered Teammate: Atlassian Intelligence helps teams create, summarize, extract information from content, and leverages 20 years of data to enhance project workflows and delivery. 
  • Data Privacy and Security: Atlassian says customer data processed by its intelligence platform is secure, OpenAI doesn’t retain or use customer data to train its models, and all data requests are encrypted. 

Announced on: April 19, 2023

Link to announcement: Atlassian taps OpenAI to make its collaboration

Neo Accelerator Partnership 

Partnership Overview: 

The partnership is intended to support AI-focused startups by providing mentorships, technical support, and funding. OpenAI gets access to emerging AI talent, and Neo startup benefit from advanced cloud and AI model infrastructures.

Integration Details:

  • Startup Collaboration: The collaboration with OpenAI and Microsoft provides startups with funding, cutting-edge AI models, cloud infrastructure and the technical support needed to advance their products. 
  • Mentorship: Startup AI talent receive real-world mentorship from experts in the industry to support their development, leverage expertise and resources to enhance their products and services
  • Talent and Feedback: OpenAI and Microsoft get access to emerging AI talent with early emerging ideas that can be leveraged into their products and services.

Announced on: March 27, 2023

Link to announcement: AI startup accelerator Neo

Icelandic Government and Miðeind ehf 

Partnership Overview: 

The Icelandic Government uses OpenAI’s AI to preserve and promote its language and improve various government operations. OpenAI benefits from unique language datasets and expanded reach. 

Integration Details:

  • Language Preservation: Miðeind ehf, a language technology company, curated Icelandic language datasets to increase the proficiency of GPT models. This is part of a broad effort to preserve and promote Icelandic languages using AI.
  • Training AI Models: Fine-tuning GPTs to generate and understand Icelandic language content. 
  • Broad applications: Enhanced LLM to be deployed in various government services. 

Announced on: March 15, 2023

Link to announcement: Iceland is using GPT-4 to preserve its language, Icelandic Language, Icelandic Developed As A Language Model

Stripe Partnership

Partnership Overview: 

Stripe collaborates with OpenAI to enhance workflow and user experience. OpenAI uses Stripe to grow its global payments network efficiently.

Integration Details:

  • Monetizing OpenAI Products: OpenAI uses Stripe to handle payments for its flagship products. Stripe supports OpenAI with recurring billing and checkout, tax compliance, automating financial operations, allowing it to build a large global payments network fast. 
  • GPT Integration: Stripe integrates OpenAI’s technology into its products to enhance workflow, performance, user experience, and combat fraud. 

Announced on: March 15, 2023

Link to announcement: Stripe and OpenAI Collaborate

Salesforce Partnership

Partnership Overview: 

Salesforce integrates OpenAI’s technology into its platform and leverages it to improve its products and services. OpenAI gains great insight into testing and deploying enterprise models as well as extensive customer and operational data to train its models. 

Integration Details:

  • AI-Powered Integration: Salesforce integrated OpenAI’s generative AI into its CRM platform (Einstein GPT). This leverages generative AI in sales, services, marketing, commerce, and IT while maintaining data privacy and security. 
  • Monetization of AI Products: Using the CRM platform integration, OpenAI leverages it to commercialize its flagship products. 
  • Collaborative Development: The close collaboration with one of the leading CRM platforms provides great insight for openAI to further develop its models for enterprise use. 

Announced on: March 7, 2023

Link to announcement: Salesforce integrates OpenAI’s enterprise

Opera Press Partnership

Partnership Overview: 

Opera Press benefits from integrating OpenAI AI capabilities into its web browser, Opera One. OpenAI benefits from accessing real-time/world large user databases and increasing its user engagement.

Integration Details:

  • Data Access: OpenAI gets access to extensive datasets from Opera’s large user base which is crucial for training and improving its AI models. 
  • AI-Generated Content Capabilities: Opera integrates OpenAI into its browser and provides users with features such as AI-generated summaries of webpages, interactive prompts and contextual understanding. 
  • Enhanced User Experience: Leveraging generative AI capabilities enhances user browsing experience. Users are also able to engage with AI services directly from the sidebar. 

Announced on: February 27, 2023

Link to announcement:  Opera announces collaboration with OpenAI

Bain & Company Partnership

Partnership Overview: 

Bain & Company integrates OpenAI’s AI into its operations, consulting services, and marketing to enhance and refine them. OpenAI gained access to a large network of enterprise clients across a wide range of industries. 

Integration Details:

  • AI-Powered Integration: Bain integrated OpenAI’s technology into its operations, management systems, and research to enhance efficiency and productivity across 18,000 multi-disciplinary teams. 
  • Expand Market Reach: The partnership opened doors for OpenAI to a broad range of enterprise clients across many industries, significantly increasing its market reach. 
  • Coca-Cola First Client: Leveraged OpenAI’s technology to enhance their already world-class marketing, brand, and customer experience

Announced on: February 21, 2023

Link to announcement: Bain & Company announces services alliance, Bain Partnership Page 

BuzzFeed Partnership

Partnership Overview: 

Buzzfeed integrates OpenAI’s AI into its platform to enhance user experience and streamline operations. OpenAI gets access to a large user base to improve its AI model. 

Integration Details:

  • Content integration: Collaborating with Buzzfeed gives openAI access to its large user base, helping improve and refine its models based on real-world interactions.
  • AI Integration: Buzzfeed is integrating OpenAI’s generative AI technologies into its platform to enhance and create better-personalized user experiences for its audience. It also leverages it to streamline and improve the efficiency of the content creation process. 
  • AI-Powered Quizzes Example: Buzzfeed launched “infinity quizzes,” leveraging OpenAI to provide users with personalized stories based on their inputs.
  • Expanded R&D AI focus: Buzzfeed moves from AI being an R&D phase to being at the core of its business operations.

Announced on: January 26, 2023

Link to announcement: BuzzFeed to Use ChatGPT Creator

Microsoft Partnership

Partnership Overview: 

Microsoft integrates OpenAI’s AI across its products to enhance user experience. OpenAI gains state-of-the-art cloud infrastructure and enterprise data to train and scale its AI models.

Integration Details:

  • Multiyear, Multibillion-Dollar Investment: Microsoft continues its multibillion-dollar investment in OpenAI, building on its commitments from 2019 and 2021.
  • Advanced AI Development: OpenAI leverages Microsoft Azure to deliver the best AI training and inference workloads. 
  • Commercialization: Commitment to dependently and independently commercialize resulting advanced AI technologies. This includes AI integration into Microsoft products like GitHub Copilot and the expansion of OpenAI through Azure’s platform. 

Announced on: January 23, 2023

Link to announcement: OpenAI and Microsoft extend partnership

GitHub Partnership

Partnership Overview: 

GitHub leverages the AI codex model into its GitHub Copilot, enhancing its assisted coding capabilities. OpenAI benefits from the large database of source codes to train and improve its AI models. Developers enhance their productivity and experience. 

Integration Details:

  • Data Access: OpenAI gets access to vast code source data from repositories to train and improve its AI models (OpenAI Codex).
  • AI-powered Code Completion: Powered by OpenAI’s Codex the integration allows Github Copilot to significantly improve developer productivity offering real-time code autocompletion capabilities based on user intent and context understanding, not just syntax.
  • Enhanced Developer Experience: Using LLM’s embeddings and vector data bases improves Copilots semantics understanding of code. Increasing efficiency and productivity when writing code. 

Announced on: June 29, 2021

Link to announcement: Introducing GitHub Copilot, OpenAI Codex

Jonathan Gillham

Founder / CEO of I have been involved in the SEO and Content Marketing world for over a decade. My career started with a portfolio of content sites, recently I sold 2 content marketing agencies and I am the Co-Founder of, the leading place to buy and sell content websites. Through these experiences I understand what web publishers need when it comes to verifying content is original. I am not For or Against AI content, I think it has a place in everyones content strategy. However, I believe you as the publisher should be the one making the decision on when to use AI content. Our Originality checking tool has been built with serious web publishers in mind!

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