AI Writing

NeuronWriter AI Review - Optimize Your Website Content

Content creation on fast-forward! Our NeuronWriter AI Review explores if AI can generate SEO-friendly content and boost rankings.

Search engines are the digital holy grail for gaining more organic traffic for any company. However, the traditional content creation process of creating great content and waiting for it to slowly move up the search rankings is very time-consuming and a lot of hard work.

So, what if a tool that offered AI writing templates and AI-generated content was available to speed up the process, generating lots of SEO-friendly content for higher rankings?

But does it actually work?

In this review, we will look at the following:

  • What NeuronWriter AI is best for
  • How to use it effectively
  • What types of content you can generate
  • How much this tool costs
  • Key features
  • The pros and cons
  • Alternatives to NeuronWriter AI
  • Whether the content produced gets detected by
  • The final verdict on NeuronWriter AI

NeuronWriter AI Quick Review

  • Ease of use - 6/10
  • Features - 6/10
  • Customer Support - 8/10
  • Price - 6/10
  • Speed - 7/10
  • - detectable

Summary - 6/10

From this NeuronWriter review, we found the tool to be quite complicated and fiddly to use, and the content produced was slightly underwhelming.

However, given the fact this platform does have a free trial to take advantage of, we recommend doing your own research into it, to see whether or not it's one worth adding to your content creation strategy.

How We Test AI Tools

As with all AI tools, as part of this NeuronWriter review, everything you see in this review is from our first-hand experience using the tool. That means testing the content quality, determining how it features in a content strategy, and so much more.

Who is NeuronWriter AI Best For?

NeuronWriter AI Landing Page

As part of this neuronwriter review, we found the tool to be specifically designed for those searching for content SEO optimisation. The tool has features designed specifically for SEO support, and its AI writing capabilities have been tailored to help with that specific requirement.

What Types of Content Can You Create With NeuronWriter AI?

NeuronWriter focuses specifically on SEO forms of content, and the content editor allows you to create long-form SEO content for your company blog or landing pages.

How Much Does It Cost?

NeuronWriter AI Pricing Plans

The Bronze Plan - $23 per month

  • 2 projects
  • 25 content writer analyses
  • 15,000 AI credits
  • Standard AI templates
  • Content plan
  • Content sharing

The Silver Plan - $45 per month

  • 5 projects
  • 50 content writer analyses
  • 30,000 AI credits
  • Standard AI templates
  • Content plan + New ideas
  • Content sharing

The Gold Plan - $69 per month

  • 10 projects
  • 75 content writer analyses
  • 45,000 AI credits
  • Advanced + Custom AI templates
  • Content Designer
  • Content plan + New ideas
  • Content sharing
  • 75 Plagiarism checks
  • Integrations: GSC, WP, Shopify
  • Content management
  • Own OpenAI key
  • Neuron API

The Platinum Plan - $93 per month

  • 25 projects
  • 100 content writer analyses
  • 60,000 AI credits
  • Advanced + Custom AI templates
  • Content Designer
  • Content plan + New ideas
  • Content sharing
  • 100 Plagiarism checks
  • Integrations: GSC, WP, Shopify
  • Content management
  • Own OpenAI key
  • Neuron API

The Diamond Plan - $117 per month

  • 50 projects
  • 150 content writer analyses
  • 75,000 AI credits
  • Advanced + Custom AI templates
  • Content Designer
  • Content plan + New ideas
  • Content sharing
  • 150 Plagiarism checks
  • Integrations: GSC, WP, Shopify
  • Content management
  • Own OpenAI key
  • Neuron API

Key NeuronWriter AI Features


NeuronWriter AI Project Plan Feature

NeuronWriter has its own built-in 'Plan' feature. Here, you can add an idea to implement later, allowing you to store things you want to do, so that when you have more time available, you can use your stored list of content ideas to work from.


NeuronWriter AI's Content Management Calendar

NeuronWriter also has its own built in content management calendar, where you can plan your content creation, determine what is getting produced and published on what dates, and so on.


NeuronWriter AI Content Writer Dashboard

Finally, NeuronWriter has a write feature, where you can generate 'SEO-friendly' content on your chosen topic.

Let's put it to the test, asking the tool to create content from our target keyword 'electric cars'.

NeuronWriter AI Content Writing Process

From here, NeuronWriter asks us to select which current ranking articles we want to use as part of the content creation process:

NeuronWriter AI Content Writing Outline Generator

You'll then be shown a content outline similar to what you would see in SurferSEO, where you can start implementing AI-generated content.

NeuronWriter AI Content Outline Generator Dashboard

Frustratingly, the AI writing tools are very tricky to use, and don't actually write the content using the keywords suggested by the tool.

After thirty minutes of use, we had the following content, which includes almost no keywords, and zero headers as well.

NeuronWriter AI Content Optimization Process

NeuronWriter AI Alternatives

Given how important search engine optimization is for many brands, there are plenty of AI writing tools that attempt to use natural language processing and SEO features to offer a useful SEO tool.

Some of the similarly priced options available include Scalenut AI and Cuppa AI. For the best results, though, Surfer SEO continues to be the best AI writer with SEO features, albiet also being the most expensive.

Can NeuronWriter AI Get Detected by

NeuronWriter AI Generated Content Get Detected By

As you can see, the content we generated within NeuronWriter was flagged as 100% AI-generated, which is not a good sign for Google search console performance, given the recent algorithm update to relegate AI-generated content.

NeuronWriter AI: The Final Verdict

It is difficult to say that NeuronWriter is a particularly useful tool when it comes to SEO, especially given the recent algoritihm updates that have heavily penalized websites that are producing AI-generated content.

The tool itself is also quite complex to use compared to other AI content writing tools, as the content generated doesn't include the suggested keywords, or headers, or a meta description.

For people who are not experienced with the requirements of search engine optimization, this tool can mislead them into thinking that all you need to do is add a few keywords, and it will be successful.

But it isn't 2015 anymore, and SEO has advanced significantly, making tools like this far less effective than previously. Overall it's an interesting tool that is worth checking out for yourself, but be careful with it's SEO claims, as it is very much limited in that regard.

Frequently Asked Questions About NeuronWriter AI

Is NeuronWriter AI secure and reliable?

From our research into the NeuronWriter AI writer, we found the tool to be safe and secure for content creation. As a content creator, the platform does not require any additional unnecessary information, and your data is safe within the platform.

Does NeuronWriter AI cost money?

As with all AI writing tools that claim to create content for the search engine results pages, it does cost money to use NeuronWriter, with a wide range of paid subscriptions, depending on your SEO-optimized content needs.

What is the difference between NeuronWriter AI and ChatGPT?

While ChatGPT focuses on a broad brush approach to all forms of content creation, NeuronWriter focuses specifically on SEO features, offering you an SEO content score, SERP analysis, internal link suggestions, and so much more.


My name is Graeme, a passionate writer with a strong Content Marketing background. Over the last seven years, I have developed an extensive portfolio of SEO Content writing, helping various brands improve their organic traffic, customer experience, and, ultimately, profits!

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