AI Writing You Need to Know makes plenty of bold claims in its advertising, claiming to provide a wide range of different types of content generation, including several text options and even image creation. It also claims to provide content that performs well on Google and will help create content that grabs your audience's attention. The good news? It does almost all of this, but it could improve a few areas.

The world of AI content generation feels like it is moving at hyper (excuse the pun) speed.

New tools, news articles, and developments are coming out seemingly daily.

As a result, it can be difficult to establish which tools will help you with your content efforts and which ones will overcharge you and spit out generic content that is bland, dull, and uninspiring.

That’s where we come in. 

Here, we will look at in much greater detail, testing the tool for you, and providing you with all the information you need to establish whether or not it is worth your time and effort.

As one of the market-leading AI tools, we will assess the following aspects of

  • What is best for
  • How to use it effectively
  • What types of content you can generate
  • How much this tool costs
  • Key features
  • The pros and cons
  • Alternatives to
  • Whether it gets detected by
  • The final verdict on

Let’s jump straight in! Quick Review

  • Ease of use - 9/10
  • Features - 8/10
  • Customer Support - 7/10
  • Price - 8/10
  • Speed - 8/10
  • - detectable

Who is Best For? was built with marketers in mind.

As a result, it is a fantastic tool for any content marketers that are tight on time, tight on budget and need to produce content for a vast array of channels and platforms.

The wide range of channel types on offer allows marketers to create content specific to a channel and establish a brand tone used through all content avenues.

How to Use Effectively

To use effectively, you need to provide the tool with as much clarity and as many relevant cues as possible.

Similar to working with a human copywriter, the more details you provide about the project in advance, the more likely you will receive content that meets your requirements.

Before starting your content generation, create a clear content map of what you want to produce, what you want to say, what tone of voice you want to use, which keywords to target, and any other relevant information you can think of.

Let’s use an example. Say you are promoting a reading service you offer to underprivileged children to help them improve their reading skills. 

Here’s what will produce with minimal prompts:

Not bad, but there’s no reference here to the target audience, and some of the content is not relevant for children (unless you are an underprivileged child already at an advanced level, in which case, this ad is for you!)

Okay, so let’s tighten things up a little…

Let’s add some more keywords and a clearer overall prompt.

Now we’re talking!

What Types of Content Can You Create With

One of the main benefits of is the array of content types on offer. Here’s a quick breakdown of each category on offer.

Ads & social copy

For those trying to create content for product adverts or social media promotions, the Ads & Social category is full of templates you can use to generate content specifically designed for certain channels. These options include:

  • Google Ads
  • Instagram captions
  • Facebook ads
  • Linkedin posts
  • Youtube titles and descriptions
  • Video hook and introduction

The great thing about these options is that it allows you to create content in the ideal format for your desired channel rather than trying to reword and rejig generic content to suit a particular channel.

As you likely already know, what works on Instagram doesn’t always work on Linkedin!

Here’s a quick example where we tested the same cues in the “Instagram captions” tool and the “Linkedin posts” tool to see what the differences are in the content generated.

Instagram captions - Excel Lessons

Linkedin Posts - Excel Lessons

As you can see, the prompts were exactly the same for both tools, but the output differs quite a lot. 

For starters, the word count differs, which is in line with the restrictions on word count for each platform. But on top of that, the styles also change, with no emojis in the LinkedIn post, given that the platform is regarded as a more professional social media channel.

Website copy

Searching for a catchy headline or a slogan that captures your audience’s imagination? has a range of website copy templates that will help transform your generic content into words that resonate with your visitors.

These templates include:

  • Website headlines and slogans
  • Landing page content
  • Meta titles and descriptions
  • Category page descriptions
  • Bio writer

Newsletters & comms

Trying to grab the attention of someone in their inbox has never been trickier. With thousands of companies vying for your attention, offer a templated system for you to test out catchy email copy or write compelling press releases.

Imagery doesn’t just focus on text generation. It also offers an image-generation tool for you to try. However, this tool is not as advanced as its text counterparts and often struggles with more detailed requirements.

How Much Does It Cost?

Reading through the website can quickly start to feel overwhelming.

With so many different features and options available, it can be hard to know where to start.

Fortunately, understands the value of “show” not “tell”, and offers all users a free 7-day trial.

The best part? There are no strings attached. You don’t need to input credit card details to get started, so you won’t get hit with a pesky subscription fee if you accidentally forget to cancel (we’ve all been there!).

Instead, all you need to provide is your email address, name, company name, and the size of your team (you can also select ‘Personal Use’ at this stage).

Once your 7-day free trial expires, you have four subscription options. 

Basic - $9 per month

  • 50 credits 
  • 50 generated images
  • 1 user
  • Article writing tool
  • Limited access to HypoChat

Starter - $29 per month

  • 100 credits
  • Everything included in the Basic subscription
  • Complete access to HypoChat

Growth  - $59 / $109 per month*

*fee dependent on how many credits you opt for per month

  • 350/700 credits
  • Everything included in the Starter subscription
  • Unlimited generated images
  • 25 plagiarism checks
  • Priority email and chat support
  • 5 users


A completely custom service, the cost for which will vary based on your specific needs.

Key Features

Pre-made templates

One excellent feature offers that some of its competitors don’t are AI templates. Here, you can select the type of content you would like to create, input the relevant details for that content, and generate content specifically suited for that channel.

For example, if you are trying to create content specifically for an Instagram advert, you can use the AI template tool by inputting the produce, keywords, and tone, and will generate content in a matter of seconds.

Image Generation

Another useful tool on offer at is the “Hypo Art” feature. Here, you can input your cues to create imagery, either to assist your generated content or for other projects you have on your task list.

Using a couple of cues for our tennis coaching example, here’s what came up with in just two minutes.

As you can see with other AI art, there are still some slight issues with hands and other features, but the results are still impressive and usable with a little touching up.

Content rewrites

If you already have content for your chosen project, but you need to refresh it, rejig it, or replace it, the “Rewrite Content” feature is a great option.

Here, you can input your text and decide whether you want it to get improved, simplified, shorted, expanded, or rephrased.

You can also select a tone and then hit generate.

Let’s say you liked the previous LinkedIn post example we used, but it doesn’t sound enthusiastic enough for you.

You can put that text into the Rewrite Content tool and watch work its magic!

Instantly you can see the tone change, and while some of it is a little over the top (at least in our opinion), it offers you a great starting point to work from.

The Pros

  • Quick and easy user interface
  • Competitive pricing
  • A range of templates to help you get started
  • A built-in chatbot

The Cons

  • Image creation is hit and miss
  • Some top features are hidden behind the more expensive subscriptions
  • The SEO element is weaker than other competitors.

Alternatives to


One of the best features of is its “Hypo Chat” tool, where you can ask several questions and quickly receive relevant and insightful answers.

However, your access to this tool is limited, especially on the Basic or Starter subscriptions. If you are looking for a free alternative, you might want to consider using ChatGPT for your questions, as it’s free and easy to use.


One of the marketing claims made by is that it creates SEO-optimized content, although there is nothing to suggest that it does anything differently than other AI content generators in this department.

For more specific SEO needs, consider tools like Scalenut that specialize in this area.


As with many AI image-generating tools, the results are…indifferent, to say the least. For some content, the tool is perfectly adequate, but for more advanced AI image generation requirements, MidJourney offers a much better range of options.

Can Get Detected by

So, how can you tell if content is generated through After all, whether or not something you read is generated by AI can have a significant impact on how you read it.

Let’s use our LinkedIn copy example from earlier.

As you can see, detected that this content was 100% AI-generated in a matter of seconds.

This level of expertise makes the most accurate AI detection software on the market today.

While it certainly is a great starting point, it is important to update and tweak your content to ensure it resonates with your audience. The Final Verdict

In conclusion, it is easy to see why has garnered so many great reviews. The tool is incredibly easy to use, offers content generation that is specific to a particular channel or platform, and allows you to rework it until you are satisfied.

The addition of an image generator is also a pleasant surprise, although this tool requires more work before it can get deemed as fully usable for marketing and promotional needs.

Overall, we would recommend testing out the 7-day free trial and discovering whether or not is the right tool for your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions About

What does do? generates content that you can use anywhere in your marketing and advertising or on your website.

You can also use the tool to generate imagery to accompany your text.

Is free?

When using Hypotensue AI for the first time, you can sign up for a free 7-day trial without having to input any credit card details. From there, you can choose from one of the four paid options to continue using the tool.

Why use AI for copywriting?

Using AI to help generate content can have many benefits, such as brainstorming and saving time. However, to ensure your content does not get deemed spam by Google and provides value to your readers, it is always worth adding your own touches to content for the best results.


My name is Graeme, a passionate writer with a strong Content Marketing background. Over the last seven years, I have developed an extensive portfolio of SEO Content writing, helping various brands improve their organic traffic, customer experience, and, ultimately, profits!

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