AI Writing

Reword Review - Write Articles That Perform

Creating high-quality content that the Google search console and your audience love is a lot easier said than done.Sure, there are days when the words flow from your fingers, typing feverishly at your laptop until your article is complete.And then there are days where you sit there, taking turns between staring at your blank Word document and the seemingly stoic clock on the wall.

Creating high-quality content that the Google search console and your audience love is a lot easier said than done.

Sure, there are days when the words flow from your fingers, typing feverishly at your laptop until your article is complete.

And then there are days where you sit there, taking turns between staring at your blank Word document and the seemingly stoic clock on the wall.

For the latter, tools like Reword can be a lifesaver.

But is Reword the best AI writing assistant to help when writer's block strikes?

Here, we will look at the following:

  • What Reword AI is best for
  • How to use it effectively
  • What types of content you can generate
  • How much this tool costs
  • Key features
  • The pros and cons
  • Alternatives to Reword AI
  • Whether the content produced gets detected by
  • The final verdict on Reword AI

Reword AI Quick Review

  • Ease of use - 9/10
  • Features - 8/10
  • Customer Support - 7/10
  • Price - 7/10
  • Speed - 8/10
  • - detectable

Summary - 8/10

Overall, Reword is a perfectly serviceable AI tool for content creation, with a very user-friendly interface and plenty of features to help you craft the perfect blog post.

While the AI model doesn't seem to differ from other tools that create articles and engaging content, the price is very fair for what the AI writer provides, and the 14-day trial is definitely worth checking out/

Who is Reword AI Best For?

Reword Ai Writing Assistant Landing Page

Reword is designed specifically to create content in a longer form, such as blog posts or articles. It doesn't have the tools needed to create shorter-form content like social media posts or product descriptions.

How to Use Reword AI Effectively

Reword Ai Writing Assistant Playground

As with any AI tool designed to help with content creation, you get the best results when you prove it with as much information as possible.

Treat Reword as if you were contacting a seasoned human writer. What information would they need to generate content that suits your requirements? What tone would you like them to use? How long should each section be?

These are all questions to answer as part of your prompts, much like you would if you were briefing a human writer.

For example, in the above article (which we will dive into a little more later in this article), you can see I have asked the tool to write me an introduction.

But I haven't just said, "Please write an introduction," as what I'd get back would be bland and generic.

Instead, this is the prompt I used: "Please write me the introduction to this article, keeping it short, succinct, and engaging. The perspective should be from a company that promotes using AI effectively and ethically, like an AI Content Expert."

Here's what Reword provided:

Reword Ai Content Generator

What Types of Content Can You Create With Reword AI?

Reword focuses primarily on long-for content, helping you craft outstanding articles or blog posts. The AI writing assistant is also a fantastic feature, but the main focus is certainly on longer content rather than social media posts or short ads.

How Much Does It Cost?

Reword Ai Writing Assistant Pricing Plan

Trial plan - $0 per month

  • 14-day free trial
  • One project
  • Train your own AI
  • Unlimited support

Grow plan - $48 per month

  • Up to three projects
  • Train your own AI
  • Unlimited support
  • 40 new drafts included
  • Three writer seats
  • Collaborative editing

Pro plan - $80 per month

  • Unlimited projects
  • Train your own AI
  • Unlimited support
  • 100 new drafts included
  • Unlimited writer seats
  • Collaborative editing

Key Reword AI Features

Project onboarding

Reword Ai Writing Assistant Project Onboarding

The first notable feature on this list is also the first page that you get hit with when you register for Reword, which is where you add your first project.

Here, you can choose your language and provide the tool with insights into how you plan to use the tool, which helps Reword to prepare the tool specifically for your needs.

AI training

Train-up Reword Ai Writing Assistant

Next, a feature I haven't seen very often from the 50+ tools reviewed is the Reword AI training tool, where you can opt for using the tool from scratch, using the Google Search Console, or adding resources manually.

Reword then uses your chosen option to further prepare the advanced AI model for your needs.

Article generator

Reword Ai Content Generator

Finally, we have the article generator within Reword. Let's take our example from earlier in this piece and craft out the entire article to see what we get.

Here's the prompt: "Write the rest of the article in the same tone and manner. Use heading 2's to break up the talking points, with Heading 3's for subtopics within those talking points. The article should talk about current AI advancements, the pros and cons, and potential future pros and cons, with a short and succinct conclusion, encouraging readers to bookmark our website for future content."

Here are the results:

Reword Ai Writing Assistant Generated Content Output

While the content only really covers the surface level of the topic, that is probably due to my prompt asking the too to be short and succinct.

Nonetheless, the content is well-structured and perfectly usable as a blog or article post.

Reword AI Alternatives

When it comes to finding other advanced AI technology platforms to help you write content for search engines or improve your sentence structure, you don't have to look very far. For a cheaper option, ChatGPT can complete a lot of the hard yards for you with the right AI content prompts.

For a more advanced AI model tailored to marketing like Reword, platforms like Scalenut, AI SEO, and Neuraltext are all great choices that can help improve your Google search console ranking.

Can Reword AI Get Detected by

Reword AI Generated Content Get Detected by

However, while the content may be well-structured and certainly more engaging content than other AI tools provide, can easily detect that it is 100% AI-generated.

This acts as a timely reminder that an AI assistant should be used as just that - an assistant. The bulk of the writing and thought-provoking content should still come from you to ensure your audience remains engaged.

Reword AI: The Final Verdict

Overall, while Reword AI may not have the most writing features on offer, the content it produces is certainly of a high quality and can be used to create content in line with your writing style.

However, the detection score is a reminder that while AI writing tools can certainly help, you still need an element of human creativity and influence to ensure the content is as high-quality as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions About Reword AI

Is Reword AI secure and reliable?

As with other AI writing tools, Reword allows you to create content in your writing style, using AI-powered writing tools to streamline the content creation process and help you craft high-quality content. Reword is a very secure and reliable AI tool, and the AI writing software is handy for any content creator.

Does Reword AI cost money?

Reword offers users a 14-day free plan trial, allowing you to write articles or tweak existing content to further engage your target audience. After those 14 days, you will need to pay to keep using the AI-powered writing tool.

What is the difference between Reword AI and ChatGPT?

Both ChatGPT and Reword are AI-powered generative tools that can improve your writing process and help you create high-quality content, but Reword offers more AI tools, making content creation for any platform much easier.

Reword AI Generated Content on Seo Optimization Process in Surfer Seo


My name is Graeme, a passionate writer with a strong Content Marketing background. Over the last seven years, I have developed an extensive portfolio of SEO Content writing, helping various brands improve their organic traffic, customer experience, and, ultimately, profits!

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