Keyword density helper – This tool comes with a built-in keyword density helper in some ways similar to the likes of SurferSEO or MarketMuse the difference being, ours is free! This feature shows the user the frequency of single or two word keywords in a document, meaning you can easily compare an article you have written against a competitor to see the major differences in keyword densities. This is especially useful for SEO’s who are looking to optimize their blog content for search engines and improve the blog’s visibility.
File compare – Text comparison between files is a breeze with our tool. Simply select the files you would like to compare, hit “Upload” and our tool will automatically insert the content into the text area, then simply hit “Compare” and let our tool show you where the differences in the text are. By uploading a file, you can still check the keyword density in your content.
Comparing text between URLs is effortless with our tool. Simply paste the URL you would like to get the content from (in our example we use a fantastic blog post by Sherice Jacob found here) hit “Submit URL” and our tool will automatically retrieve the contents of the page and paste it into the text area, then simply click “Compare” and let our tool highlight the difference between the URLs. This feature is especially useful for checking keyword density between pages!
You can also easily compare text by copying and pasting it into each field, as demonstrated below.
Ease of use
Our text compare tool is created with the user in mind, it is designed to be accessible to everyone. Our tool allows users to upload files or enter a URL to extract text, this along with the lightweight design ensures a seamless experience. The interface is simple and straightforward, making it easy for users to compare text and detect the diff.
Multiple text file format support
Our tool provides support for a variety of different text files and microsoft word formats including pdf file, .docx, .odt, .doc, and .txt, giving users the ability to compare text from different sources with ease. This makes it a great solution for students, bloggers, and publishers who are looking for file comparison in different formats.
Protects intellectual property
Our text comparison tool helps you protect your intellectual property and helps prevent plagiarism. This tool provides an accurate comparison of texts, making it easy to ensure that your work is original and not copied from other sources. Our tool is a valuable resource for anyone looking to maintain the originality of their content.
User Data Privacy
Our text compare tool is secure and protects user data privacy. No data is ever saved to the tool, the users’ text is only scanned and pasted into the tool’s text area. This makes certain that users can use our tool with confidence, knowing their data is safe and secure.
Our text comparison tool is designed to work seamlessly across all size devices, ensuring maximum compatibility no matter your screen size. Whether you are using a large desktop monitor, a small laptop, a tablet or a smartphone, this tool adjusts to your screen size. This means that users can compare texts and detect the diff anywhere without the need for specialized hardware or software. This level of accessibility makes it an ideal solution for students or bloggers who value the originality of their work and need to compare text online anywhere at any time.
At we looked to use our AI detector to identify if Hollywood writers were or were not already using generative AI (such as ChatGPT) to help write scripts.
The transcripts of over 3800 USA TV show episodes that aired from 2020 to 2023 were analyzed for this study. Findings were consistent: these scripts were not produced by AI text-generators or other LLM(large language model)-based tools.
A dataset of approximately 6000 episode transcripts from several genres was collected, cleaned, preprocessed and filtered through the date range of January 2020 to August 2023. Approximately 3800 scripts were then fed into’s API. The AI detector analyzed the text for AI Content, returning a probability score in the range of 0 to 1. To review the accuracy of the AI detector see this AI detector accuracy study.
The date a script was written was not able to be easily identified.
It was important to try to identify the date the script was written and to do so we made the assumption that due to the short writing time to production time this study focused on 2 categories of shows:
We acknowledge that this scope does not represent the entirety of the genres of Hollywood-produced TV shows. However, its findings are still relevant and can provide an interesting starting point for further studies on more diverse data.
We look forward to continuing this study as writers get back to work after the strike ends.
Almost 100% original content was found on average across genres, and years. More specifically, there is approximately 1.9% average probability of AI Content with a standard deviation of 0.05 across the scripts.
This is in contrast to almost all other studies we have conducted that are showing significant increases in the rate of AI usage:
Scripts from Soap Opera’s in 2020 showed 1.3% were suspected of being AI generated. This % is in line with our tested AI detection false positive rate. However, the % of scripts that were suspected of being AI generated has increased every year to 4.5% in 2023. This is still a relatively small number and given the detectors not perfect accuracy we would caution against drawing significant conclusions from this increase. However, it shows it is definitely worth continuing to monitor.
Hollywood has provided over a century of entertainment to the general public and shaped our culture. But the people directly responsible for creating these beloved stories, writing unforgettable lines, and spawning memes went on strike in March 2023. The Writers’s Guild of America commenced their industrial strike action against their studio bosses. Their demands included that they would not be replaced by AI.
In the 1984 film The Terminator, a robot from the future says: “I’ll be back.” This led to an argument between the robot’s actor and the screenplay writer in what has become an uncanny metaphor of our present dilemma. The actor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, argued that a robot would be more grammatically correct: “I will be back.” The screenplay writer, James Cameron said: “I don’t tell you how to act. Don’t tell me how to write.” (paraphrased). The line stayed and the rest is history.
The use of Technology in media has always been a double-edged sword. It has enabled the most otherworldly stories to be translated out of the imaginations of creators onto the screen, and shared with the world. But that Hollywood magic can also be a curse to the creators and the other people behind the scenes.
The advent of CGI in visual effects negatively impacted the model-builders, the artists and the designers. The VFX artists who replaced them are not better off. Less than a year after Rhythm & Hues Studios won an Oscar for Visual Effects in 2013’s Life of Pi, the VFX company filed for bankruptcy.
The advent of streaming affected distribution, then season to episode count, then the structure of writers’ rooms. Each of these changes altered the profit sharing structure of media to the detriment of writers. The most popular shows in syndication are raking in millions for the streaming companies and studios, while the writers get pennies – if they’re lucky.
Now with the advent of LLM text generators, the WGA fears that the studios will replace them with AI and their fears are not unfounded.
Writers are paid for ideas and for their script. What happens when the AI generates the idea? We know what the studios want – more profit. But if an AI is writing the scripts, where will this leave the writers? On August 18th 2023 a DC District Court Judge Beryl A. Howell ruled that AI-generated content is not protected by copyright laws. But it doesn’t take an army of lawyers to realize that by hiring a writer who has been forced to accept a ‘co-writing’ credit, that ruling can be easily bypassed.
A wealth of stories make up the training corpus of Large Language Models. Few, if any, creators gave permission for their art to be used, in fact OpenAI is facing several lawsuits. Fewer still got any compensation for this. Some might argue that a bulk of this text was already in the public domain and therefore free for use. But free to whom? Public domain has evolved from, amongst many cultures, the ancient Roman law of res publicae and res communes – that things that should be free so that they could be commonly enjoyed by mankind.
Almost 40 years after The Terminator, the same writer weighed in on the AI debate: “I don’t believe that a disembodied mind, regurgitating what other embodied minds have said — about the life that they’ve had, about love, about lying, about fear, about mortality — and put into a word salad and then regurgitate it. I don’t believe that’s going to move an audience.” (paraphrased)
No, that’s one of the benefits, only fill out the areas which you think will be relevant to the prompts you require.
When making the tool we had to make each prompt as general as possible to be able to include every kind of input. Not to worry though ChatGPT is smart and will still understand the prompt. did a fantastic job on all three prompts, precisely detecting them as AI-written. Additionally, after I checked with actual human-written textual content, it did determine it as 100% human-generated, which is important.
Vahan Petrosyan
I use this tool most frequently to check for AI content personally. My most frequent use-case is checking content submitted by freelance writers we work with for AI and plagiarism.
Tom Demers
After extensive research and testing, we determined to be the most accurate technology.
Rock Content Team
Jon Gillham, Founder of came up with a tool to detect whether the content is written by humans or AI tools. It’s built on such technology that can specifically detect content by ChatGPT-3 — by giving you a spam score of 0-100, with an accuracy of 94%.
Felix Rose-Collins
ChatGPT lacks empathy and originality. It’s also recognized as AI-generated content most of the time by plagiarism and AI detectors like
Ashley Stahl Do give them a shot!
Sri Krishna
For web publishers, will enable you to scan your content seamlessly, see who has checked it previously, and detect if an AI-powered tool was implored.
Industry Trends
Tools for conducting a plagiarism check between two documents online are important as it helps to ensure the originality and authenticity of written work. Plagiarism undermines the value of professional and educational institutions, as well as the integrity of the authors who write articles. By checking for plagiarism, you can ensure the work that you produce is original or properly attributed to the original author. This helps prevent the distribution of copied and misrepresented information.
Text comparison is the process of taking two or more pieces of text and comparing them to see if there are any similarities, differences and/or plagiarism. The objective of a text comparison is to see if one of the texts has been copied or paraphrased from another text. This text compare tool for plagiarism check between two documents has been built to help you streamline that process by finding the discrepancies with ease.
Text comparison tools work by analyzing and comparing the contents of two or more text documents to find similarities and differences between them. This is typically done by breaking the texts down into smaller units such as sentences or phrases, and then calculating a similarity score based on the number of identical or nearly identical units. The comparison may be based on the exact wording of the text, or it may take into account synonyms and other variations in language. The results of the comparison are usually presented in the form of a report or visual representation, highlighting the similarities and differences between the texts.
String comparison is a fundamental operation in text comparison tools that involves comparing two sequences of characters to determine if they are identical or not. This comparison can be done at the character level or at a higher level, such as the word or sentence level.
The most basic form of string comparison is the equality test, where the two strings are compared character by character and a Boolean result indicating whether they are equal or not is returned. More sophisticated string comparison algorithms use heuristics and statistical models to determine the similarity between two strings, even if they are not exactly the same. These algorithms often use techniques such as edit distance, which measures the minimum number of operations (such as insertions, deletions, and substitutions) required to transform one string into another.
Another common technique for string comparison is n-gram analysis, where the strings are divided into overlapping sequences of characters (n-grams) and the frequency of each n-gram is compared between the two strings. This allows for a more nuanced comparison that takes into account partial similarities, rather than just exact matches.
String comparison is a crucial component of text comparison tools, as it forms the basis for determining the similarities and differences between texts. The results of the string comparison can then be used to generate a report or visual representation of the similarities and differences between the texts.
Syntax highlighting is a feature of text editors and integrated development environments (IDEs) that helps to visually distinguish different elements of a code or markup language. It does this by coloring different elements of the code, such as keywords, variables, functions, and operators, based on a predefined set of rules.
The purpose of syntax highlighting is to make the code easier to read and understand, by drawing attention to the different elements and their structure. For example, keywords may be colored in a different hue to emphasize their importance, while comments or strings may be colored differently to distinguish them from the code itself. This helps to make the code more readable, reducing the cognitive load of the reader and making it easier to identify potential syntax errors.
With our tool it’s easy, just enter or upload some text, click on the button “Compare text” and the tool will automatically display the diff between the two texts.
Using text comparison tools is much easier, more efficient, and more reliable than proofreading a piece of text by hand. Eliminate the risk of human error by using a tool to detect and display the text difference within seconds.
We have support for the file extensions .pdf, .docx, .odt, .doc and .txt. You can also enter your text or copy and paste text to compare.
There is never any data saved by the tool, when you hit “Upload” we are just scanning the text and pasting it into our text area so with our text compare tool, no data ever enters our servers.
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This table below shows a heat map of features on other sites compared to ours as you can see we almost have greens across the board!