AI Writing

ZeroGPT AI Content Detector Review

ZeroGPT is a tool designed to detect whether a given text is generated by an AI tool like ChatGPT or Google Bard, or if a human writes it. Users can enter their text and analyze it with the tool’s complex algorithms, which use DeepAnalyse™ technology to determine its origin. The tool claims an accuracy rate

ZeroGPT is a tool designed to detect whether a given text is generated by an AI tool like ChatGPT or Google Bard, or if a human writes it. Users can enter their text and analyze it with the tool’s complex algorithms, which use DeepAnalyse™ technology to determine its origin.

For a more accurate AI detector try our Free AI Detector.

To see a study looking at multiple AI detectors to identify their accuracy see this study.

The tool claims an accuracy rate of more than 98%, and it can detect AI-generated text in all available languages. ZeroGPT is useful for students, writers, educators, copywriters, and anyone who wants to ensure that their text is original.

The tool does not save or share the analyzed text; users can cite it using the provided BibTex format. ZeroGPT also offers paid professional plans for organizations that need to integrate the tool into their workflows.

Additionally, the website provides information on several other products, including SendBig for large file transfers, Unreal Person for AI-generated images, Pomonow for time management, and WaterOutPhone for fixing phone issues. The website also features a blog that uses AI technology to create content.


Accurate And Reliable Detection

According to the website, the ZeroGPT AI text detector has an accuracy rate of over 98% when it comes to detecting the origin of a text – whether it was generated by AI or written by a human. This high accuracy rate was achieved by analyzing over 10 million articles and texts, including those generated by AI and those written by humans.

The tool uses DeepAnalyse™ Technology to identify the origin of the text, which has been developed by ZeroGPT’s team and is backed by in-house experiments and reputable published papers. Additionally, the accuracy rate is expected to improve as the company analyzes more texts and converges to an error rate of less than 1%.

User-Friendly Interface

The ZeroGPT AI text detector has a user-friendly interface that allows anyone to check whether a given text was generated by an AI tool or written by a human. The user must enter the text in the provided box and click on the “Detect Text” button. The tool will then analyze the text using its complex and deep algorithms and display the results in a clear and understandable manner.

The results include a set of possible outcomes ranging from “Your text is Human written” to “Your text is Most Likely AI/GPT generated,” along with a gauge displaying the percentage of AI/GPT-generated text in the overall text.

Multilingual Support

The ZeroGPT AI text detector can detect AI-generated text in all available languages, making it a versatile tool for anyone in the world who needs to check the origin of a text.

The website claims that the tool has worldwide usage with multilingual users, indicating that the tool can handle different languages without issue. This feature makes ZeroGPT particularly useful for companies or organizations that operate in different countries or with multilingual clients.


  • Accurate detection: ZeroGPT claims to have developed an algorithm with an accuracy rate of text detection higher than 98%, which is quite impressive. After analyzing more than 10M articles and texts, the tool has been trained to identify the source of text, whether it is generated by AI/GPT or human-written.
  • Easy to use: ZeroGPT’s AI content detector tool is straightforward and user-friendly. Enter the text in the box and click the “Detect Text” button to get started. The results are displayed instantly, with a gauge that shows the percentage of the AI/GPT plagiarized text for a more detailed result.
  • Privacy: The privacy of users is a top concern for ZeroGPT. When you input and check your text on the tool, your text will not be saved or available online, and ZeroGPT will not use your text to train their AI detection model.


  • No proofreading or editing features: ZeroGPT is solely a detection tool and does not offer any proofreading or editing features to enhance the quality of your text. If you are looking for a comprehensive writing tool, you may need to use other tools in addition to ZeroGPT.
  • No guarantee against false positives or negatives: Although ZeroGPT claims to have a high accuracy rate, it is not perfect, and there may be instances where it generates false positives or false negatives. This may be due to limitations in the detection algorithms or the quality of the text input.

Testing ZeroGPT Accuracy

We tested the accuracy of ZeroGPT in generating articles and found that it performed quite well overall. The highest accuracy was achieved in generating an article about “What is Jasper.AI?” with a score of 95.50%. This suggests that ZeroGPT is able to summarize and describe the basic concept of accurately.

However, the accuracy score for “How Does Jasper.AI Work?” was 72.08%, indicating that ZeroGPT may struggle with explaining the tool’s inner workings. Similarly, the accuracy score for “Who Created Jasper.AI” was 75.64%, indicating that ZeroGPT may not always be able to identify the creator(s) of the tool accurately.

The accuracy scores for “Who is Jasper.AI for?” and “Is Jasper.AI Free?” were 64.25% and 68.95%, respectively, suggesting that ZeroGPT is able to provide some level of information on the intended audience for the tool and its pricing structure, but may not always be able to provide a comprehensive answer.

Finally, the accuracy score for “How to write an article with Jasper.AI?” was the lowest at 29.97%, indicating that ZeroGPT may struggle with providing a clear and concise guide on how to use the tool effectively.

Overall, while ZeroGPT performed well in some areas, it may still have some limitations when it comes to generating highly technical or specific content related to

Comparing ZeroGPT to Other AI Platforms

Now let’s see how ZeroGPT compares to another AI platform, In terms of accuracy, outperforms ZeroGPT on all levels, scoring a perfect 100% on the first two titles: “What is Jasper.AI?” and “How Does Jasper.AI Work?”. also scored a 99% on “Who Created Jasper.AI?” compared to ZeroGPT’s 75.64%.

When it comes to usefulness, offers a unique feature that ZeroGPT lacks – a built-in plagiarism checker. This means that users can ensure that the content they produce is not only accurate but also original.

Looking at the graph above and comparing ZeroGPT and, it’s clear that is the superior platform, offering higher accuracy and a plagiarism checker to ensure the originality of content.

Advantages of ZeroGPT

One advantage of ZeroGPT that other content detection platform doesn’t have is its multi-lingual feature, which allows users to generate content in various languages.

This feature is particularly useful for businesses and individuals operating in global markets, as it enables them to communicate with their audience in their native language, thus improving engagement and, ultimately, driving better results. With support for multiple languages, ZeroGPT helps remove language barriers and makes it easier for users to create content that resonates with their target audience, regardless of location.


In conclusion, ZeroGPT is a powerful tool designed to detect AI-generated text in a reliable and user-friendly manner. However, it is important to note that ZeroGPT’s accuracy is not perfect, and there may be instances where it generates false positives or false negatives.

In particular, our testing found that ZeroGPT struggled with explaining the inner workings of, suggesting that its accuracy may be lower when analyzing technical content.

While ZeroGPT can be a useful tool for students, writers, educators, and copywriters, it is not a replacement for proofreading or editing tools and should be used with caution. Additionally, it is important to consider the low-mid accuracy rate of ZeroGPT when relying on its results.

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Jonathan Gillham

Founder / CEO of I have been involved in the SEO and Content Marketing world for over a decade. My career started with a portfolio of content sites, recently I sold 2 content marketing agencies and I am the Co-Founder of, the leading place to buy and sell content websites. Through these experiences I understand what web publishers need when it comes to verifying content is original. I am not For or Against AI content, I think it has a place in everyones content strategy. However, I believe you as the publisher should be the one making the decision on when to use AI content. Our Originality checking tool has been built with serious web publishers in mind!

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