
Originality.AI’s Brand New & Improved Website Scanner

Google cracking down on AI content?'s Website Scanner helps you identify and remove AI spam before it hurts your SEO!

We at Originality.AI are delighted to announce our new and improved Website Scanner feature!

With Google officially cracking down on the type of unhelpful, low-quality content often produced by artificial intelligence tools, it's never been more important to keep an eye on the amount of AI-generated content on your website.

Fortunately, our website scanning tool is loaded with useful features that can greatly reduce the time it takes to gain clarity and transparency on a website’s AI usage.

Short on time? Here are the key takeaways

  • AI-generated content ranking in their search results is a threat to the very existence of Google. Why would anyone use Google if it’s just going to give you the same answer as an LLM?
  • Since it has the potential to make the biggest search engine in the world obsolete, we anticipate intensified efforts from Google in the shape of more frequent updates aimed at penalizing AI-generated content
  • Want to safeguard your website against future Google penalties? The Website Scanner allows you to understand the amount of AI content on your website and see how it's impacting your traffic and search rankings.

Updated AI in Google SERPs Study

Our recent study on the prevalence of AI-generated content within Google's search results shows an interesting trend. Building upon our previous findings, where 10.2% of Google's top-rated content was suspected to be AI-generated, our latest research reveals a surge to 11.3% in just under a month!

So, despite Google's efforts to mitigate this trend, including measures such as the helpful content update and the March 2024 update targeting AI "spam," AI-generated content continues to rank on the SERPs.

This poses an existential threat to Google's search integrity, as it risks transforming helpful, human-written search results into little more than an echo chamber of popular language model outputs.

Why Our Findings Matter

At this point, you may be wondering: why should we care about what happens to Google? The company has lots of resources and experts on its side, so can't it take care of this problem itself?

Well, there's no doubt that it can - and it's the effects of this that can affect your website.

See, the rapid increase of AI-generated content in search results challenges the very essence of Google's purpose. Really, why would anyone bother going to Google when they could go straight to the source - a large language model, like ChatGPT? If Google leaves this unchecked, they could render themselves obsolete.

For that reason, we anticipate intensified efforts from Google to address this issue in the coming months. So, if your website contains a large amount of AI-generated content, or even just suspected AI content, you could be just one Google update away from some serious penalties.

What is the Website Scanner?

If you're looking to protect your search engine rankings and the traffic that goes along with it, then's website scanner is for you. Instead of going through each piece of content yourself, you can use this tool to gain a quick and easy understanding of how much AI content is currently detectable on your website.

Our website scanner was built as a monitoring tool where you can review your scan results and monitor the amount of AI use on a given webpage over time. You never know what they're going to come up with next, so regular scanning can help you mitigate the risk of getting any nasty surprises on the next Google update.

Besides, it's not only useful in preventing future AI-related penalties, but it can also help you better understand your current situation.

For example, let's say your website was hit hard by the recent Google helpful content update. You could use the website scanner to establish whether or not that was due to the presence of AI content on your site, and make changes accordingly.

And you aren't just limited to using it on your own website, either. Our website scanner also allows you to scan other websites for peace of mind, allowing you to gain complete transparency regarding the source of the content you are consuming.

Website Scanner Features

We’ve designed our website scanner to be both easy to use and comprehensive. Here are some of its key features:

Add New Websites with Ease: Simply add the domain to your list of website domains to start scanning.

Detailed Summaries of AI Content Presence: Receive a comprehensive summary of AI content presence on your website.

Dive Deep into Flagged Pages: Analyze flagged pages for deeper insights and make necessary adjustments.

Curious about what the process looks like? Let’s take a closer look at these features below.

Add New Website

Add New Website in Scanner

Before you can run website scans, you need to first add the domain to your list of websites.

To do this, fill out the form to check if a website can be added. If the website crawl is successful, you will be given the option to add the site.

New Website Adding Process in Scanner

You can then hit ‘Add Website’, and the Website Scanner will start crawling the website, identifying AI content where present, and giving you a site assessment fee.

Here’s an example:

Website Assesment Fee Onboarding

My Websites

Website Scanning Dashboard

Once accepted, the website scanner will get to work. After it completes the scan, it will provide you with a detailed summary of how much AI content is present and where it appears on that website.

You can then click into each page of the website to dive deeper into what is flagging as AI generated and what isn’t, such as this article on whether AI content detectors are accurate or not. Website Scanner Results

This is a perfect example of the tool at work, as it shows a 60% confidence rating that this content is human-written.

Why was I happy with 60%? Well, while this article was 100% written by myself, it does also include specific AI-generated prompts and content. This is because I used them to test the various detectors, keeping with the subject of the article. Therefore, the 60% rating makes perfect sense.

If I wanted to improve my score here, though, I'd make any changes or tweaks to the sections that are being flagged as AI-generated, and hit 'Run Page Scan' to run the test again.

Who is the Web Scanner Designed For?

While the website scanner was certainly designed with website owners in mind, that doesn’t mean it can’t be an extremely useful tool for other people as well.

For example, if you have been tasked with providing your company or client with a full SEO audit, you may include a detailed website scan to highlight the impact AI-generated content is having on their search results.

There are also benefits to be had by content creators. You can use the scanner to verify the authenticity of your sources, and ensure that you're not referencing AI-generated text in your own content. AI hallucinations can cause some serious problems, so it's best to take steps to avoid them as much as possible.

Final Thoughts on the Website Scanner

We’d like to take this time to say thank you to all who have participated in our Beta phase, and given us such valuable feedback. It has greatly helped us improve our website scanner and provide users with a great product that is sure to help with their content creation, content consumption, and content analysis efforts.

So, if you’d like to know more about the AI-generated content on your website or someone else’s, give it a try - you may just save yourself from some serious Google content penalties in the future.

Jonathan Gillham

Founder / CEO of I have been involved in the SEO and Content Marketing world for over a decade. My career started with a portfolio of content sites, recently I sold 2 content marketing agencies and I am the Co-Founder of, the leading place to buy and sell content websites. Through these experiences I understand what web publishers need when it comes to verifying content is original. I am not For or Against AI content, I think it has a place in everyones content strategy. However, I believe you as the publisher should be the one making the decision on when to use AI content. Our Originality checking tool has been built with serious web publishers in mind!

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