AI Writing

INK Review - Is the Digital Penmanship Worth It?

While several AI content generation tools claim to provide SEO expertise, none compares to what INK offers its users. While still not as useful as tools like Frase or SurferSEO, INK is much cheaper and offers many SEO benefits.

Are you ready to experience the power of perfectly optimized content?

That’s what INK claims to provide you with, using their AI content generation tool.

Here, we will analyze the tool in great detail, reviewing each feature they provide and how its SEO tools compare to industry leaders.

Here, we will look at the following:

  • What INK is best for
  • How to use it effectively
  • What types of content you can generate
  • How much this tool costs
  • Key features
  • The pros and cons
  • Alternatives to INK
  • Whether the content produced gets detected by
  • The final verdict on INK

INK Quick Review

  • Ease of use - 8/10
  • Features - 8/10
  • Customer Support - 8/10
  • Price - 7/10
  • Speed - 9/10
  • - detectable

Who is INK Best For?

Small businesses

For any small business owner, you will be all too aware of how much of your time, money, and effort is pulled into several other essential jobs.

As a result, your marketing efforts can quickly drop down the priority list, despite its importance. However, INK can help you change that by offering faster content generation cheaper than hiring a copywriter.

SEO experts

Another group that would benefit from using INK are SEO experts. With the keyword clustering tool and built-in SEO aspects to content creation, SEO experts can easily use INK to improve their website ranking and organic traffic.

AI enthusiasts

Finally, for anyone who wants to learn more about AI and it’s constant evolution, INK is an excellent tool, as it offers a wide array of content generation options, including imagery.

How to Use INK Effectively

To get the most out of your INK membership, it is crucial to take advantage of the SEO features on offer.

You can use the keyword research tool to establish important keywords in your industry niche before clustering them to write content that will give you topical authority on a subject.

From there, you can use the blog, product description, and article writing tools to generate content for these keywords and create emails targeting these subjects.

By using SEO-optimizing tools, you ensure that any content you generate and publish has the best chance of ranking highly and increasing organic traffic.

What Types of Content Can You Create With INK?

Marketing content

First and foremost, as with any high-quality AI content creation tool, INK provides an array of marketing content options, such as email campaigns, Ad campaigns, social media, or blog posts.


INK also provides a very useful image creation tool, which allows you to create assets that align with the content that you have generated.

SEO-friendly content

However, the main type of content you can create using INK is SEO-friendly. It is what their marketing promotes as their USP and all of the tools are geared towards it.

For example, when you click through to create a blank blog post, the first question you are naked is where you want to write with SEO in mind.

Once we put our keyword phrase into the system (in this case, we chose “men's wallets”), INK provides you with a series of optimization tasks.

This is excellent for SEO novices, as it offers a checklist for you to use to ensure your content has the best chance of ranking.

How Much Does It Cost?

Professional - $49 per month

  • One user
  • Unlimited AI writing
  • Unlimited SEO articles
  • Unlimited AI imagery
  • Keyword research and clustering

Enterprise - $119 per month

  • Everything in the Professional subscription
  • 3 paid users
  • Premium support

Key Features

Keyword Research

The first exciting feature on offer in the INK platform is its keyword research tool.

Here, you can input your primary keyword, outline your target audience, and discuss the objective of your audience.

From there, INK will create a series of keyword phrases you can use to write content about. 

Let’s test it out with our wallet example.

Here, we have put in our keyword phrase “men’s wallets” along with information about our target audience and the outcome we hope for. Let’s see what INK provides us with.

Now that our list is generated, we can go ahead and select the keywords we want to target and copy these phrases so that we can add them to our keyword list.


Another useful feature is the Write tool, which is where you can generate your content with an eye on SEO.

Here’s our wallet example from earlier:

While the content generation tool is quick and easy to use, and the SEO percentage score is a welcome addition, the actual content that is generated is rather underwhelming, which is a shame.


No piece of marketing content is complete with accompanying imagery.

However, sourcing photography for every social media post, email, or blog article can be very tedious and costly, and often stock imagery doesn’t quite suit.

That is where the INK AI image tool can be a game changer.

Here’s an example of it the tool in action, generating imagery we can use on social media or email marketing for our wallet company.

While the tool is not as strong as image-specific AI tools like Midjourney, the tool still has a lot of value.


Another really useful feature INK offer is its AI Assistant.

Here, you can input a question for the AI assistant, provide some more context, and the tool will generate some relevant content.

Here’s an example for our wallet company, promoting a new sustainably sourced product.

The results are really strong and would be a great foundation point for any sales copy.

Alternatives to INK

If you don’t think INK is the right tool for you, there are several alternatives that you can consider. If the pricing is an issue, there are other SEO-friendly AI tools, such as AI SEO, or you can generate content for free with ChatGPT.

If you aren’t interested in the SEO aspect of content creation, is an excellent alternative which is much cheaper per month.

Finally, if you want to improve the quality of your image creation, Midjourney is the industry leader for AI image generation.

Can INK Get Detected by

As you can see, quickly picks up that our wallet example is 100% AI-generated, further highlighting the importance of adding a human touch to any AI content you create.

INK: The Final Verdict

In summary, there is a lot to like about the INK platform. The tool excels in SEO support and offers a cheaper alternative to market leaders such as SurferSEO.

It also has a good range of tools for you to use, especially as a marketing professional.

However, the content generated leaves a little to be desired and will likely require a fair amount of human input to ensure it meets your brand tone of voice.

Overall, INK is certainly a tool you should test, especially if you are eager to learn more about SEO content generation.

Frequently Asked Questions About INK

What does INK do?

INK offers SEO-friendly AI content creation, claiming to be the only AI-assisted SEO service.

Is INK free?

You can use INK for free for five days, with 10,000 words. You also don’t need to add a credit card to your free account.

Why use AI for copywriting?

AI can analyze vast amounts of data, understand target audiences, and create persuasive copy tailored to specific marketing goals. This saves time and resources while maintaining consistent messaging across various platforms.


My name is Graeme, a passionate writer with a strong Content Marketing background. Over the last seven years, I have developed an extensive portfolio of SEO Content writing, helping various brands improve their organic traffic, customer experience, and, ultimately, profits!

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