AI Writing

HiveMind Review - The Magic of Your AI For Your Team

HiveMind AI-powered project management tool claims to make project management quick and easy, with a built-in AI tool that can generate notes and email responses with just a few simple clicks.

When you're trying to manage a project, it can feel almost impossible without the right systems in place.

Quickly, you will find yourself lost, trying to play catch up, while everyone else looks to you for advice and guidance.

But not with HiveMind. This AI-powered project management tool claims to make project management quick and easy, with a built-in AI tool that can generate notes and email responses with just a few simple clicks.

But does it make projects easier to manage or create unnecessary additional hurdles to jump over?

Here, we will look at the following:

  • What HiveMind is best for
  • How to use it effectively
  • What types of content you can generate
  • How much this tool costs
  • Key features
  • The pros and cons
  • Alternatives to HiveMind
  • Whether the content produced gets detected by
  • The final verdict on HiveMind

HiveMind Quick Review

  • Ease of use - 9/10
  • Features - 7/10
  • Customer Support - 8/10
  • Price - 9/10
  • Speed - 8/10
  • - detectable

Summary - 8/10

Overall, HiveMind is a very powerful project management tool, with the addition of AI writing tools available to help you set up projects and take notes quickly and easily.

The tool is not full of AI writing features, but it isn't supposed to be, as it is a project management tool first and an AI writer second. You can see other project management tool reviews.

That said, the AI content generation is of a high standard and, mixed with the other features on offer, makes this a very useful project management AI platform.

Who is HiveMind Best For?

HiveMind Ai Landing Page

HiveMind is a great tool for any small-to-medium-sized businesses that need a project management tool that is also extremely well integrated with AI text generation capabilities.

The platform is easy to use and communicate through, making it ideal for teams all working on the same project or reporting to the same manager.

How to Use HiveMind Effectively

To get the most out of your HiveMind membership, it is important to use more than just the AI writing tool. There are many other project-related tools that can help you create brilliant content in a clear and organized fashion, so make sure you test out as many as possible to maximize your membership.

When using the AI tool specifically, try to be clear and detailed with your briefs and give as much information regarding the project and what you want to receive from the tool.

What Types of Content Can You Create With HiveMind?

As HiveMind AI is used primarily for note-taking, there are no specific AI features to choose from, such as social media post templates or blog article parameters.

However, with the right prompts and patience, you can create just about any form of content using this tool.

How Much Does It Cost?

HiveMind AI Pricing Plans

Solo - $0 per month

  • Up to 2 workspace members
  • Unlimited storage
  • Unlimited project and tasks
  • Unlimited collaborative notes
  • Native chat messaging

Teams - $12 per month

  • Everything in Solo plus:
  • Unlimited workspace members
  • External guest access
  • Shareable forms
  • Time tracking
  • In-app calendar
  • Zoom & Slack from Hive

Key HiveMind Features

AI Writing in HiveMind Notes

HiveMind AI Writing Assistant

Within the HiveMind notes tool, you can access the HiveMind AI writing assistance. Here, by clicking the blue "+" button, you can access the AI tool, where you can input a prompt for any kind of content, whether it be short-form like a social media post, an email or a longer piece like a blog post.

Let's test it out.

Here's our prompt:

"Write me a blog post for a large sneaker company introducing their new basketball sneakers. Explain the benefits of wearing basketball-specific footwear, the light weight of the shoes, and the style and color patterns."

Here is the result:

HiveMind AI Generate Content Following custom Prompts

It is a solid result, although a little on the short side and lacking some of the more advanced elements of a well-structured article (breaks in paragraphs, bullet points, and so on).

HiveMind AI Content Editor Assistant
HiveMind AI Image Generator

As you can see, the image generation tool needs a little more work!

AI Imagery in HiveMind Notes

However, HiveMind doesn't just generate text; it can also generate imagery. Let's try and create a header image to go with our article.

HiveMind Alternatives

If you are looking for a like-for-like project management tool to use instead of HiveMind, the most obvious choice would be Notion. Notion is widely regarded as one of the best project management tools you can opt for, and their Notion AI feature makes note-taking and content generation extremely simple.

If you are searching for a tool that focuses more on AI features instead of project management tools, you should consider platforms like Simplified AI, Neuraltext, or

Can HiveMind Get Detected by

HiveMind Ai Generated Content Get Detected by

As you can see, immediately detects that our blog on brand-new sneakers is 100% AI-generated, so it's important to add your own finishes to anything you create with the HiveMind AI writing assistant.

HiveMind: The Final Verdict

Overall, the HiveMind platform is a brilliant project management tool, and if you use the AI writing tool as a side tool and not as your main reason for using the platform, it's a great additional feature.

However, if you are looking for a tool that focuses specifically on AI content generation, HiveMind might not be right for you.

That said, the tool is 100% free to try, so check it out and see for yourself whether it is a tool you want to include in your daily tasks.

Frequently Asked Questions About HiveMind

Is HiveMind secure and reliable?

Overall, HiveMind is a very secure and reliable tool that allows you to quickly and easily create content for several purposes, such as email responses or project kick-off pieces.

Does HiveMind cost money?

When you sign up for a HiveMind membership, you get access to the tool for free on a Solo subscription. However, for more advanced or team features, you will need to pay a monthly subscription.

What is the difference between HiveMind and ChatGPT?

While both HiveMind and ChatGPT 3.5 are free, HiveMind focuses specifically on business-related AI text generation, whereas ChatGPT is a more generic tool, usable for any form of content creation.


My name is Graeme, a passionate writer with a strong Content Marketing background. Over the last seven years, I have developed an extensive portfolio of SEO Content writing, helping various brands improve their organic traffic, customer experience, and, ultimately, profits!

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