AI Studies

A Complete List of AI Newsletters

A curated list of the top AI newsletters with a comprehensive reference table of key newsletter features, including open rates, total subscribers, and sponsored ad prices.

We researched the top AI newsletters to curate a complete list that highlights unique features so that you can filter, compare, and contrast the best AI newsletter for your needs. 

Whether you’re an AI enthusiast, developer, industry professional, or keen to stay up-to-date with the latest AI developments, this comprehensive list is a go-to resource for the top AI newsletters. 

In this article, we’ll review the newsletter features, how to filter the table, and provide an overview of each newsletter included in our table. This list will remain updated as an easy-to-reference list of the top AI newsletters.

Features Overview 

A quick overview of some of the AI newsletter features that are included in our table.

1. Sponsorship Ads 

Sponsorship ads are advertisements placed within AI newsletter articles. The sponsored company leverages the newsletter's existing audience to market and advertise their products and services. Sponsorship ads are a crucial revenue stream for newsletters that can be customized to align with the interests of subscribers. 

2. Open Rates 

The open rate is the percentage of subscribers who open a newsletter after receiving it. For example, if you send a daily newsletter to 10,000 subscribers, and an average of 50 percent of your subscribers open it, that means you have an open rate of 50%. In this example, a 50% open rate indicates that an average of 5,000 subscribers open your newsletter daily. 

It's an important metric for newsletter owners and sponsored companies (who want to advertise in a newsletter) to track because it's an excellent indicator of engagement and effectiveness. 

3. Sponsorship Ads Price

This refers to the cost for a company or brand to place an advertisement in the newsletter. Prices can vary based on size, time, placement within the newsletter, audience size, and more. In our table, you’ll usually see; 

  • Starts at $(price): This refers to the lowest main ad pricing for that newsletter. 
  • Custom: A ‘custom’ ad price indicates that the company (that wants to advertise) has to fill out a form or contact the newsletter to work out custom pricing and details for the ad. 
  • N/A not applicable. 

4. Launch Date

The launch date is when the newsletter was first published and made available to subscribers. This provides context about how established the newsletter is, how long it’s provided content to readers, and its overall history and longevity. 

Note: In some cases, the launch date wasn’t specified or available online. To identify a launch date in these instances, we visited the sitemap of each newsletter to check when the first article was published and used that as the launch date. 

AI Newsletter List Overview 

What Are AI Newsletters?

An AI newsletter is a regularly distributed printed or electronic report (such as by email) that provides updates, insights, analysis, and summaries about everything happening in the artificial intelligence space. 

AI newsletters cater to a range of audiences, from technical researchers to business professionals to developers to AI enthusiasts and hobbyists. Their goal is to provide value to their readers by highlighting the latest developments in the AI industry. Each newsletter has a unique style and approach, leveraging diverse backgrounds and perspectives. 

Here’s a list of all the AI newsletters in our table with a brief overview.

1. Ben's Bites 

  • Subscribers: 100,000+
  • Overview/Summary: Focuses on AI product launches, news, and research. Provides humorous and concise updates.
  •  Authors/Company: Ben Tossell
  •  Link: Ben's Bites

2. Superhuman

  • Subscribers: 700,000+
  • Overview/Summary: Leverages AI for productivity. Offers practical AI applications for career and daily life.
  • Authors/Company: Zain Kahn
  • Link: Superhuman

3. The Neuron

  • Subscribers: 425,000+
  • Overview/Summary: Detailed industry news with a touch of humor. Covers AI trends and insights. 
  • Authors/Company: Peter Huang and Noah Edelman
  • Link: The Neuron

4. AI Disruption

  • Subscribers: Not specified 
  • Overview/Summary: Explores the social impact of AI. In-depth analysis of critical AI developments.
  • Authors/Company: Alex McFarland 
  • Link: AI Disruption

5. The Batch

  • Subscribers: Not specified 
  • Overview/Summary: Latest AI technologies, news, publications, and practical AI tools. Provides accessible and expert analysis.
  • Authors/Company: Jack Clark (co-founder of Anthropic)
  • Link: The Batch

6. AI Tidbits

  • Subscribers: Not specified
  • Overview/Summary: Insights, technological advancements, legal issues, and public policy related to AI. Easy-to-digest summaries of complex AI topics.
  • Authors/Company: Sahar Mor and Arthur Mor
  • Link: AI Tidbits

7. Import AI

  • Subscribers: 55,000+
  • Overview/Summary: Comprehensive coverage of AI news and insights. Easy-to-understand explanations of complex topics.
  • Authors/Company: Jack Clark (co-founder of Anthropic)
  • Link: Import AI

8. Machine Learnings

  • Subscribers: 13,000
  • Overview/Summary: AI and machine learning news, insights, and industry developments. Highlights advancements in AI research.
  • Authors/Company: Sam DeBrule
  • Link: Machine Learnings

9. AI Weekly Digest

  • Subscribers: 16,000
  • Overview/Summary: Comprehensive coverage of AI news, research, and industry updates. Easy-to-digest weekly summaries.
  • Authors/Company: Louis Bouchard
  • Link: AI Weekly Digest

10. One Useful Thing

  • Subscribers: 158,000+
  • Overview/Summary: AI prompts, tools, and insights to boost productivity. Keeps subscribers updated on the latest AI trends.
  • Authors/Company: Ethan Mollick
  • Link: One Useful Thing

11. Guide to AI

  • Subscribers: 25,000+
  • Overview/Summary: AI technology, research, and industry updates. Provides insights on AI developments and applications.
  • Authors/Company: Nathan Benaich
  • Link: Guide to AI

12. Prompt Engineering Daily

  • Subscribers: 100,000+
  • Overview/Summary: Daily updates on AI prompts, tools, and insights. Focuses on productivity and staying updated with AI trends.
  • Authors/Company: Aadit Sheth
  • Link: Prompt Engineering Daily

13. Future Tools

  • Subscribers: 50,000+
  • Overview/Summary: AI technology, research, and tools updates. Focuses on the latest advancements and applications in AI.
  • Authors/Company: Matt Wolfe
  • Link: Future Tools

14. AlphaSignal

  • Subscribers: 180,000+
  • Overview/Summary: AI/ML research, top projects, repositories, and news. Curated summaries of AI advancements.
  • Authors/Company: Lior Sinclair and Eric Vyacheslav
  • Link: AlphaSignal

15. The AI Valley

  • Subscribers: 80,000+
  • Overview/Summary: AI news, tools, resources, and tech developments. Focuses on the latest trends and innovations in AI.
  • Authors/Company: Barsee
  • Link: The AI Valley

16. Data Machina

  • Subscribers: 18,000+
  • Overview/Summary: AI/ML research, projects, tools, and insights. Curated content for AI and machine learning enthusiasts.
  • Authors/Company: Carlos E. Perez
  • Link: Data Machina

17. AI Breakfast

  • Subscribers: 55,000+
  • Overview/Summary: Current weekly analysis of the latest AI projects, products, and news. Updates on AI advancements and practical applications.
  • Authors/Company: AI Breakfast
  • Link: AI Breakfast

18. The Sequence

  • Subscribers: 170,000+
  • Overview/Summary: AI and machine learning research, industry trends, insights, and technological advancements. Updates on AI advancements, practical AI applications, and theoretical implications.
  • Authors/Company: Jesus Rodriguez and Ksenia Se
  • Link: The Sequence

19. AI Insider

  • Subscribers: N/A
  • Overview/Summary: In-depth analysis and updates on AI developments. Focuses on significant AI trends and innovations.
  • Authors/Company: Michelle Johnson
  • Link: AI Insider

20. Last Week in AI

  • Subscribers: 33,000+
  • Overview/Summary: Weekly roundup of AI news, research, and developments. Provides a concise summary of the most important AI events.
  • Authors/Company: Skynet Today
  • Link: Last Week in AI

21. The AI Ethics Brief

  • Subscribers: 13,000+ 
  • Overview/Summary: Focuses on ethical issues and considerations in AI. Provides insights and analysis on AI ethics and policy.
  • Authors/Company: Montreal AI Ethics Institute
  • Link: The AI Ethics Brief

22. Deep Learning Weekly

  • Subscribers: 31,000+
  • Overview/Summary: Curated news and articles on deep learning and AI. Weekly updates on the latest research, tools, and applications.
  • Authors/Company: Miko Planas 
  • Link: Deep Learning Weekly

23. KDnuggets News

  • Subscribers: 360,000+
  • Overview/Summary: Updates on AI, data science, and machine learning news. Offers tutorials, articles, and industry insights.
  • Authors/Company: Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro
  • Link: KDnuggets News

24. AI Hustle

  • Subscribers: 8,000+
  • Overview/Summary: Insights and strategies for leveraging AI in business. Focuses on practical applications and AI-driven entrepreneurship.
  • Authors/Company: Jason Stewart
  • Link: AI Hustle

25. Exponential View

  • Subscribers: 101,000
  • Overview/Summary: Analysis and insights on AI and exponential technologies. Focuses on the impact of technology on society and business.
  • Authors/Company: Azeem Azhar
  • Link: Exponential View


  • Subscribers: 500,000+
  • Overview/Summary: Daily AI news and updates in a concise format. Covers the latest advancements and breakthroughs in AI.
  • Authors/Company: Dan Ni
  • Link: TLDR AI

27. Not A Bot

  • Subscribers: 50,000+
  • Overview/Summary: Daily updates on AI news and trends. Focuses on making AI accessible and understandable for everyone.
  • Authors/Company: Haroon Choudery
  • Link: Not A Bot

28. Big Brain Daily

  • Subscribers: 100,000+
  • Overview/Summary: Daily updates on trending AI news, jobs, and tools. Job listings and tools updates in just 3 minutes.
  • Authors/Company: Alex Valaitis and Alan Buxbaum
  • Link: Big Brain Daily

29. Artificial Ignorance

  • Subscribers: 90,000+
  • Overview/Summary: Weekly AI news, analysis, tutorials, and interviews. Focuses on AI projects, roundups, and interviews aimed at fostering AI literacy.
  • Authors/Company: Charlie Guo
  • Link: Artificial Ignorance

30. Practical AI

  • Subscribers: N/A
  • Overview/Summary: Weekly updates on AI tools, news, and practical examples of AI in use. It makes complex AI topics accessible to everyone.
  • Authors/Company: Thomas Sorheim
  • Link: Practical AI

31. Marcus on AI

  • Subscribers: 38,00+
  • Overview/Summary: Critical analysis of AI, ethical implications, and future developments. Focuses on second-order implications and ethical considerations of AI.
  • Authors/Company: Gary Marcus
  • Link: Marcus on AI

32. The Rundown

  • Subscribers: 600,000+
  • Overview/Summary: Latest AI news, tools, and research delivered daily. Provides daily updates on AI developments in a concise format.
  • Authors/Company: Rowan Cheung
  • Link: The Rundown

33. Sunday Signal

  • Subscribers: 40,000+
  • Overview/Summary: Curated AI highlights, tools, trends, and broader implications. Consistent, concise format for easy reading.
  • Authors/Company: Alex Banks
  • Link: Sunday Signal

34. Mindstream

  • Subscribers: 130,000+
  • Overview/Summary: Latest AI news, tips, insights, and more are presented daily. Aims to provide comprehensive and timely updates on AI.
  • Authors/Company: Adam Biddlecombe, Matt Village
  • Link: Mindstream

35. Visually AI

  • Subscribers: 9,000+
  • Overview/Summary: AI news, tools, and innovation with a visual focus. Provides visually engaging content on AI advancements. 
  • Authors/Company: Heather Cooper
  • Link: Visually AI

36. 80/20 AI

  • Subscribers: 26,000+
  • Overview/Summary: Latest AI news, tools, tips, and developments. Curates the top 20% of AI content that matters most.
  • Authors/Company: Alamin Samnani
  • Link: 80/20 AI

37. Latent Space

  • Subscribers: 44,000+
  • Overview/Summary: The newsletter covers a wide range of AI topics, such as AI user experience (UX), AI agents, development tools, infrastructure, and open-source AI models. It provides executive summaries, model training insights, AI UX strategies, and more. 
  • Authors/Company: Swyx & Alessio
  • Link: Latent Space

38. The Deep View

  • Subscribers: 240,000+
  • Overview/Summary: 5-minute daily summaries of various AI-related topics, including industry news, research breakthroughs, AI tools, and productivity tips. It aims to educate its readers about how to leverage AI tools for productivity and career advancement.
  • Authors/Company: Not specified
  • Link: The Deep View

39. The Automated

  • Subscribers: 20,000+
  • Overview/Summary: AI tools, news, productivity tips, and industry insights. Tailored content for traditional business owners looking to leverage AI.
  • Authors/Company: Daniel Akpobare, Tak Lo
  • Link: The Automated

40. Unwind AI

  • Subscribers: 75,000
  • Overview/Summary: Latest AI developments, tools, and practical insights. Simplified, practical focus, authored by an AI expert.
  • Authors/Company: Shubham Saboo
  • Link: Unwind AI

41. Adepto

  • Subscribers: 115,000+
  • Overview/Summary: AI startups, developments, and products. Access to an 8,000-tool database and tailored insights.
  • Authors/Company: Jakob Klocker
  • Link: Adepto

42. Profit Snack

  • Subscribers: 70,000+
  • Overview/Summary: AI-powered business insights and entertainment. Features products like "AI Systems" and a community focus.
  • Authors/Company: Profit Snack
  • Link: Profit Snack

43. The AI Observer

  • Subscribers: 1,000+
  • Overview/Summary: AI news, in-depth analyses, and fresh perspectives. Versatile newsletter with insights and updates on AI.
  • Authors/Company: Nat
  • Link: The AI Observer

44. Interconnects

  • Subscribers: 14,000+
  • Overview/Summary: AI research, in-depth analyses, and insights from the intersection of high-level and technical thinking. Written by an expert in the field; access to a dedicated subscriber Discord community.
  • Authors/Company: Nathan Lambert
  • Link: Interconnects

45. The Algorithm

  • Subscribers: N/A
  • Overview/Summary: Demystifying artificial intelligence, providing in-depth reporting on the latest AI news and research. Award-winning newsletter recognized for its quality journalism and insightful analysis of AI developments.
  • Authors/Company: Melissa Heikkilä
  • Link: The Algorithm

46. Ai5

  • Subscribers: 9,000+
  • Overview/Summary: Focus on AI art with plenty of prompt tips, images, and gifs. A healthy balance between education and entertainment. 
  • Authors/Company: Matt Duffin
  • Link: Ai5

How to Filter the Newsletter Table 

Example 1: Single Field Filtering 

Example Filter for Finding AI Newsletters Above 50,000 Subscribers

Step 1: Go to the ‘Subscribers Count’ column and click on the little drop-down arrow.

Step 2: In the filter options, set the condition to show newsletters with subscriber counts greater than 50,000.

Result: The table will now only display newsletters with over 50,000 subscribers.

Example 2:  Multiple Fields Filtering

Example Filter for Finding AI Newsletters With ‘Main Ad Price’ Sponsorship Less Than $4000 and ‘Open Rates’ of More Than 40%

Step 1: Go to the "Main Ad Price($)" Column and click on the little drop-down arrow.

Step 2: In the filter options, set the condition to show newsletters with ‘Main Ad Price’ less than $4000. You can use whatever condition you would like. 

Step 3: Add a Filter for Open Rates by clicking the add condition button and selecting Open Rates %, the greater than operator, and the percent you want (we did 40% in this example). 

Now, the table has seven AI newsletters from the original 45 that fit these conditions. 

That's it! That’s how simple it is to filter our table to customize your search to find the AI newsletter that best fits your needs.

Jonathan Gillham

Founder / CEO of I have been involved in the SEO and Content Marketing world for over a decade. My career started with a portfolio of content sites, recently I sold 2 content marketing agencies and I am the Co-Founder of, the leading place to buy and sell content websites. Through these experiences I understand what web publishers need when it comes to verifying content is original. I am not For or Against AI content, I think it has a place in everyones content strategy. However, I believe you as the publisher should be the one making the decision on when to use AI content. Our Originality checking tool has been built with serious web publishers in mind!

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