
Word Count for Pages

Perhaps you’re writing a college essay or maybe you’re a blogger writing a piece using your Mac? It could be that you’re a business professional – or a student at school tasked with writing your dissertation or thesis? The brief needs you to keep a keen eye on the word count for your pages and maybe you’re unsure how to do it using your Mac pages software program? Where's the count display on your Mac?

Displaying Word Count for Pages (for Mac Pages Software Program)

Perhaps you’re writing a college essay or maybe you’re a blogger writing a piece using your Mac? It could be that you’re a business professional – or a student at school tasked with writing your dissertation or thesis? The brief needs you to keep a keen eye on the word count for your pages and maybe you’re unsure how to do it using your Mac pages software program?  Where's the count display on your Mac?

In this piece, we’ll give you all the information you need to find out the approximate word count, additional counts and even information to determine the character count, paragraph counts and more. As well as using an Apple Mac, there are other ways to find out what your word count is too, which we’ll also discuss.

If you’re using Pages (the Mac program) as your app for writing an article or other type of document, this piece is useful to bookmark. Not only will we tell you how to view the word count in pages on a Mac, but also how to view the word count in pages on your iOS iPhone and your iOS iPad.  Not sure how to use Mac Pages? Here's a useful video worth checking out.

Let’s dive in!

Using a Mac?  Here's How to Display Word Count in Pages 

Follow these easy steps to learn what the word count for your article is in Pages:

  1. If you’re using a Mac, open your article using the Pages app.
  2. Next, select Command + Shift + W.
  3. You’ll be able to see the word count for your entire document.
  4. To view a portion of your essay’s word count, simply highlight the amount of words and select Command + Shift + W. You should see the word count for the portion selected in a little count box.

What About Other Ways to Display Word Count in Pages?

It’s very easy to follow the above instructions but you might want to try a different route that gives you more insights into your article. For example, the character count, the sentence count and even extra information such as whether or not your work is completely unique and if it’s generated using Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The Best Online Word Counter Tool

One of the best online tools for this purpose is Originality AI. This popular online word counter gives you a wealth of information and has a brilliant character count feature built in, along with other document statistics! Just copy your essay text into the text box and the online tool does all the work for you – giving you an accurate word count in real time.

There's more too. This count tool also assesses other information such as character count, characters with spaces, sentence count and paragraph count but possibly the most important information of all is its originality check. So, you know for sure whether or not your work is unique and whether or not your essay uses ChatGPT or other artificial intelligence.

Even More Ways to Determine Word Count in Pages on a Mac

There’s another route you might want to try if you’re using Apple Pages on your Mac, as follows:

  1. Locate the Menu status bar (right at the top).
  2. Select View.
  3. Scroll to Show Word Count.
  4. Look at the bottom of your Pages screen and view the word count.
  5. You can select to view character count, with or without spaces, pages and paragraphs if you wish to as well.

What About Using an iPhone/iPad Device?

If you’re using an iOS device, here’s how to find out the word count using the Pages app with our simple steps:

  1. Select the Page App on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Locate the three-dot icon which is on the top right-hand side of the page.
  3. Click on More.
  4. Next, click on Enable Word Count.
  5. Once you’ve initiated the above steps, click on Done.
  6. The word count should be right at the bottom of your screen but clearly visible.

Your iPad is slightly different, you should still access your essay using the Pages App but look on the top left-hand side of your page and click on View Options. Next, move to Word Count and then tap onto your essay to close the View Options character count window.

Final Words on Word Counting Using Mac's Pages Program

Now you've all the information you need to view the accurate count on your Pages App using a Mac, iPhone and iPad. Either use the navigation supplied on Pages or try the Originality AI route which gives you even more added value (as well as exact count). The additional information is useful for use with a lengthy document or even portions of documents.

Jonathan Gillham

Founder / CEO of I have been involved in the SEO and Content Marketing world for over a decade. My career started with a portfolio of content sites, recently I sold 2 content marketing agencies and I am the Co-Founder of, the leading place to buy and sell content websites. Through these experiences I understand what web publishers need when it comes to verifying content is original. I am not For or Against AI content, I think it has a place in everyones content strategy. However, I believe you as the publisher should be the one making the decision on when to use AI content. Our Originality checking tool has been built with serious web publishers in mind!

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