AI Writing

Smart Copy AI Review - Wherever You Type, Smart Copy Writes

Unlock the power of content creation with Smart Copy AI. Explore its impressive features and AI writing assistance. Test the free plan to conquer writer's block.

Work smarter, not harder, as the old saying goes.

But is Smart Copy AI the right tool to help you achieve this?

Here, we will look at the following:

  • What Smart Copy AI is best for
  • How to use it effectively
  • What types of content you can generate
  • How much this tool costs
  • Key features
  • The pros and cons
  • Alternatives to Smart Copy AI
  • Whether the content produced gets detected by
  • The final verdict on Smart Copy AI

Smart Copy AI Quick Review

  • Ease of use - 8/10
  • Features - 8/10
  • Customer Support - 8/10
  • Price - 8/10
  • Speed - 8/10
  • - detectable

Summary - 8/10

Overall, Smart Copy AI is a very powerful AI writing tool that can help you create content such as ad copy, product descriptions, landing pages, or blog articles.

The AI writing software is easy to use, the features are impressive, and the AI writing assistant is extremely helpful.

We definitely recommend you test out the free plan to see if Smart Copy helps when it comes to overcoming writer's block or as part of your writing process.

How We Test AI Tools

Before we dive in, let's quickly outline how we conducted this Smart Copy review. We value in-depth first-hand research, and as such, all the opinions and information shared in this review (all our reviews for other AI copywriting tools) have been gathered by conducting first-hand research.

We believe that by creating content on the platform ourselves, we can provide a much more open and transparent review, giving you all the information you need to make an informed decision about whether you want to try Smart Copy AI or not.

This article is also not a paid advertisement, so you can trust the opinions shared are completely unbiased.

Who is Smart Copy AI Best For?

As you can see from the image above, Smart Copy AI is packed with templates for you to take advantage of.

As a result, the tool is usable and beneficial for almost anyone, especially those who are short on time or resources and require a lot of copy to be created in a short space of time.

How to Use Smart Copy AI Effectively

To get the most out of Smart Copy AI, make sure you provide as much detail as possible when creating your project as part of the setup phase.

From there, try to maximize the tool's potential by using as many of the templates on offer, providing detailed prompts to get the best possible results.

What Types of Content Can You Create With Smart Copy AI?

Given the many features on offer, the types of content you can create almost feel endless. Here are some of the most common forms of content that Smart Copy AI can help with:

  • Social media posts
  • Meta descriptions
  • Blog posts
  • Product descriptions
  • Emails
  • Essays
  • Ads
  • Ebooks

How Much Does It Cost?

Smart Copy AI Monthly Pricing Plans

The Free Plan - $0 per month

  • 5+ Templates
  • 30+ Languages
  • Chrome Extension
  • Desktop App
  • 1 Project
  • 40 Credits
  • Built-in Grammarly

The Essential Plan - $9 per month

  • 5+ Templates
  • 30+ Languages
  • Chrome Extension
  • Desktop App
  • 3 Project
  • 200 Credits
  • Built-in Grammarly

The Unlimited Plan - $49 per month

  • 5+ Templates
  • 30+ Languages
  • Chrome Extension
  • Desktop App
  • Unlimited Projects
  • Unlimited Credits
  • Built-in Grammarly

Key Smart Copy AI Features

Create a project

Smart Copy AI Allow User to Create Projects

When you first register with Smart Copy, you are asked to provide details about your project. This is a really handy first step, as it allows you to provide the tool with as much detail as you can about your brand and requirements.

From there, Smart Copy can then tweak the content it generates to suit your brand tone of voice and requirements, reducing the amount of edits you have to make.

Chrome extension and desktop app

Smart Copy AI Offer Chrome Extensions and Desktop App

Another handy feature that Smart Copy AI provides is the Chrome extension and the desktop app. These features allow you to take Smart Copy with you on the go, taking advantage of the features wherever possible.


Smart Copy AI Writer Feature

Alongside the many templates on offer, Smart Copy also provides a feature simply labeled "Writer".

This tool aims to create content with just a couple of sentences of input. It is able to do so, thanks to the detailed project description you provided when you first logged into the tool.

Let's check it in action. Here's the prompt:

And here's what the output looks like:

Smart Copy AI Content Creation Process With Prompts

Smart Copy AI Alternatives

As for alternatives to Smart Copy, there are plenty of tools for you to choose from. Some of our favorites include Nexmind, Textmetrics, and Swiftbrief.

Can Smart Copy AI Get Detected by

Now let's check the content we generated in Writer, to see if can detect it as AI generated or not.

Smart Copy AI Generated Content Get Detected By

Smart Copy AI: The Final Verdict

Overall, Smart Copy is a very powerful tool, packed with all the features you need to create content that resonates with your target audience. Whether it's intriguing meta descriptions or detailed blog outlines, Smart Copy is an excellent AI writing assistant and one that can certainly help you with your content, especially when you add your own finishing touches and ensure it isn't 100% AI-generated.

Frequently Asked Questions About Smart Copy AI

Is Smart Copy AI secure and reliable?

Smart Copy is a highly reliable and secure tool, brought to you by Unbounce, a highly regarded brand with a faultless reputation.

Does Smart Copy AI cost money?

You can use the AI copywriting tool for free, which is the case with many AI writing tools. However, to get access to all the benefits that the Smart Copy AI tool has to offer, you will need to invest in an Essential or Ultimate plan.

What is the difference between Smart Copy AI and ChatGPT?

While Smart Copy is an AI writer just like ChatGPT, the tool also takes advantage of built-in templates, allowing you to create content for specific channels, such as Google Ads or social media posts.


My name is Graeme, a passionate writer with a strong Content Marketing background. Over the last seven years, I have developed an extensive portfolio of SEO Content writing, helping various brands improve their organic traffic, customer experience, and, ultimately, profits!

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