AI Writing

Scribbr AI Detector Review - Can It Detect AI Generated Content

Evaluate AI content with precision. Explore alternative AI content detectors beyond Ensure trust and quality in your information sources.

AI content. It's one of the most fiercely debated topics across all elements of content creation and a topic that we obviously feel strongly about!

With so much content getting generated through one AI tool or another, it can be hard for readers to trust their sources or fairly assess the quality of work.

That's where AI detectors come into play. But's AI detector is not the only one available, and it isn't the one that we will be looking at today.

Instead, we will be taking an impartial look at Scribbr's AI detection tool to see whether or not it is one you could consider using. To see a complete analysis or conduct your own AI detector accuracy review see this guide.

Here, we will focus on the following:

  • What Scribbr is
  • Why people are interested in Scribbr's AI detector
  • Whether the Scribbr AI detection tool works or not.

What is Scribbr?

Scribbr AI Detector Landing Page

Originally, Scribbr operated as a plagiarism checker, which used its own unique plagiarism detection software to detect plagiarism in academic work and help maintain academic integrity. However, since the rise of AI content generation, Scribbr moved past just detecting plagiarism by offering an AI detection tool as well.

So, while we are not here to do a Scribbr plagiarism checker review, we will be diving a little deeper into its AI detection capabilities.

The Scribbr plagiarism checker is widely respected, so it will be interesting to see if the AI detection tool is of the same calibre.

Why are People Interested in Scribbr's AI Detector?

As mentioned, AI content is becoming more prevalent each day, and while we here at certainly feel it has a place in content, there are also times when it does not, and transparency over the use of AI is incredibly important.

The era of misinformation and plagiarism is a scary one, but the Scribbr AI detection tool claims to help remove some of that fear by helping users detect AI content and maintain transparency over content created.

But does it work?

Does it Work? The Results

Now, let's get to the bit you've all come to find out. Does Scribbr's detection tool actually work?

Well, to find out, we've decided to put it through some rigorous testing alongside the content detection tool to see if they can detect the AI-generated content we create.

As with all of our articles, we feel it important to implement first-hand research and tests to ensure we provide you with the clearest and most unbiased opinions possible.

Quick note: This article is not paid for by Scribbr, and all of the results you see are based purely on the tests we have created, and not impacted by any form of sponsorship or outside influence.

The test

For this test, we will create a few fake scenarios where AI content is likely prominent, creating content via ChatGPT, as this is the most widely used AI tool.

We will then run that AI-generated content through and Scribbr to see whether or not the two tools can detect that the content is AI-generated.

For this test, it's important to create a variety of types of content to ensure the test is as thorough as possible, which is why we will be generating a blog post, a product description, a promotional email, and a cover letter.

The Results

Blog content

Firstly, let's put both tools to the test with a blog post for a fictional garden furniture company.

Here's our ChatGPT prompt:

"Generate a captivating blog post exploring the fusion of style and functionality in garden furniture with a focus on 'Garden Glow Up.' Cover the latest design trends, quality craftsmanship, versatile furniture options, sustainable material choices, and tips for accessorizing outdoor spaces. Craft an engaging narrative that inspires readers to transform their gardens into inviting retreats with Garden Glow Up's premium collection."

And here's what ChatGPT created:

Chatgpt Generated Blog Content

Now we have our AI-generated content, let's run it through's AI detector and Scribbr and see what they think! Score: 100% AI-generated

Chatgpt Generated Blog Content Get Detected By

Try it yourself here:

Scribbr Score: 0% AI-generated

Scribbr AI Detector Fail To Detect The Chatgpt Generated Content

Worryingly, while detects the content as 100% AI-generated, Scribbr actually states there is a 0% chance of it being AI-generated, which is completely incorrect.

Product Description

Okay, so now let's look at a product description instead to see if Scribbr has more success with this form of content.

Here's our ChatGPT prompt:

Generate a compelling product description for Garden Glow Up's latest outdoor bench, striking the perfect balance between style and comfort. Highlight the bench's unique design features, premium craftsmanship, and versatile functionality. Emphasize its ability to seamlessly blend into various outdoor spaces, creating an inviting and stylish focal point. Craft a description that resonates with the audience, evoking a desire to enhance their gardens with this exceptional bench from Garden Glow Up.

And here's what ChatGPT produced:

Chatgpt Generates Product Descriptions

Now we have our AI-generated content, let's run it through and Scribbr and see what they think! Score: 100% AI-generated.

Chatgpt Generated Product Descriptions Get Detected By

Scribbr Score: 0% AI-generated

Scribbr AI Detector Fail To Detect Chatgpt Generated Product Description Content

Once again, Scribbr doesn't detect any AI-generated content, which is simply not the case.

Promotional email

Next, let's move on to a promotional email for this new product.

Here's our ChatGPT prompt:

"Generate a compelling promotional email for Garden Glow Up's latest outdoor furniture collection. Craft a message that highlights exclusive deals, introduces new arrivals, and emphasizes the premium quality and stylish design of the products. Invoke a sense of urgency and excitement to drive engagement and encourage recipients to explore the Garden Glow Up website for a transformative outdoor experience. Ensure the email is visually appealing, concise, and resonates with the audience's desire for a sophisticated and comfortable outdoor haven."

And here's what we got in return:

Chatgpt Generate Promotion Email for a New Product Launch

Now we have our AI-generated content, let's run it through and Scribbr and see what they think! Score: 100% AI-generated

Chatgpt Generated Promotional Email for a Product Get Detected By

Scribbr Score: 0% AI-generated

Scribbr AI Detector Fail To Detect Promotional Email Generated By Chatgpt

Cover letter

Okay, so Scribbr may not be the best detection tool for AI-generated marketing copy. But what about other forms of copy, such as a work cover letter?

Here's our ChatGPT prompt:

"Generate a compelling cover letter for a position at Garden Glow Up, expressing enthusiasm for the company's commitment to outdoor elegance and a passion for creating inviting spaces. Highlight relevant skills, experience, and personal attributes that align with the company's values. Emphasize the desire to contribute to Garden Glow Up's success and play a key role in shaping memorable outdoor experiences for customers. Craft a letter that showcases a strong work ethic, creativity, and a genuine connection to the mission and ethos of Garden Glow Up."

Here's what we got back:

Chatgpt Generate Cover Letter

Now we have our AI-generated content, let's run it through and Scribbr and see what they think! Score: 100% AI-generated

Chatgpt Generated Cover Letter Get Detected By

Scribbr Score: 95% AI-generated

Chatgpt Generated Cover Letter Get Detected By Scribbr AI Detector

As you can see, Scribbr is much more accurate with our cover letter example than any marketing content we created.

So while the free plagiarism checker might be a great tool for identifying potential plagiarism, it might be worth avoiding the AI detection tool for now until it improves, unless you are using it for content that is not created for marketing purposes.

Frequently Asked Questions About AI Detection Tools and AI-Generated Content

Is Scribbr AI free?

Unlike Scribbr's plagiarism checker, their AI detection tool is free to use.

What is Scribbr?

Originally, Scribbr operated as a plagiarism checker, which used its own unique plagiarism detection software to detect plagiarism in academic work and help maintain academic integrity. However, since the rise of AI content generation, Scribbr moved past just detecting plagiarism by offering an AI detection tool as well.

How do I make AI non-detectable?

The easiest way to make your AI content undetectable is to use the software sparingly. While there are tools that claim to generate AI content that bypass detection tools like Scribbr or, from our research, we have found that these tools tend to be well below par or don't work at all!

Are AI-powered writing tools ethically okay to use?

When it comes to maintaining your academic integrity and credibility, it's important to use AI-powered tools sparingly and transparently. Much like plagiarism checkers, high-quality AI content detectors will know if you have attempted to pass off AI-generated work as your own, which could lead to more serious punishment, depending on the circumstances.


My name is Graeme, a passionate writer with a strong Content Marketing background. Over the last seven years, I have developed an extensive portfolio of SEO Content writing, helping various brands improve their organic traffic, customer experience, and, ultimately, profits!

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