AI Writing

Copyleaks AI Content Detection Review

With the emergence of ChatGPT and similar content writing tools, writers who previously approached content creation with meticulous research and hard work now find it increasingly tempting to rely on AI writing tools to produce written content in bulk. But does AI-generated content using transformer models add any real value to the vast sea of

With the emergence of ChatGPT and similar content writing tools, writers who previously approached content creation with meticulous research and hard work now find it increasingly tempting to rely on AI writing tools to produce written content in bulk.

But does AI-generated content using transformer models add any real value to the vast sea of digital content? Google doesn’t think so. The August 2022 helpful content update released by Google has outlined what content creators need to do if they want to keep their content indexed by the search engine.

According to this update, Google will assign a lower ranking to AI-generated content because such content tends to be tailored to search engines, not readers. Google wants to prioritize content that puts people first. To get your web page ranked in search engines, you will need content that provides your readers with valuable information and depth.

Unfortunately, AI writing tools aren’t yet able to create high-value content that can satisfy the criteria set by Google. Today’s AI writing tools rely on existing data to generate content and fail at providing meaningful insights or original ideas.

So, how can you make sure the content on your site is human-written and likely to be indexed by Google? This is where Copyleaks comes to the rescue. Copyleaks uses several advanced AI content detection methodologies to detect AI-generated content and help you identify any such content on your website.

Today, we’ll review the Copyleaks AI content detection engine and its features, weigh its pros and cons, gauge its accuracy at testing results, and compare it to other platforms.


Here are the primary features of Copyleaks AI content detection tool:

  • Simple AI-detection interface: Although Copyleaks uses a lot of backend processing to detect AI content, the process is speedy and straightforward for users. You only need to enter or paste the text you want to check and click “check.” Copyleaks will return you an AI probability score in seconds.  
  • Browser extension: To make AI detection even more convenient, Copyleaks has a browser extension that lets you check any online pages for AI-written content. The extension saves you from having to manually copy and paste content.
  • LMS and API integration: If you’re an agency owner or an educator, you don’t have to ask your team members or students to visit the Copyleaks website. Instead, you can integrate Copyleaks within your website or Learning Management System (LMS) via API.
  • Copyleaks offers plagiarism detection too: Copyleaks already has a reputation for plagiarism detection. So, if you need to scan your text for plagiarism, you don’t need to go to another platform. Unfortunately, you can’t use both the AI and plagiarism detection features simultaneously, as they’re not yet integrated, but it’s still convenient to have them on the same platform.  

Copyleaks uses advanced AI-powered algorithms to detect AI-generated content, which they call the “fight fire with fire” approach. The platform claims that the AI detection tool can achieve up to 99.12% accuracy.


  • Versatile applications
  • Unlimited and free scanning for AI detection
  • Highlights specific sections of the content that have a high probability of being AI-generated  


  • Varying detection accuracy, even for the same content

Testing Copyleaks’ Accuracy

Now that we’ve explored the main features of Copyleaks, let’s find out how the tool performs in a real-world test scenario. We’ll run several tests to identify its detection accuracy, then compare the results with those of, another industry-leading AI-content detection tool.

We’ve used seven different text samples, all of which were produced by Jasper, one of the most renowned AI content writing platforms based on GPT-3. Since we already know that our test samples are AI-generated content, we want to see how confidently and Copyleaks can detect the probability of having AI-generated texts within the samples.

Both and Copyleaks express the AI detection result in a probability format. This way, a percentage score does not indicate the quantity of AI text within your sample; rather, it shows the probability or confidence of the tool with AI detection.

We’ve put our results in a handy table so that you can easily compare them side-by-side.

You can see from the results that has detected AI-generated texts in five out of seven samples with over 90% confidence. The tool failed to detect the presence of AI texts in only one sample.

In contrast, Copyleaks had complete confidence that only one out of the seven samples was AI-generated. For three samples, the confidence level is below 10%, which means the tool is convinced that human writers produced that content.

The individual results and the average detection score clearly tell us that offers higher detection accuracy than Copyleaks.

Comparing Copyleaks to Other Platforms

Based on the test results of our real-life samples and our comprehensive evaluation of several AI-detection platforms, including, here are a few things we have noticed regarding Copyleaks.

Advantages of Copyleaks

While it’s true that Copyleaks may not provide you the accuracy and features that can, the Copyleaks interface is easy to operate. Copyleaks is convenient for quick scanning purposes and gives you a good idea of AI-generated text within your content.  

In addition, the speed you get with Copyleaks is hard to beat. You will have your results in a couple of seconds.


Copyleaks has a solid reputation as a plagiarism detection platform. With the increasing demand for AI content detection tools, they have also extended their capabilities to AI detection. However, this platform is still developing and may fall short in some areas.

If you need a quick scan for AI-generated texts (for free), Copyleaks is a good bet. However, may give you more peace of mind if you are looking for a tool you can depend on when checking hundreds of sites every month.

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Jonathan Gillham

Founder / CEO of I have been involved in the SEO and Content Marketing world for over a decade. My career started with a portfolio of content sites, recently I sold 2 content marketing agencies and I am the Co-Founder of, the leading place to buy and sell content websites. Through these experiences I understand what web publishers need when it comes to verifying content is original. I am not For or Against AI content, I think it has a place in everyones content strategy. However, I believe you as the publisher should be the one making the decision on when to use AI content. Our Originality checking tool has been built with serious web publishers in mind!

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