AI Writing Review - AI-Powered Content Generation

While the platform doesn’t provide many different tools to its competitors, the user interface is extremely friendly, and the content generated is high-quality and quick to appear. Overall, is certainly a tool you should be testing as you find the perfect AI content-generation tool for your needs. is back once more with another in-depth AI content creation tool review. This time we are looking at the perfectly named, one of the most popular content generation AI tools in the market.

Here, we will look at the following:

  • What is best for
  • How to use it effectively
  • What types of content you can generate
  • How much this tool costs
  • Key features
  • The pros and cons
  • Alternatives to
  • Whether the content produced gets detected by
  • The final verdict on Quick Review

  • Ease of use - 9/10
  • Features - 7/10
  • Customer Support - 8/10
  • Price - 7/10
  • Speed - 9/10
  • - detectable

Who is Best For? is a great tool for anyone who has little time on their hands but plenty of marketing channels to manage. It can quickly generate content surrounding your brand guidelines, and you will often only be required to make minimal amends before sending it live.

It is also an excellent tool for anyone who needs support in the brainstorming process, as it allows you to bounce ideas off it and generate a tone of voice, mottos, and other excellent ideas that can fuel your creativity.

How to Use Effectively

When it comes to using any aspect of the tool, prompt detail is key.

With the example above, will generate content for us, but it will likely lack direction and also be a little bland or uninspiring.

So let’s spruce it up a bit.

Now that we have more information in our prompt, the article provided should be much more detailed and provide us with a better outline to work from.

As you can see, the article now includes the primary keyword in the title and the introduction, which is a great starting point for us.

What Types of Content Can You Create With

Product Descriptions 

If you’ve got experience writing product descriptions, then you know how difficult it can be to get perfect.

When you have many descriptions to churn out, it can be hard to keep thinking of exciting and creative ways to discuss each one.

Well, now you don’t have to.

With, you can create product descriptions specific to your brand, saving you plenty of time and brain effort!

Digital Ad Copy

Are you searching for a catchy way to engage potential customers and entice them to click through to your website? 

Enter’s digital ad copy. Here, you can input all the elements you want to be included, and it will provide you with several options to choose from. You could even A/B test each to ensure you get the best possible results.

Website Copy 

High-quality website copy is the backbone of any brand’s online presence.

But it also takes a long time to complete.

Time you could be using to handle other essential tasks on your to-do list! 

With the website copy feature, you can reduce that time significantly, allowing you to focus on other projects, knowing your website is taken care of.


One of the biggest time consumers in the workplace has to be emails. 

Whether a carefully crafted email to your boss or an assertive message to a brand partner, these emails take lots of time and can cost you plenty of hours. will help you quickly create emails that suit your requirements and even create email content that you can use in email marketing plans.

How Much Does It Cost? - Pro: $49 per month

  • Unlimited words and projects
  • 5 users
  • 90+ copywriting tools

Key Features

Workflow Tools

Firstly, offers several Workflow Tools to work on. These include:

Recruiting LinkedIn InMail

One of the workflow tools of particular interest is the recruiting LinkedIn InMail option. Here, you can put in your desired candidate’s linked in profile and the subject of your message. will provide you with the perfect InMail to attract their attention.

For example, you could even reach out to Jon Gilham, founder of

I have a sneaky suspicion Jon isn’t going anywhere anytime soon!

Sales Cold Email

Let’s face it. None of us like writing cold sales emails. 

And yet, from time to time, they are a necessary evil.

So, instead of spending 30 minutes wanting to bury your head in the sand, crafting a cold sales email, let do it for you!

SEO Content Brief

Aside from LinkedIn copy, you can also use the tool to create content that not only your audience loves but Google does too!

Here, you can use a specific keyword as your primary focus and some background into your website and business.

From here, will provide you with a detailed content brief that you can follow for excellent SEO results.

Writing Tools 

One of the main reasons users opt for is the writing tools on offer. Here, you can create content within your desired niche with a simple button click.

Let’s use our holiday destination example again. Here, we inputted a relatively simple prompt for the tool, but the baseline content it created is a great foundation for our content.

Unfortunately, it is only 350 words, rather than 1500, as requested in our prompt, which is frustrating as the tool promotes “long-tail copy” as a strength. 

Still, if we continued to feed prompts into the tool for other sections of the article, such as “5 ways to establish what type of holiday is right for you” and so on, we would quickly have a great benchmark that we can tweak into the perfect article for our needs.

Startup Tools also offers users five different start-up tools to test out. These include:

Audience Refiner

The audience refiner allows you to input your current target audience and help you refine it further. 

Using our travel example, we used the audience “18-30-year-olds, ready for a big adventure abroad. Tired of the 9-5.”

Aren’t we all? Here are the results:

It might not seem like much, but by fleshing out the audiences like this, you can quickly start to create content that resonates better with this audience.

Brand Mission

Next, we have the brand mission tool. Here, takes your business information and helps you develop a brand mission, which you could use on any digital platform or as guidance for future marketing campaigns and decisions.

For our example, let’s stick with our travel company.

Let’s see what generates.

Personally, these felt a little bland and lacked some of the fundamentals required for a brand mission.

However, as the tool continues to develop, this feature will become more and more useful.

Brand Voice

Now let’s have a look at the brand voice tool, which is excellent for identifying language that should be used within the business.

As you can see, has rightly identified that our brand tone of voice should be enthused and excited about the prospect of travel.

Motto Generator

Using the Motto Generator, brands can help identify a potential strapline that they can use on their marketing and digital platforms.

However, the same issue occurs when the content tends to sound generic and lacks creativity.

This isn’t a slight at, though; more a comment on where AI content generation is right now. 

As it continues to improve, this tool will become very useful.

Value Proposition

Finally, we have the Value Proposition tool.

Here, you can create content that might get the creative juices flowing for potential social media posts or adverts, although the content is still relatively bland.

Brainstorming Tools 

Fully AI-created content is not everyone’s preference, which is understandable. While technology advances and improves, the copy generated can sometimes seem bland or uninspired.

That doesn’t mean has nothing to offer you, though. The brainstorming tool offers you your very own employee to spitball ideas with and create more entertaining and exciting campaigns.

Alternatives to

If you think might not be the right tool for you, but you still want to explore the world of content generation, you’re in luck.

In truth, there are thousands of tools pushing for potential customers' attention as each brand tries to establish itself as the market leader.

For a similar type of experience to, you could consider Scalenut,, or Each tool also strongly focuses on content marketing, and the user face might better suit what you are looking for.

For those on a budget who require less specific content styles, ChatGPT is always a solid option, and if you are after a market leader in AI image generation, you should check out Midjourney.

Can Get Detected by

But before we jump into our verdict on and whether it is a viable tool to consider, let’s check if the content gets picked up by, the world’s most reliable AI content checker.

Of course, it does! The Final Verdict

While certainly isn’t offering groundbreaking tools or features that differentiate it from the competition, it is a very reliable and useful tool for content creation.

As you know, the key to standing out from the crowd is creating content that is fun and unique. While AI content creation can create the foundations, any tool you choose will still need a level of human touch to take it to the next level.

Frequently Asked Questions About

What does do? offers a wide variety of content creation options, mainly surrounding long-form or marketing content.

Is free? offers users the chance to use the tool for free. However, you are quite limited by what you can and can’t do using the free version of the tool.


My name is Graeme, a passionate writer with a strong Content Marketing background. Over the last seven years, I have developed an extensive portfolio of SEO Content writing, helping various brands improve their organic traffic, customer experience, and, ultimately, profits!

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