AI Studies

Company AI Policy Examples and Templates - Who Has Banned ChatGPT

Banning ChatGPT at Work? Get Compliant Fast! Free AI Policy Examples and Templates for Your Company.

With the versatile capabilities of generative AI tools like ChatGPT, many large companies are taking steps to prohibit its use internally amongst staff and within organizational policies and procedures. While research by BlackBerry shows that nearly 75% of IT decision-makers believe that these bans demonstrate "excessive control" when it comes to bring-your-own and corporate devices, it's not stopping some of the biggest organizations in the world from blocking or at least limiting use of the platform.

List of Companies Implementing AI Policies & Restrictions on ChatGPT

List of Companies Implementing AI Policies

Why Are Companies Implementing AI Policies and Banning ChatGPT?

Of course, there are many reasons that companies may choose to ban any kind of program at the workplace. They may not like using third-party applications for business purposes, or consider it a distraction to employees. But when it comes to ChatGPT in particular, there are two reasons that seem to stand out: privacy concerns and data protection, and damage to corporate reputation.

Privacy Concerns and Data Protection

Perhaps the number one reason that companies are banning ChatGPT is to protect their confidential information. In fact, almost 70% of respondents to a BlackBerry survey said they were blocking ChatGPT for this reason. They fear that such a powerful tool could potentially open their companies up to cybersecurity threats and other unknown risks around disclosure of sensitive data and internal communications.

And their cautiousness isn't completely unfounded. Take Samsung, for example. They banned the generative AI tool after they found that sensitive code had been uploaded by an employee.

Amazon has similar reasons for limiting the use of ChatGPT among employees. They've found examples of responses from the generative AI program that look suspiciously similar to the company's confidential information.

Damage to Corporate Reputation

But protecting against potential leaks of source code and other types of internal data aren't the only concerns. In the same survey, nearly 60% of respondents worried that ChatGPT could negatively affect their corporate reputation.

And again, companies have good reason to exercise caution here. While it can help increase efficiency around the office, there are still some serious limitations to ChatGPT that could cause irreparable damage to a company's reputation.

For example, while it can generate human-like responses, it has trouble understanding context, and just generally possesses a lack of common sense and emotional intelligence. This can lead to ChatGPT responses that many would consider inappropriate. And if any of these responses made it into their marketing materials, it could put a lot of companies into hot water. 

Together, these measures highlight the cautious approach that these organizations are adopting to navigate the potential risks associated with large language models like ChatGPT and its capabilities, including both legal and reputational consequences.

Manual Actions By Google Search

In an early 2024 update, Google announced that it would help remove unhelpful content from search, which resulted in 1,446 websites with AI content having manual actions applied to them, and being deindexed. 

With manual actions now being applied to websites with heavy AI content being used, we’ve begun to see others move away from AI generated content. After an AI surge over the last couple of years, are we now starting to see a move against AI content? Potentially… but we wanted to dig into this further and see what websites, if any, are implementing policies against AI generated content. 

Company AI Policies

1. Google Merchant Center

Updated in April 2024, the Google Merchant Center has announced that they will be introducing specific attributes for AI-generated content in shopping ads and free listings. They state “we’re adding new attributes that will require merchants to disclose text content that was created using generative AI”.

Google Merchant Center Changes Policy


Google Search has stated that AI spam content will not be tolerated and, starting with their most recent March update, have begun to take action against websites with heavily generated AI content.

Faqs For Ai Generated Content Policy

AI content should not be used with the main purpose of ranking in search engines nor should it be claimed as human-written.

Ai Content Policy in Google Merchant Center

To read more about how Google is penalizing AI content in their search results, you can read our studies below:

2. Medium

In May 2024, began its implementation of strict AI policies stating that AI-generated content, whether disclosed or not, will not be allowed as part of their Partner Program. They stated that  “Beginning May 1, 2024, stories with AI-generated writing (disclosed as such or not) are not allowed to be paywalled as part of our Partner Program”.

Medium Ai Policies


CNET has created a specific AI policy on their site, which states that they have created and use an in-house AI tool, called RAMP (Responsible AI Machine Partner), to generate some content. However, they also state that “every piece of content we publish is factual, original and edited by a human”. However, Red Ventures, which owns CNET, does not have any policies relating to AI content in their terms or policies.

CNET Ai Policies


4. Elsevier

Elsevier, one of the largest scientific publishers online, has included specific policies around AI, stating that AI “technologies should only be used to improve readability and language of the work and not to replace key authoring tasks such as producing scientific, pedagogic, or medical insights, drawing scientific conclusions, or providing clinical recommendations”. They also state that authors must disclose any use of AI in their manuscripts.

Elsevier Ai Policies


5. Wired

Wired has developed a specific policy against the use of generative AI, stating that they “do not publish stories with text generated AI” and “do not publish text edited by AI either”. They do state that AI may be used to generate ideas, headlines or research.

Wired AI Content Policies


6. Salesforce

Salesforce has created an entire Acceptable Use Policy with regards to AI, stating multiple use cases in which AI cannot be used, including professional advice and decision-making processes.

Salesforce AI Content Policies


7. Allrecipes

Although there is no specific policy yet created, states on their About Us page that it is “against our guidelines to publish automatically generated content using AI writing tools such as ChatGPT”.

Allrecipes Ai Content Policy


8. People

Although there is no specific policy yet created, states in their About Us page that it is “against our guidelines to publish automatically generated content using AI writing tools such as ChatGPT”.

People Ai Content Policy


9. The Spruce

Although there is no specific policy yet created, states in their About Us page that it is “against our guidelines to publish automatically generated content using AI writing tools such as ChatGPT”.

The Spruce Ai Content Policy


10. Youtube

In November, 2023, Youtube announced an update to their policies, stating that they will “introduce updates that inform viewers when the content they’re seeing is synthetic [and] require creators to disclose when they’ve created altered or synthetic content that is realistic, including using AI tools”.

Youtube Ai Content Policies


11. Southern Living

Although there is no specific policy yet created, states in their About Us page that it is “against our guidelines to publish automatically generated content using AI writing tools such as ChatGPT”. However, DotdashMeredith, which owns Southern Living, does not have any specific statements or policies around AI content.

Southern Living Ai Content Policy


12. Meta

In April 2024, Meta announced a number of changes and updates to the way it will handle AI content, including the way they handle manipulated media with their Oversight Board and beginning to label content as “Made with AI”.

Meta Ai Content Policy


13. Linkedin

LinkedIn addressed AI concerns with a broad statement regarding how they will use and monitor AI usage responsibly, including “reduc[ing] the potential risks of AI” and “ensur[ing] that our use of AI benefits all members fairly, without causing or amplifying unfair bias”.

Linkedin Ai Content Policy


14. BBC

BBC, one of the world’s largest news outlets, has added specific policies to their editorial guidelines stating that “generative AI should not be used to directly create news content published or broadcast by BBC News/Nations, current affairs or factual journalism unless it is the subject of the content and its use is illustrative”.

BBC Ai Content Policy


15. Yelp

Yelp, a popular online review site, has also added specific policies regarding AI in their content guidelines, stating that users “shouldn’t use chatbots or other AI tool to create reviews, including using such tools to draft or revise”.

Yelp Ai Content Guidelines


16. Amazon

Amazon, while not having a specific AI policy that can be found on their site, has released a notice to employees stating that they advice against using third-party generative AI tools for all work-related purposes.

Amazon Ai Content Policies


17. AWS

As of September 28th, 2023 AWS has updated their Responsible AI Policy that AI can be used as long as it is used responsibly and with the implementation of human review and testing. 

AWS Ai Content Policies


18. Accenture

Accenture mentions the Responsible use of AI within articles on its site but no official policy for their employees can be found at this time. In an article published by HR-Brew it is noted that employees are not allowed to use generative AI tools while coding and no company or client data may be uploaded to the generative AI tools without permissions.

Accenture Ai Content Policy


19. Goldman Sachs Group

Amazon, while not having a specific AI policy that can be found on their site, has released a notice to employees stating that they advice against using third-party generative AI tools for all work-related purposes.

Goldman Sachs Group Ai Content Policy


20. Verizon Communications

Verizon does not have a specific AI policy that can be found on their site at this time. However in a webcast released on Valentine's day of 2023 they stated that ChatGPT is not accessible from their corporate systems to avoid the risk of the potential loss of customer and employer information.

Verizon Communications Ai Content Policy


21. Apple

Apple does not have a specific policy against AI that can be found on their website at this time. However according to articles from 2023, AI tools such as ChatGPT and Github’s Copilot are restricted from use for employees of Apple 


22. Bank of America

Bank of America does not currently have an official policy available on their website in regards to AI usage, but has been quoted to have added ChatGPT to their list of unauthorized apps and specifically is not allowed for any business related purposes and that the app must be vetted before any use in communications.  


23. Samsung

Samsung was one of the first dominos to fall when it came to banning ChatGPT, after the discovery of leaked sensitive internal source code. It is unsure if AI is still banned from employee use however Samsung themselves have opted for the ethical AI route, stating that samsung will comply and fulfill corporate, social, and ethical responsibilities regarding AI Usage. 

Source: Source:,aspect%20of%20our%20business%20activities

24. Commonwealth Bank of Australia 

Commonwealth Bank of Australia has updated their AI policies to include their definition of AI, their AI principles, and how they apply them within the usage of AI systems by the Bank. Specifically, in the design, development, deployment and use of AI systems the following principles of  Human, social and environmental well-being, Fairness, Transparency, Privacy and Security, Reliability and Safety, and Accountability be upheld. 


25. Deutsche Bank

Deutsche Bank has been quoted to have banned the use of ChatGPT from their employees devices in 2023, however in present day they have adapted the responsible use of AI outlook. Using AI solutions to automate manual processes and improve customer advisory services. Their commitment to Responsible AI is to ensure that the AI algorithms don’t include hidden discrimination and to ensure factually correct and explainable results. 


26. iHeart Radio

iHeart Radio was among the 2023 group of companies banning the use of ChatGPT, stating that employees are not permitted to use AI technology for projects unless given explicit direction from their team lead. As of today they have an AI policy in place in their terms stating that all property of iHeardRadio cannot be used, directly or indirectly, with any generative or other artificial intelligence and/or machine learning models. 


27. JPMorgan Chase

In February of 2023 JPMorgan Chase was noticed to be temporarily banning the usage of ChatGPT amongst its employees in order to comply with company policy regarding third-party software. JPMorgan Chase has not publicly commented on the restriction but have created their own AI research program within their own company. 

Source: Source: 

28. Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo was also amongst the large companies to limit usage of ChatGPT for employees, due to it being a third-party software, while evaluating the ‘Safe and Effective Ways’ one could use the AI.  Currently Wells Fargo are also creating their own AI ‘Chatbot’ but does not guarantee 24/7 availability or for it to be ‘free of fault or error’ 

Source: Source: 

29. Italian Data Protection Authority

The Italian Data Protection Authority has no official policy on AI at this time, and while ChatGPT was banned at one point in Italy, it is currently available for use. However, a recent investigation has concluded that elements with ChatGPT indicate the potential for data privacy violations. 


30. Calix

Calix, a telecommunications company specializing in software platforms, systems, and services, was also among the groups banning employee use of ChatGPT. This ban came around as a result of reports that confidential information was leaked from Samsung through the ChatGPT platform. However they are planning to use microsoft copilot once it becomes available. 


31. Northrop Grumman Corporation

Northrop Grumman Corporation, a space and defense tech company, limited employee use of ChatGPT in 2023 until the tech had been fully vetted. Today, they adopted the secure and ethical approach to using AI by ensuring their AI technologies will be ‘ responsible, equitable, traceable, reliable, governable, and auditable and protected against threats.’ 

Source: Source: 

32. Spotify

Spotify, a well known audio streaming service, was reported to have restricted workers' access to ChatGPT after Spotify removed thousands of songs by an AI-music generator. Spotify has not commented on the ChatGPT ban but within their developer policies they ban the use of Spotify in machine learning or AI models. 

Source: Source: 

33. PWC

While PWC did not outright ban the use of ChatGPT in 2023 they did limit the information and use cases of it for their employees. Since then they have collaborated with the World Economic Forum to develop guidelines for AI development across industries and are working on building their own internal AI tool. 

Source: Source: 

34. Mischcon de Reya

Prominent Law Firm Mischcon de Reya has no official policy found on their site on AI usage, however they have been quoted that they do in fact have a “clear policy in place for employees” banning confidential firm and client information from being uploaded into ChatGPT or other outside AI models. They have also created a GPT Legal Prompt Engineer position, to ensure compliance with legal and ethical requirements for AI usage. 


35. Citigroup

Citigroup Bank had momentarily banned access to ChatGPT in February,  however recently they have begun to test out supervised AI usage for specific people with public data to investigate how AI could be applied cross company. 


Jonathan Gillham

Founder / CEO of Originality.AI I have been involved in the SEO and Content Marketing world for over a decade. My career started with a portfolio of content sites, recently I sold 2 content marketing agencies and I am the Co-Founder of, the leading place to buy and sell content websites. Through these experiences I understand what web publishers need when it comes to verifying content is original. I am not For or Against AI content, I think it has a place in everyones content strategy. However, I believe you as the publisher should be the one making the decision on when to use AI content. Our Originality checking tool has been built with serious web publishers in mind!

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