AI Writing

Cohesive AI Review - End ChatGPT Prompt Struggles

Scale your business seamlessly with Cohesive AI – an all-in-one content creation platform. Explore its diverse features designed to meet your evolving needs and take your brand to new heights

When it comes to selecting an AI platform to add to your content creation process, you want one that has all the features and capabilities to keep up with your business.

As you scale, you don't want to have to keep chopping and changing between tools, as you quickly outgrow them.

Cohesive AI threatens to be that tool, with a wide variety of tools and features on offer. But are they up to the task of taking your brand to the next level?

Here, we will look at the following:

  • What Cohesive AI is best for
  • How to use it effectively
  • What types of content you can generate
  • How much this tool costs
  • Key features
  • The pros and cons
  • Alternatives to Cohesive AI
  • Whether the content produced gets detected by
  • The final verdict on Cohesive AI

Cohesive AI Quick Review

  • Ease of use - 9/10
  • Features - 8/10
  • Customer Support - 8/10
  • Price - 7/10
  • Speed - 8/10
  • - detectable

Summary - 8/10

Overall, the Cohesive AI tool is extremely impressive, with plenty of features on offer, all placed on the same page. The combination of SEO features, text and image generation, and plenty of editing options, make Cohesive a very impressive tool and one that you should certainly try out.

How We Test AI Tools

When conducting our AI tool reviews, we believe it is imperative that we gain first-hand experience using the platform, testing out what's on offer and culminating our own unbiased opinions. We only ever write reviews for tools that we have tested ourselves, and none of the information in this article has come from another review of Cohesive AI.

It is also not a paid review - we conduct these reviews for our reader's benefit, and therefore, the scores and opinions are completely unbiased and come from the first-hand, unique research that we have conducted.

Who is Cohesive AI Best For?

Cohesive AI Landing Page

With so many options available, Cohesive AI is a fantastic platform for anyone who needs to create a wide variety of copy or imagery but has a limited budget or a lack of time.

The tool can help significantly by generating the foundations of almost any content, which users can then tweak to suit their needs perfectly.

How to Use Cohesive AI Effectively

To get the most out of your Cohesive AI subscription, it is crucial that you take advantage of the wide variety of features and tools on offer.

Cohesive AI is an all-encompassing platform, so don't limit yourself to basic text generation! There are also a ton of video tutorials for you to take advantage of to ensure you maximize your time on the platform.

What Types of Content Can You Create With Cohesive AI?

Cohesive AI Different types of content templates

With so many tools to pick from, you really can create almost any type of content via the Cohesive AI platform. Here is a list of the template categories that are on offer, each with a handful of options within them:

  • Social media posts
  • Sales
  • Support
  • Writing assistant
  • Education
  • HR management
  • Legal
  • Marketing
  • Product management
  • General
  • Business
  • Formal writing
  • Audiobook
  • Broadcasting
  • Training material

How Much Does It Cost?

Cohesive AI Pricing Plans

Free Plan - $0 per month

  • Unlimited Words
  • Access to 200+ Cohesive Templates
  • 15 Templates
  • Powered by
  • 100 AI Images included
  • 1 minute of AI Voice Generation
  • 1 integration

Create Plan - $15 per month

  • Unlimited Words
  • Access to 200+ Cohesive Templates
  • 150 Template
  • 1000 AI Images included
  • Access to 10+ AI Voices
  • 90 minutes of AI Voice Generation
  • Up to 5 Integrations
  • Real-time collaboration with editors
  • Unlimited PDF & Audio Downloads without a watermark

Agency Plan - $30 per month

  • Unlimited Words
  • Access to 200+ Cohesive Templates
  • 300 Templates
  • 2000 AI images included
  • Access to 10+ AI Voices
  • 240 minutes of AI Voice Generation
  • Up to 30 Integrations
  • Real-time collaboration with editors
  • Unlimited PDF & Audio Downloads without a watermark
  • 24/7 Priority Support

Key Cohesive AI Features

AI Voices

Cohesive AI Voice Assistant

One of the main benefits of using the Cohesive AI tool is the many AI voices that you can utilize. There are a range of choices to choose from, most of which sound very believable.

The technology is still advancing, and complex sentences still don't quite sound human, but with up to a minute of audio per month as part of your free trial, you can have a play around and find something that suits your needs.

AI Imagery

Cohesive AI Image Generation Tool

Another great feature on offer is the AI imagery tool. With plenty of categories to pick from, users can create a wide variety of AI images, especially given the free plan allows you to create as many as 100 each month.

Here's what the tool produced when we asked it to "create an image of a writer, working in a coffee shop, writing an AI tool review from his laptop. He is wearing a flannel shirt, has a dark brown beard, ruffled hair, and glasses."

Cohesive AI Image Generation with detailed prompt

I've definitely looked worse!

AI Text

Cohesive AI Text Generation Tool

Finally, we have the most important element of Cohesive AI, the text generation tool. As we have already touched on, there are a whole host of templates to pick from, but for this review, we will test the tool by creating a blog article.

Here's our prompt:

"Our company needs to write an article promoting the importance of investing in a high-quality tent for your next wild camping trip. We should promote the benefits of camping, the style should be conversational, and in the conclusion section, please promote our range of tents called the Pop Up and Lie Down collection. Our brand is called Reinvent the Tent"

Cohesive AI Text Generation Prompt

And here's what Cohesive AI created for us:

Cohesive AI content Generation in Progress According to Prompt

While the writing style is certainly strong, the content doesn't quite meet our requirements, not to mention the fact that it is 2,400 words long (we asked for 900).

That said, with some strong editing, this content is certainly serviceable.

Cohesive AI Alternatives

As we have already shown, Cohesive AI is an all-in-one AI platform, and as a result, there are not as many direct alternatives to consider. For example, AI SEO and Scalenut are both excellent AI platforms, but they focus specifically on SEO features, so they aren't direct alternatives.

So, realistically, the best Cohesive AI alternatives are Neuraltext, Simplified AI, or Hypotenuse AI.

Can Cohesive AI Get Detected by

Lastly, let's run our article example through to see if the tool can detect that it is AI-generated.

Cohesive AI Generated Content Get Detected by

There are no surprises here; instantly detected the content as AI-generating, furthering the importance of those significant edits.

Cohesive AI: The Final Verdict

Overall, Cohesive AI is a very interesting all-round AI tool, offering users the best of text, image, and voice generation.

While the text output certainly needs a little work, we were impressed by the generous free plan features and would definitely recommend testing the tool out. if combined with high writing skills and editing, it could be a great addition to your content creation process.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cohesive AI

Is Cohesive AI secure and reliable?

When it comes to generating blog content, you want to ensure that your chosen AI content writing tools are safe and reliable. As one of the most powerful AI editor tools on the market, you can use Cohesive AI to create high-quality content in a secure and reliable environment.

Does Cohesive AI cost money?

You can get quite a lot of use out of Cohesive AI on the free plan, but you may run into a few minor issues not getting full use of the platform. If you need to do more than simply generate blog articles, you will need to upgrade to paid plan.

What is the difference between Cohesive AI and ChatGPT?

Whereas ChatGPT is a basic AI content generation tool, Cohesive AI is a more advanced AI-powered writing tool with a built-in powerful AI editor, making it a great addition to the content creation process, helping generate content ideas, SEO blogs, and even text for YouTube videos.


My name is Graeme, a passionate writer with a strong Content Marketing background. Over the last seven years, I have developed an extensive portfolio of SEO Content writing, helping various brands improve their organic traffic, customer experience, and, ultimately, profits!

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