AI Writing

AI Writing Check Review

The importance of detecting AI-generated texts is paramount, particularly when it comes to online content. Search engines like Google value originality and quality over all else, meaning that low-quality content can lead to penalties that drastically lower search engine rankings – ultimately reducing website traffic and visibility. Similarly, students increasingly rely on AI tools based

The importance of detecting AI-generated texts is paramount, particularly when it comes to online content. Search engines like Google value originality and quality over all else, meaning that low-quality content can lead to penalties that drastically lower search engine rankings – ultimately reducing website traffic and visibility.

Similarly, students increasingly rely on AI tools based on transformer models for their written assignments. While these may save time in the short term, they also have a detrimental impact on educational standards; as such, having a platform that can accurately detect authenticity and quality is essential.

AI Writing Check is an excellent solution for detecting AI texts with advanced algorithms and sophisticated analysis. In this article, we’ll break down the features, pros, and cons of AI Writing Check to provide an informed comparison with other platforms like – ultimately demonstrating why it stands out as a superior product.


Let’s take a look at some of the top features offered by AI Writing Check:

  • AI content detection:  AI Writing Check is an advanced platform utilizing cutting-edge algorithms to detect AI-generated texts from any writing sample. Quickly and accurately, it performs a comprehensive analysis of the text in question and delivers feedback on whether the text was composed by a human or machine.
  • Designed for academia: The developers of AI Writing Check have designed the platform specifically for high-school and college educators to help them identify AI texts in students’ assignments. But it doesn’t stop there – you can also use this powerful tool to scan blogs, websites, and other content.
  • AI plagiarism toolkit: The AI Writing Check platform equips instructors and educators with an AI plagiarism toolkit to tackle the issue of students’ use of artificial intelligence tools for creating written content. The toolkit helps create clear expectations around the responsible use of such technology while acknowledging its potential benefits when used appropriately.


  • Excellent simplicity
  • Moderate limit of 400 words per scan
  • Free-to-use
  • Easy-to-understand feedback on scanned content


  • Limited accuracy
  • No percentage or probability scoring
  • No URL scanning
  • No integration support

Testing AI Writing Check Accuracy

To assess the accuracy of the AI Writing Check, we put it to the test with seven text samples generated by Comparing our results with those of — an AI detection tool that can detect content produced by GPT-3, ChatGPT, GPT-3.5, and GPT-2 — we sought to determine how well the platform performed in detecting AI-generated texts.

With 80-90% accuracy promised on its website, we were eager to determine if AI Writing Check lived up to its claims — and whether it could accurately identify artificial intelligence writing across various platforms.

We’ve scanned all seven of our text samples with both tools and have compiled the results in the below table. Before we analyze the results, here’s what the results mean. provides an AI probability scoring for the results, which tells you the likelihood of the text content being AI-generated. Note that a score of 62% does not mean that 45% of your text is AI-generated. Instead, it implies a 62% probability of AI presence within your text. So, we can tell that the score means confidence.

On the other hand, instead of providing a probability score, AI writing Check indicates whether the text is AI-written or human-written. Now, let’s compare the results.

You can see that has successfully detected AI content for five out of seven text samples, as implied by a very high confidence score above 90%. For sample # 5, it still maintains a 62% confidence in AI presence. Now, AI Writing Check has indicated for only two of our sample articles that they are AI-generated. For all five other samples, the tool failed to detect AI presence.

Let’s now look at the average detection score.’s average detection score is 79.14%, compared to AI Writing Check’s 28.57% (which we calculated based on two out of seven successful detections). The average detection score shows us the lack of reliability and accuracy of AI Writing Check compared to

Comparing AI Writing Check to Other Platforms

Now that we have analyzed the results of AI Writing Check, let’s compare it to other content detection platforms, like, in terms of features and usability.

  • Lack of plagiarism scanning: Plagiarism in the text without proper referencing is considered a serious offense in academia. Since AI Writing Check primarily aims to serve educators, the tool should have come with an integrated plagiarism checker like
  • Identification of AI text: While AI Writing Check tells you that content is likely AI-generated, it does not specify the part of the text with AI presence. That’s where has another edge, as the tools can highlight specific lines within your text where AI content is detected. So you can cut to the chase and modify those highlighted texts if needed.
  • No probability scoring: AI Writing Check does not produce a numeric score. Instead, it tells you with simple feedback – the text is written by an AI tool, or a human writes it. While it is easy to use, advanced users may appreciate the more detailed feedback.

Advantages of AI Writing Check

AI Writing Check may not have been the most accurate platform for identifying AI-generated content, but other advantages make it a viable option. First, the tool is free and backed by and, two non-profit organizations, meaning users can always use it when needed without paying a dime.

In addition, the tool is straightforward to use. While it doesn’t offer advanced features like integration, bulk scanning, or URL scanning, you can just head to its website and paste your text to get started quickly.


Although AI Writing Check may lack accuracy compared to other platforms, it is an excellent option for non-profits and high-school students who want a simple and free tool. If you’re looking for a full-fledged platform with advanced AI and plagiarism detection features, you might want to check out, which scored an average of 79.14% accuracy in our tests, the highest among the top 22 AI content detection tools.

Learn about the newly released Version 2.0.1 Standard (BETA) model which has 99%+ accuracy in detecting AI-generated content.

Jonathan Gillham

Founder / CEO of I have been involved in the SEO and Content Marketing world for over a decade. My career started with a portfolio of content sites, recently I sold 2 content marketing agencies and I am the Co-Founder of, the leading place to buy and sell content websites. Through these experiences I understand what web publishers need when it comes to verifying content is original. I am not For or Against AI content, I think it has a place in everyones content strategy. However, I believe you as the publisher should be the one making the decision on when to use AI content. Our Originality checking tool has been built with serious web publishers in mind!

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