AI Writing

Adzis Review - AI Content Engine For eCommerce

Most of the AI-powered tools we review in this blog tend to be do-it-yourself services. However, Adzis do things a little differently.Instead of accessing the product description generator or other content tools yourself to craft compelling copy, you send all of your requirements to their in-house team, and they create content for you using AI tools.

Most of the AI-powered tools we review in this blog tend to be do-it-yourself services. However, Adzis do things a little differently.

Instead of accessing the product description generator or other content tools yourself to craft compelling copy, you send all of your requirements to their in-house team, and they create content for you using AI tools.

But is it worth the price? Are the results any good, and do they include all the important keywords you need for your brand?

We've done the hard yards for you, so you don't have to.

Here, we will look at the following:

  • What Adzis is best for
  • How to use it effectively
  • What types of content you can generate
  • How much this tool costs
  • Key features
  • The pros and cons
  • Alternatives to Adzis
  • Whether the content produced gets detected by
  • The final verdict on Adzis

Adzis Quick Review

  • Ease of use - 7/10
  • Features - 5/10
  • Customer Support - 8/10
  • Price - 7/10
  • Speed - 8/10
  • - detectable

Summary - 7/10

Rather than allowing you to auto-generate content for your online store yourself, Adzis is a middleman business that uses its eCommerce expertise to produce high-quality content and craft compelling product descriptions for your e-commerce brand.

However, there is a significant lack of clarity on how Adzis actually use AI to create your content, and therefore it is difficult to gauge whether or not the service is worth the price or whether you could get a similar result using tools like ChatGPT.

Who is Adzis Best For?

Adzis Landing Page

Unlike other platforms, Adzis offers to do the work for you, creating a hybrid between AI content tools and content agencies.

If you are willing to hand the reigns to another team to auto-generate product descriptions and produce content for your brand, Adzis could be perfect for you.

While also AI tools allow you to create the content yourself, Adzis take over all elements of the process and hand you the finished product. So if you're underconfident in your AI prompt engineering skills, this could be a great option.

How to Use Adzis Effectively

To get the most out of your Adzis subscription, you need to provide the team with as much information as possible in your briefs.

The more information you can provide about your business, the products in question, and your competitors, the more information they have to use to brief their AI algorithm or copywriters.

As a result, you will be much likelier to receive product descriptions and marketing content that meet your criteria on the first try, saving you time and effort going back and forth making amends.

What Types of Content Can You Create With Adzis?

As mentioned, the Adzis team takes control of all the content creation, with little insight into their process. While that might seem frustrating at first, it should actually be seen as a positive for the right audience.

Many AI generation tools take lots of tinkering and playing before you get the right content, which takes a lot of time and effort, in some instances as much as hiring a copywriter! As a result, you end up with "passable" content rather than something of high quality.

However, as Adzis focus entirely on eCommerce content, they are much likelier to create high-converting copy for your products.

How Much Does It Cost?

Adzis Pricing Plan

Tier 2 (Standard) product descriptions - $60 for 100 products

  • Proofread by humans
  • Email us the list
  • Customization available
  • Add-ons: Bullet points, etc
  • Free Category-level SEO
  • Pay Extra for Product-level SEO
  • Chat & Email Support

Tier 3 (Expert) product descriptions - $3 to $8 per product

  • Written from scratch by Copywriting Experts.
  • Written by Experts
  • Email us the list
  • Customization available
  • Add-ons: Bullet points, etc
  • No AI involved
  • Chat & Email Support

Key Adzis Features

Writing sample

Adzis Free Sample Writing

While Adzis does not provide you with a free trial of their service like other AI tools do, they allow you to request a free sample to test their skills.

This service makes more sense, as their business is based on doing the work for you, so a free trial wouldn't be very effective.

You can provide specific information about your business, and Adzis will then create a sample for your brand that meets those requirements. Here's what I received for the prompt above:

"Introducing our transformative Freelance Writing Course: Mastering Client Relationships! Elevate your writing journey by enrolling in this FREE, email-based course. Unleash the power of effective communication and business acumen to fuel your writing success.

📚 What You'll Learn:

- Strengthen client rapport through strategic communication.

- Navigate challenging situations with confidence and professionalism.

- Enhance negotiation skills to secure fair compensation for your work.

- Build long-lasting, mutually beneficial partnerships.

🌟 Key Benefits:

- Develop a client-centric mindset for tailored content delivery.

- Unlock insights into client expectations, refining your work accordingly.

- Acquire time-tested strategies to manage deadlines and exceed expectations.

- Cultivate self-assurance in pricing, ensuring your true value is recognized.

🚀 How It Works:

1. Sign up with your email – it's quick and FREE!

2. Receive comprehensive lessons straight to your inbox.

3. Absorb expert tips, interactive exercises, and real-world case studies.

4. Transform into a skilled business manager and watch your writing flourish.

Join us on this illuminating journey to become a proficient writing entrepreneur. Elevate your craft, amplify your earnings, and revolutionize your client relationships. Don't miss out – sign up today and embark on your path to becoming a writing powerhouse!"

Blog articles

Adzis Blogs Article Generator

Adzis also takes advantage of its growing community, allowing them to submit relevant blog content that then gets published on its website. It allows businesses to gain a valuable backlink, while also providing Adzis with plenty of content to publish on their website.

Hands-off approach

Adzis is a completely hands-off approach For eCommerce managers

The main benefit of using Adzis is that it is a completely hands-off approach. For eCommerce managers that have thousands of other tasks to complete, this support can be vital for keeping everything moving forward.

Adzis Alternatives

When it comes to alternatives, you are spoilt for choice, with so many AI content creation tools to pick from. Tools like Neuraltext, AI SEO, and Scalenut all have similar product description features while also offering many other tools that can help with your content creation process, such as blog article outlines or ideas for social media posts.

Not only that but Scalenut and AI SEO also have a focus on search engine optimization, which is crucial for attracting more organic traffic to your website. It's one thing to flesh out thin product pages, but if you can also make them SEO-friendly, you're on to a winner.

Can Adzis Get Detected by

Adzis Generated Content Get Detected by

Using our sample piece, you can see that immediately recognizes the content as 100% AI-generated, which is to be expected as it's a free sample.

The content would need tweaking a little to ensure it doesn't get marked down by Google, but the general content is certainly usable.

Adzis: The Final Verdict

Overall, the Adzis service is interesting, and for most eCommerce websites, it might be worth testing out.

However, it is difficult to fully promote this tool, given there is no free trial to test out, and there is a significant lack of clarity around their AI content generator.

It is also important to be careful with how much AI content you include in your product descriptions and product reviews. In a recent article written by Neil Patel, he highlights that Google is beginning to penalize 100% AI-generated content on product descriptions, reviews, and other similar pages.

With that in mind, it is more important than ever to include human writing skills to make your product pages content-rich but also Google-friendly. That could be via the tier 3 subscription or through other means, but balancing AI usage with human-written content is crucial for the best results.

Frequently Asked Questions About Adzis

Is Adzis reliable?

You can rely on Adzis to create high-converting content for e-commerce, such as product descriptions, meta tags, or blog articles.

Does Adzis cost money?

Adzis has different tiered subscriptions on their web app, depending on if you want to use an AI writer or have copywriters create high-converting copy.

What is the difference between Adzis and ChatGPT?

Adzis is created specifically to help an online store create high-quality content for their online business, whereas ChatGPT focuses more on generalized content generation.

Adzis Generated Content On Seo Optimization Process in Surfer SEO


My name is Graeme, a passionate writer with a strong Content Marketing background. Over the last seven years, I have developed an extensive portfolio of SEO Content writing, helping various brands improve their organic traffic, customer experience, and, ultimately, profits!

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