Hashtag Generator

Introducing the Originality.ai Hashtag Generator, which makes it easier for you to connect with people using social media. This tool generates hashtags for your social media posts that can help you grow your online presence.

Why You Should Choose The Originality.ai Hashtag Generator

Our tool is the perfect tool to provide you with hashtags for your posts. Hashtags are trendy keywords that can be used to boost visibility for your Social media account or page, whether it is your Instagram, X, Tiktok or several others. With a hashtag, you can be able to connect to a wider audience, this helps you drive engagements and get you more followers. 

If you are a business owner and you create content for your business on social media and manage your business page, you definitely need to use a hashtag. It serves as a bridge between your post and the kind of audience you are targeting. Our Hashtag Generator brings your customers directly to you with hashtags that properly label your post. You can also use it for your personal page or if you are probably just an influencer on any social media. It allows more people to see you, and what you do and later connects you to the right people. 

Quick Tutorial To Effectively Using Our Hashtag Generator

Here is a quick step-by-step guide to follow when using the Originality.ai Hashtag Generator. It is an easy tool to use, but first read through to fully understand how it works:

  1. Describe Your Social Media Post/Topic

Firstly, you would need to give a description of what you are posting, or you simply input the title of your social media post. If it’s an advert, clearly write what it is you are advertising, and input a short description. The tool processes the information from this description, analyzes it, and provides you with the perfect result. Simply click on the box provided to include the description. The description doesn't have to be too long, just something short and simple. 

  1. Provide the Number of Hashtags

Next, you have to choose how many hashtags you want for your page. The more hashtags you select, the more visibility your page gets. In this option, the number of hashtags that could be selected is 5, meaning that 5 is the maximum number that could be generated. What you need to do is to click on the drop-down menu and pick a number that you want the Hashtag Generator to generate. 

  1. Select a Tone of Voice

You might want the hashtags for your post to follow a particular tone. This means that it can simply be in a tone of voice that reflects your post. Our Hashtag Generator generates your hashtags for you based on the tone that you pick. 

Whether it is humorous, informative, casual, friendly, analytical, what you select would be based exactly on that. The tool also has several other options to choose from. There is a default option to choose if you don’t know what option to pick. Simply click on the box to choose a tone for your hashtag that would represent your whole post. 

  1. Choose a Target Audience

When posting on any social media, it is important for your page or post to have its particular audience. So your hashtag has to clearly target your audience, and this helps in reaching them more easily. This tool requires that you select a target audience to get best results. 

For example, If you run an Educational Consultancy or something related, and you advertise your business on social media, your target audience would be ‘Students’. If you sell your products on your page, your target audience could be ‘Shoppers’. Click on the box and select the most suitable option for you. Simply select ‘everyone’ if your target audience is not in the option. 

  1. Pick a Language

There are a number of languages to select in this option. If you want the hashtag for your page to be in another language, you just have to select the particular language which you want to generate your result in. If you are looking to explore other languages, then using the Origianlity.ai Hashtag Generator is the best option for you! Click on the box and scroll through the menu to choose a language for your hashtag. 

  1. Generate your Result

If you are done filling the boxes and choosing your options, click on the Generate button to generate your hashtags. The tool operates based on your answers and provides a result for you based on them. It also provides you with a list of strong and trendy hashtags. You can now copy the tags and go ahead to post it along with your caption. 

  1. The Finetune Option

This option is what makes us absolutely unique. You can use this option when you want to generate another result. Also, when there is a hashtag that you don't like, simply use the hashtag feature to change that particular hashtag into another one. What you have to do is to click on the Finetune option and select the generated hashtag to change it. 

Benefits of Using The Hashtag Generator

  1. Increases post visibility: The Originality.ai Hashtag Generator increases your post visibility with keywords that fit your post.
  2. Smart suggestions: Use this tool to generate reliable hashtags, that also use trends to generate what is best for you. 
  3. Personalization: You can personalize your hashtag to match your specific needs and audience. 
  4. Accessible: The Hashtag Generator is accessible to everyone. You just need to fill in the boxes provided.


As a business owner, influencer, and content creator, the Originality.ai Hashtag Generator is exactly what you need for your social media page. When you use our tool, your page gets more impressions, giving you more followers and high engagement. Try using the Originality.ai Hashtag Generator today!

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