Fact Checking

Building Trust: A Guide to Credibility Checks for Articles using Fact Checking Software

Considering just how much of an impact that the proliferation of misinformation can have, not just on public trust but on society as a whole, fact-checking has become the cornerstone for writers, content creators and journalists to help build credibility and trust.

Information seems to travel faster than light. But with the speed and ease of access comes the need to check and verify has never been stronger. With so much misinformation, distorted facts and buzzwords like “fake news” making the rounds, it’s important to do an article credibility check.

But where do you even begin? 

Considering just how much of an impact that the proliferation of misinformation can have, not just on public trust but on society as a whole, fact-checking has become the cornerstone for writers, content creators and journalists to help build credibility and trust.

Fact-checking software can help, but knowing how to use this new technology to the fullest can be a challenge. Here’s what you need to know: 

Why Does Fact-Checking Matter?

Fact-checking is an indispensable part of content creation. It helps companies and writers alike to: 

Build Credibility

Trust is the currency of content creation. Once you lose it, it’s incredibly difficult to regain it. Being able to report information factually and truthfully helps build and maintain trust while cementing your brand as a reliable source.

Foster Accountability

Content creators, journalists and writers have an obligation to their audience to report things truthfully – and that extends to every fact in every article. It’s a serious responsibility and one that every content creator should strive to adhere to. 

Inform the Public

It has become easier than ever to share information at a click. But creating a well-informed public is a different story. It’s the responsibility of the writer or content creator to help the public make rational, well-informed decisions and without accurate facts, that simply can’t happen. 

What Types of Fact Checking Software are Out There?

Technology has sped up the process of fact-checking nearly as quickly as it has sped up our ability to disseminate information. With this in mind, there are several different types of fact-checking software out there to help, including: 

Automated Fact Checkers

These tools leverage AI to scan articles for different factual statements and then reference them with trusted sources or verified databases, such as academic research or peer-reviewed journals. Automated fact checkers are great for scanning large amounts of text as an article authenticity checker and with the ongoing developments in AI, you can expect them to become even more and more proficient over time. 

Text-Matching Software

These tools, similar to plagiarism checkers, help look for copied text and highlight statements that show up in other articles without proper citation. Text matching software can be as simple as a 1:1 content match (like Originality.AI’s text comparison tool or more robust like our detailed plagiarism checker and AI detection tools. .

Data Verification Tools

Data verification tools cross-reference statistical data and crunch the numbers; verifying the data in your article with official records to maintain accuracy. 

Points to Keep in Mind Before You Use Fact-Checking Software

Using fact checking software to do an article credibility check is about more than just running the tool and just accepting the results. Although today’s software is able to scrutinize information in great detail and the process shaves hours over the labor-intensive work of checking credibility manually, it’s still important to keep a few points in mind before you jump in: 

Transparency of Sources

Fact-checking software works by cross-referencing statements with other databases and sources of information. But where is that information coming from and how often is it updated? Remember, the credibility of your article authenticity checker is only as strong as its weakest reference link. 

Algorithmic Bias

Any tool built on machine learning and AI algorithms can inherit bias through its training data. Being aware of these biases can help you interpret the results with a keen and critical eye. 

Avoiding Legal Pitfalls

In some cases, statements can be considered defamatory or slanderous if they’re not verified accurately, which can land you in legal hot water. Fact-checking software may be able to flag such statements that might be problematic ,but don’t let the software be your only protection against these types of legal issues. 

Lack of Context

It’s important to remember that AI often misses the nuances that come along with human language, especially with things like sarcasm, irony or specific cultural references. This may lead to potential false positives or negatives which is why it’s a good idea to use your own judgment to interpret the results independently of what the fact checking software has generated. 

Best Practices for Choosing and Using Fact Checking Software

No matter which article authenticity checker you use, it’s important to keep in mind a few best practices so that you get the results you’re looking for. These include:

Built on Research and the Latest Technology

The best fact checking software is consistently updated to reflect the latest in AI and machine learning advancements. With the speed at which AI is being harnessed and developed, it makes sense to use article credibility checker software that takes advantage of that technology and helps streamline your fact-checking work while adding to your efficiency and productivity. 

Leveraging Multiple Sources

Ideally, the software you choose should pull from a variety of sources including well-respected and reputable journals, databases, charts and research. By using multiple sources, the fact checking software is able to better verify the details from many different angles, including peer-reviewed sources, which only add to the veracity. 

Keeping a Human in the Loop

Article credibility checker software results are not foolproof. It’s always a good idea to keep a “human in the loop” when it comes to checking the results it generates, while also making sure that the information it pulls its verification from is up-to-date and relevant. 

The Future of Article Credibility Checkers

What might the future look like for fact-checking software? Here are some key developments that are already underway. 

Real-Time Fact-Checking

Real-time fact checking gives news organizations and content creators alike the ability to scan information in real-time as it’s being typed or published, highlighting any immediate flags or areas of concerns while keeping up with the demands of a more always-on news cycle. 

Collaboration and Networking Features

By allowing multiple people to collaborate on the same project, today’s fact-checking software adds a layer of human verification and collaboration. It also lets people tap into a larger network of fact-checkers who can help add depth to the article credibility checks and continue to build trust and credibility with every piece they publish. 

Responsibility to the Audience

Many companies, organizations and news outlets have started to inform users when content they create has been enhanced or involves AI in some way. Fact-checking software will likely have the same effect. Transparency is always the best option for building credibility and authenticity, and by letting viewers or readers know that you’ve used an article authenticity checker to verify information, you hold yourselves and your brand to a higher standard. 

Internet of Things (IoT) Integration

Expect AI-driven fact checking software to become more context aware in the future, possibly even integrating with the Internet of Things to continually gather and analyze data as it keeps learning. This, in turn, can help the software become more aware of context and nuances, although it will likely never be completely independent of the need for humans to intervene and double-check its accuracy. 

Try Originality.AI’s New Article Authenticity Checker

If you’re looking for a powerful, detailed and accurate fact checking software, look no further than Originality.AI’s new fact checking software. This article authenticity checker pulls information from numerous databases, research repositories and trusted sources to verify and showcase information with relevant and up-to-date facts based on the very latest details available. Try it for yourself and add a layer of transparency and accuracy to every piece you publish – your audience will thank you for it!

Sherice Jacob

Plagiarism Expert Sherice Jacob brings over 20 years of experience to digital marketing as a copywriter and content creator. With a finger on the pulse of AI and its developments, she works extensively with Originality.ai to help businesses and publishers get the best returns from their Content.

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