Do you need a reliable tool to make sure your content is Original, meaning: plagiarism free, fact checked and written by a human writer and not AI generated?
Do you need to manage a big team and verify large volumes of content are NOT AI generated, factually incorrect or plagiarized?
As a writer generative AI models like Chat GPT are both a blessing and a curse. At we believe in the transparent use of both AI writing tools and AI content detectors. The use of an AI content detector needs to be balanced with tools that can help ensure everyone (including writers, editors, agencies and clients) avoid AI content detector false positives.
Accurate AI Detection
The most accurate AI detector including 99% accuracy on GPT-4o, Claude 3 and ChatGPT. AI Detection Accuracy Study & 3rd Party Studies
Plagiarism Checking
With best-in-class plagiarism checks, you can easily identify if content was copied from another source. is the only AI Content Detector or Plagiarism Checker that is accurate at identifying Paraphrase Plagiarism (when a paraphrasing tool is used on either human or AI text). Sign Up
Fact Checking Aid
With our Fact Checking Aid you can reduce the chance of publishing factually incorrect information. Try Fact Checking Aid
Team Management
You can add and remove unlimited team members, manage their access level, and see a complete record of all their activity including AI written content vs Human written content scan scores. Sign Up
AI Content Detector API
Integrate the industry-leading AI detection capabilities into your own tools or workflow. Use the well-documented AI Content Detector API REST API to detect AI-generated content within your current process.
Readability Score
See the readability score of your content. completed a 20k result study identifying the target readability score for the top results on Google. See Readability Score Study.
Most accurate AI checker. It is effective on AI-written text created by popular large language models such as ChatGPT, GPT-4, Claude, Llama and Gemini.
One of the reasons that it outperforms other AI detection tools is that the AI algorithms at use natural language processing techniques which require a lot more compute power. This is also the reason we do not offer a free or ad-supported option.
See Our AI Detection Accuracy Study
See Multiple 3rd Party AI Detection Studies
We know one of the most important and time intensive tasks for publishing content is fact checking.
This has only become more true in the age of Generative AI where a hallucination or incorrect fact can easily ruin the reputation of a writer, editor and publisher.
AI has made it easier than ever to create content, and accidentally publishing false facts has never been more likely.
Our automated Fact Checking aid provides lets you… was initially conceived because heavy users of plagiarism detectors like professional writers or editors needed a better tool. Writing platforms had evolved but plagiarism detectors were still outdated detection tools.
Our easy-to-use and feature-rich plagiarism detector is what serious content publishing operations need to be confident they are publishing high-quality content that is Original!
Not all readability scores are created equal and the prevailing wisdom about what test to use and score to aim for is WRONG.
We completed an in-depth study to identify the ideal Readability Tests and corresponding Scores to aim for if you want to have an article rank well in Google. Our Readability Checker uses these scores.
See the complete Readability study here.’s cutting-edge Multilanguage AI Detection capabilities removes language barriers globally while supporting 15 languages in total. Our advanced AI Detector is your ultimate content QA tool, ensuring that your content is accurately analyzed and understood, no matter where it originates.
After testing a number of AI content detection tools, I have found to be one of the best on the market. And now with the ability to detect paraphrased AI content, is even more powerful. It’s basically my go-to detection tool at this point.
Glenn Gabe
SEO Consultant,
At Clicking Publish, producing original, high-quality content is essential to our success. To maintain these standards, it's important that we verify the work from freelancers and outsourced writers. makes this process easy for us by providing a simple and efficient tool that ensures the content we receive meets our expectations.
Kityo Martin
Clicking Publish
I love the tool. Not only does it detect ACTUAL Al written content, but also writers who write just like Al. Great way to weed out Al and poor writing. Just because content was written by a human doesn't mean they did any better than an Al tool. We had a lot of our writers test positive for Al and they didn't use Al. What was common in all their writing was the lack of original thoughts. It was all regurgitation.
Ryan Cunningham
After doing some serious testing with Originality (which caters for the newerAl tech), I can't fool it (yet).
Joe Davies
Founder, FatJoe
So what can we learn from this? In many cases, the tool tells the right story, even when it's nuanced, like in the case of AI content edited by humans.
Gael Breton
Founder, Authority Hacker
I realize that AI content isn't going away and with human editing, it can save time/make blog content better. That said, I've also had writers submit content that was 100% AI and never told me. A BIG no-no. This tool ( is what I'm using to stop that.
Ron Stefanski did a fantastic job on all three prompts, precisely detecting them as AI-written. Additionally, after I checked with actual human-written textual content, it did determine it as 100% human-generated, which is important.
Vahan Petrosyan
I use this tool most frequently to check for AI content personally. My most frequent use-case is checking content submitted by freelance writers we work with for AI and plagiarism.
Tom Demers
After extensive research and testing, we determined to be the most accurate technology.
Rock Content Team
Jon Gillham, Founder of came up with a tool to detect whether the content is written by humans or AI tools. It’s built on such technology that can specifically detect content by ChatGPT-3 — by giving you a spam score of 0-100, with an accuracy of 94%.
Felix Rose-Collins
ChatGPT lacks empathy and originality. It’s also recognized as AI-generated content most of the time by plagiarism and AI detectors like
Ashley Stahl Do give them a shot!
Sri Krishna
For web publishers, will enable you to scan your content seamlessly, see who has checked it previously, and detect if an AI-powered tool was implored.
Industry Trends
At Clicking Publish, producing original, high-quality content is essential to our success. To maintain these standards, it's important that we verify the work from freelancers and outsourced writers. makes this process easy for us by providing a simple and efficient tool that ensures the content we receive meets our expectations.
Kityo Martin
Yes, all scans are stored for later retrieval or sharing. Complete removal of your account and data is available upon request.’s AI detection is currently only trained and tested against English language. Plagiarism checking works across multiple languages.
Yes, can detect ChatGPT content.
We completed a correlation study of 20,000 web pages and identified a small correlation between Originality score and Google search result ranking. Potentially indicating that AI content performs worse in Google than Original content.
Google has said that the appropriate use of AI to make content more useful is not against their guidelines.
However, they have continued to be clear that the use of AI in an effort to game search results is against their guidelines. “Using automation—including AI—to generate content with the primary purpose of manipulating ranking in search results is a violation of our spam policies.”
Or worded another way from John Mueller…
At we are not against AI content but believe that the decision to accept the Google risk of publishing AI generated content should be the decision of the website owner and not the writer.
Yes, per our Terms and Conditions credits expire in 2 years from the date of purchase.
Yes, we have a robust API and have integrated it into the content operations platforms for some of the largest publishers / writing agencies and marketplaces in the world.
Full documentation is in the backend. If you have a unique use case or are wondering about capabilities to handle your volume please reach out and we will be happy to discuss your needs.
Our internally built artificial intelligence uses supervised learning with multiple models including a modified BERT model to predict if content is AI or Original. Our AI has been provided with millions of records both AI and Original content then trained to tell the difference between the two. After each training session a large test data set is used to evaluate if the new model is an improvement or not.
AI detection scores are a prediction on the chance that the text submitted was AI generated or Original. They are not a measure on the amount of AI vs amount of Original content in a given text.
We recommend not applying a similar “hard” rule when it comes to working with AI scores and writers. If a writer consistently has high Originality scores but then on one article has a higher AI score, this could very likely be a false positive and further investigation should occur.
Here is our guidance on how to interpret the AI scores for writers.
Yes,’s AI is the only available AI that has been trained to detect if content has been paraphrased with a tool like Quillbot. If a piece of text, regardless of whether it started as AI or Human, is run through a paraphrasing tool like Quillbot will identify the content as AI generated 95% of the time.
Read more about Paraphrase Plagiarism Checker
See a quick live test:
The image below shows the detection accuracy for our Paraphrase Checker:
False positives in AI detection do occur and we are sorry if identified your content as AI. It is different for every tool and a specific reason on what the AI identified as causing it to predict the con
Here are 7 tips for minimizing false positives…
We apologize if our tool has incorrectly identified your writing as AI!
A false positive is when human-written content is identified as AI-written text by an AI detector. False positives do occur and can cause a lot of pain. Across hundreds of thousands of tests we currently see false positives occurring about 2% of the time that human work is submitted.
2% false positives, despite being the lowest in the industry based on our accuracy test, is too high.
The AI researchers and machine learning engineers at Originality are working constantly to both improve detection accuracy and reduce false positives.
We are heavily focused on equipping writers with tools to help them prove their contents Originality.
It was for the purpose of helping writers prove that their work was original that we developed a free Chrome Extension that allows anyone to visualise the creation process of a Google Document
Free AI Detection Chrome Extension is the most accurate AI content detector producing the fewest false positives while also the only tool that accurately identifies a piece of content (human or AI) that has been paraphrased.
See the complete study analyzing how matches up in detection capabilities to other AI detectors here - See Case Study.
The image below shows the results of a test of 1200 text samples, 600 AI generated and 600 human generated tested across multiple AI detectors:
The table below shows the features has including… is more than an AI detector. We are an innovative organization building out a comprehensive suite of content QA tools that will help you gain control over the quality of your content. Readability scores will be added in the near future.
When we tested on the latest models released by OpenAI, Lite demonstrated up to 99%+ accuracy.
- GPT-o1-preview accuracy with Lite: 91.66%
- GPT-4o-mini accuracy with Lite: 99.6%
- Llama 3.1 accuracy with Lite: 99.1%
The newly released updated Turbo model also demonstrates exceptional accuracy with 99%+ accuracy and a false positive rate under 3%. Turbo is very challenging/extremely difficult to bypass. It's an excellent choice for when you have a very low tolerance for AI content.
Learn more in our AI detection accuracy review, meta-analysis of third-party studies, and article on false positives. We've included an image below from our testing on GPT-4, a previous OpenAI model. It's what's known as a “confusion matrix” that is used to assess the accuracy of an AI prediction machine. Each prediction our AI makes on a test data set is grouped into one of four buckets:
- True Positive - AI detector correctly identified AI content as AI
- False Negative - AI detector incorrectly identified AI content as Human
- False Positive - AI detector incorrectly identified Human content as AI
- True Negative - AI detector correctly identified Human content as Human
The image below shows the confusion matrix for Originality tested on GPT-4 generated content.
AI-generated text is words that have been written by Artificial Intelligence (AI) specifically using Large Language Models (LLMs). The most common example is OpenAI’s ChatGPT which is an AI using OpenAI’s NLP Models (GPT-3, GPT-3.5 and GPT-4) to understand a users prompt and provide a written response.
For the purposes of AI text detection we aim to flag any content that has been meaningfully changed by AI. We try and take an approach consistent when defining what is Plagiarism “Presenting work or ideas from another source as your own.” when training our AI detection model.
Slight editing with Grammarly or similar is NOT considered AI generated.
For reference here is what we aim to identify as AI or Original…
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